Chapter 233

While talking, Gu Lenian took out a bottle of ethyl chloride spray, and was about to spray it on Chen Yan's hands.

Huang Xing blocked it, and said, "There's no need for this! Her finger joints are misplaced, they should be reset first!"

"You know what a fart! This is a normal process for me! If you delay any longer, there will be sequelae!" Gu Lenian stretched out his hand as he spoke, trying to push Huang Xing aside.

Huang Xing frowned, and put his hand around his wrist.

Gu Lenian only felt a strong force coming, and his wrist felt like it was being torn off. He also seemed to be drunk, and he staggered a few steps to the side before he stood still.

Huang Xing threw Gu Lenian aside, and said to Chen Yan, "Do you believe me?"

Chen Yan didn't understand why, but she nodded anyway.

"Just believe it!" Huang Xing said as he put his arms around Chen Yan's waist, holding her in his arms.

Chen Yan couldn't help but exclaimed, her mind was filled with question marks, did Huang Xing hug me?He took the initiative to hug me?Could it be that he...

There was a sudden sharp pain in her finger, which disrupted her thoughts all of a sudden, and she couldn't help crying with a "wow" from the pain...

After Gu Lenian regained his balance, he was very annoyed, but when he turned around, he happened to see the scene of Huang Xing hugging Chen Yan, and he was even more angry, shit!This bastard Huang Chen actually took advantage of the girl's injury!It's so damn disgusting!

Moreover, Chen Yan's crying made Gu Lenian's sense of justice burst. He completely forgot about Huang Chen's kung fu skills, and shouted "Let go of that girl", reaching out and grabbing Huang Chen's collar.

The girls next to her were a little puzzled at first, but seeing Gu Lenian rushing towards Huang Xing, Li Jingjing still shouted loudly: "Lu Xing, be careful!"

Meng Jiaojiao also stepped forward to stop Gu Lenian, "Hey, what are you doing?"

However, Gu Lenian's movements were very fast. As soon as Meng Jiaojiao moved, he was already behind Huang Xing, and he was about to grab Huang Xing's collar.

However, Huang Xing seemed to have eyes in the back of his head. He hugged Chen Yan and hid to the side, and immediately let Gu Lenian catch him. At the same time, he kicked Gu Lenian's hip, "Stay here, Don't make trouble here!"

Gu Lenian screamed, and fell to the side uncontrollably. Fortunately, Huang Chen's angle was well grasped. Gu Lenian sat on the lawn beside the basketball court, although the fall was raw Painful, but uninjured.

Lu Xing had already let go of Chen Yan. Just now he deliberately hugged Chen Yan. Taking advantage of Chen Yan's distraction, Lu Xing had already restored her dislocated finger joints.

"Okay Chen Yan, don't cry, your finger has been reset, does it still hurt?" Lu Xing said with a smile.

Chen Yan wiped away her tears, looked at her right hand, and said in disbelief: "It doesn't seem to hurt as much as before, it just swells up a lot..."

At this time, other girls also gathered around, chattering about the situation.

Huang Chen smiled, and said: "Chen Yan's fingers didn't hurt any bones, and the ligaments were fine. I hugged her just now to divert her attention, otherwise she would be in so much pain when she resets."

"So it's like this..." Meng Jiaojiao looked admiring, "Lu Xing, you are really amazing, and you can set your bones. We won't be afraid of getting hurt in the future!"

Huang Chen smiled, and said: "Be careful, after all, getting hurt is very painful."

"Yeah, what Huang Xing said is right, everyone should be careful." Li Jingjing echoed.

"Okay..." Lu Xing waved his hand and said with a smile, "Now take a rest, Chen Yan, come here."

"Hmm..." Chen Yan followed Huang Xing to the outside of the basketball court with a complex expression.

Huang Xing asked her to sit on the bench, and said, "Don't be nervous, give me your hand, and I'll rub it for you, or you will be swollen for several days."

"Thank you..." A strange look flashed in Chen Yan's eyes, and her tone was very gentle.

Huang Xing smiled slightly, supported her right hand with one hand, and gently kneaded her middle finger with the other.

Although there was a slight pain in her fingers from time to time, Chen Yan's heart was already bubbling with beauty. No matter what the reason was, Huang Xing hugged her, and now he is still taking care of her so meticulously. Looking at Huang Xing's concentration, Chen Yan couldn't help it. Living in his heart, he muttered to himself, his injury was really worth it!
Most of the girls resting by the basketball court looked envious of Chen Yan, Cheng Caixin couldn't help but said: "Chen Yan is really a blessing in disguise, if I get injured, will Huang Xing take care of me like this?"

"He will definitely!" Li Jingjing said, "Lu Xing is the most gentleman!"

Meng Jiaojiao sighed, "I'm the one who gets hurt!"

After listening to these discussions, Shen Xiyan shook her head resentfully. Looking at the scene where Huang Xing rubbed Chen Yan's fingers, she couldn't help but recall the time when Huang Xing rubbed her feet. Even she had to admit that Huang Xing rubbed her feet. In the treatment of this kind of bruises, there are really two brushes!But soon, Shen Xiyan remembered the last time Huang Xing said "little strawberry is too naive" after treating her, and couldn't help but gritted her teeth again, glared at Huang Chen from a distance, and cursed secretly: "Deadly change!" ~ state!"

"Xiyan, look over there!" Meng Jiaojiao suddenly tugged at Shen Xiyan's arm, "That boy brought someone here just now!"

Just now Gu Lenian got kicked by Huang Xing, and finally got up, he didn't dare to go on again rashly, so he could only go back to the basketball team in despair.

Seeing that Gu Lenian suffered a loss, Zhou Bin was annoyed, but Huang Xing's vigorous performance on the skating rink was still vivid in his memory, not to mention that Gao Xiaodong also said that Huang Xing knew kung fu, and ordinary masters couldn't handle it. Personally, if you want to find a place, you will humiliate yourself.

After asking about the situation at that time, Gao Xiaodong rolled his eyes and said, "Lu Xing's handling method is definitely not right. We will accompany you there, and take advantage of the girl's injury to satirize that kid! Then try to take the girl to the hospital, and then see Yours!"

Gu Lenian's expression brightened, "Thank you, Brother Bin, but what if that kid uses force?"

Zhou Bin smiled faintly, "Let's not do anything, if he dares to do it first, then he will be fired, let's go!"

Afterwards, under the leadership of Zhou Bin, the members of the basketball team came to Huang Xing and Chen Yan together.

Zhou Bin was the first to say: "Lu Xing, stop! You can't massage now!"

"Yes!" Gu Lenian immediately echoed, "Massaging will only increase edema and make the injury worse. You don't understand anything, what are you doing here?"

Before Huang Chen could speak, Chen Yan said: "Lu Xing has already cured me, it doesn't hurt anymore!"

Zhou Bin frowned and said, "It must be the paralysis caused by edema compressing the nerves!"

Gu Lenian immediately interjected, "Stop messing around, you'll be disabled!"

Huang Chen sighed, "Frog in the well, stop making noise!"

(End of this chapter)

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