The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 24 A Strange Cake

Chapter 24 A Strange Cake

The sharp pain in the scalp made Shen Kang scream, he had to let go of Cheng Yaqiu, and hit Huang Xing back.

With a flick of Huang Xing's wrist, Shen Kang screamed again. The huge force made him spin around several times.

Cheng Yaqiu recognized the person who came, and asked in surprise: "Lu Xing?"

Huang Xing smiled, "This is the boyfriend you mentioned?"

Cheng Yaqiu's expression darkened, "It's not anymore."

"That's good..." Lu Xing walked in front of Shen Kang with a smile, and supported his shoulders to make him stand still, "These days you're such a jerk doing tailgating, it's really going downhill!"

Shen Kang was stunned, "What nonsense are you talking about? I'm her boyfriend, so don't meddle in my own business!"

"But this lady said she didn't know you!" Huang Xing sneered, "Don't pretend to be foolish, I've seen a lot of people like you!"

"Don't be bloody! Yaqiu, don't be angry, you should say something..." Shen Kang shouted to Cheng Yaqiu, "What I told you just now is the truth, you should think about it!"

Cheng Yaqiu turned around and ignored him.

"Okay!" Huang Xing rubbed his hands, grabbed Shen Kang's collar, twisted his wrist, and used a skillful force.

In an instant, Shen Kang's body turned sideways, and with a "pop", he fell heavily to the ground.

Shen Kang was stunned, and looked at Huang Xing viciously, " dare to hit me? Let me tell you, I have a North American passport!"

"North American passport?" Huang Xing pulled him up again, "Even if you have an Arctic passport, it's useless!"

Another hard fall.

This time it was heavier than the last time, Shen Kang was so dizzy that he couldn't get up at all.

Afraid of making things worse, Cheng Yaqiu said to Huang Xing in a low voice: "That's enough, let him go!"

Huang Xing nodded, grabbed Shen Kang's hair, and dragged him to the gate of the community.Shen Kang screamed in pain, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break away from Huang Xing's hand.

I met several people along the way, and I couldn't help but look at Huang Xing strangely. At this time, Huang Xing would pout and say, "You're a pervert, not only stealing things, but also stealing women's underwear! Hurry up!" Go back and see if there is anything missing!"

On the way to the gate of the community, Shen Kang not only did not get any sympathy, but was kicked by passers-by a few times.

After throwing him out of the community gate like trash, Huang Xing waved his fist at Shen Kang, "You stay away from me, I will hit you every time I see you in the future!"

When he returned downstairs, the light in Cheng Yaqiu's room was already on. Huang Xing went upstairs and heard crying from outside Cheng Yaqiu's door. He shook his head secretly, went back to his room to find a wire, Then he poked a few times in the keyhole of Cheng Yaqiu's door, and then twisted and pushed.

Click!The door is open!
Only Cheng Yaqiu's crying came from the bedroom, mixed with the sound of tearing things.

Huang Chen coughed lightly, "Ya Qiu! Are you okay?"

The crying stopped soon, Cheng Yaqiu came out of the bedroom with red eyes, saw Huang Xing standing in the living room, and asked in surprise: "How did you get in?"

"You didn't close the door, I heard you crying outside!"

Cheng Yaqiu wiped her eyes, wondering inwardly, she always locked the door as soon as she entered the house.But now her mind is in a mess, and she may forget.

"Oh... that... thank you just now." Cheng Yaqiu said in a low voice.

"It's nothing..." Huang Xing said lightly, "I heard everything you said."

Cheng Yaqiu was taken aback for a moment, and smiled wryly, "Do you think it's ridiculous?"

"It's not ridiculous..." Huang Xing sat down on the sofa with a big grin, and said, "I'm just a little surprised, I always thought you were lying to me when you said you had a boyfriend."

Cheng Yaqiu sighed, and remained silent for a while before saying: "Forget it, don't mention this, it's over, I have nothing to do with him anymore."

Huang Xing smiled, "Does this mean that you won't be able to use such a lame excuse as 'having a boyfriend' to perfuse me in the future?"

Cheng Yaqiu froze for a moment, then quickly shook her head, "Stop talking nonsense! It's impossible for us... Besides, I won't think about these things now."

Huang Xing smiled, "Want to drink? I can accompany you for free."

Cheng Yaqiu shook her head, "No need! I... just stay alone."

At this time, her cell phone rang suddenly, it was her mother calling, Cheng Yaqiu made a silent gesture to Huang Xing, calmed down her emotions, and pressed the answer button, "Mmm... Mom, yes, early I'm off work now...oh, no...well, take care of yourself."

She hung up the phone after saying a few words, sighed, and said to Huang Xing: "I'm fine, it's getting late, you can go back."

"Okay, I need to call." Huang Xing smiled, turned and left Cheng Yaqiu's room.

He didn't go back to his room, but pondered for a moment in the corridor, and said to himself: "Listen to the meaning on the phone, today is her birthday, this girl has just experienced such a bad thing, brother seems to need to express it? But the cake shop Maybe they are all closed... Forget it, if you have one, just steal one out, if not, at worst, use the guys inside to make one yourself!"


After Huang Xing left, Cheng Yaqiu's mood calmed down a lot. She patiently sorted out all the things related to Shenkang, and was going to throw them into the trash can the next day. Then she took a hot bath and went to bed. down.

The next morning, after Cheng Yaqiu woke up, she was still a little dazed, feeling that what happened yesterday was like a dream.She sighed and told herself that everything is in the past and everything is moving forward.

Then when she put on her clothes and walked out of the bedroom, she was stunned.

On the coffee table in the living room, there is a three-layer birthday cake. The snow-white cream is dotted with various fruits, and there are circles of chocolate ripples, making the whole room filled with the sweetness of the cream cake.

Cheng Yaqiu rubbed her eyes vigorously, and finally confirmed that it was not a hallucination.

Next to the cake, there is an A4 paper with a line written on it:

Happy birthday to my beautiful female neighbor.

The inscription is "the handsome guy next door".

"Lu Xing?" Cheng Yaqiu was stunned for a moment, how did he know his birthday?When did he put the cake in?I absolutely locked the door yesterday!

Cheng Yaqiu hurried to the door to have a look, and found that the door was still locked well, she went to check the windows, and they were all closed tightly.Cheng Yaqiu couldn't help but be puzzled, could it be that Huang Xing could walk through walls?

She really wanted to call and ask, but Huang Xing's phone was only available in the class newsletter. She left it at school, but it was not stored in her phone.She quickly got dressed and went to knock on Huang Xing's door, but no one opened the door after knocking for a long time, obviously Huang Xing had already gone to school.

Because the cake came so strangely, Cheng Yaqiu didn't dare to eat it, so she had to put the cake in the refrigerator and hurried to work.

While waiting for the bus at the gate of the community, she suddenly found two police cars parked in front of the cake shop outside the community. She couldn't help but wonder, did the community get stolen?

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(End of this chapter)

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