Chapter 249

Ten minutes earlier than the agreed time, Uncle Li drove the car to the TV station. There were many good cars in the parking lot of the TV station, so the Mercedes-Benz S10 was not particularly conspicuous.

After getting out of the car, in order to give Huang Xing and Shen Xiyan some time to live together, Li Qiang yawned exaggeratedly on purpose, and said, "Miss, you and Huang Xing can go up, I'm a little tired, I'm in the car Squint for a while."

"Then Uncle Li, you can rest." Shen Xiyan nodded without doubting him, and walked to the main building of the TV station with Huang Xing.

Haidong TV Station is also a well-known big TV station. It ranks among the top ten TV stations in the country, and some popular stars often come to make programs.

During the [-]-meter journey from the parking lot to the main building, the two met two groups of celebrities.One is a male star who has just emerged recently, and he walked to the main building accompanied by his manager.

The other is a second-tier female star who has been popular for several years. She has a lot of style. She is also a bodyguard and a manager. There are at least a dozen people around her. What's more exaggerated is that there are dozens of people behind them. The "hardcore fan club" screaming non-stop while holding a banner.

Huang Xing and Shen Xiyan had no choice but to give way to these people. Hearing those exaggerated shouts, Shen Xiyan couldn't help but frowned slightly, "These fans are really exaggerated."

"If you have money to make, of course you have to work hard!"

Shen Xiyan was taken aback, "Make money? How do you make money?"

"One hundred for being present, fifty for screaming, fifty for crying, fifty for displaying a banner, and two hundred for rushing up and kneeling to confess." Huang Xing laughed, "Now there are a group of people counting on this for dinner!"

Shen Xiyan couldn't help being amazed, "Is there such a thing?"

Huang Xing shrugged, "Of course, the most expensive ones are the 'crazy fans' who attack the security of celebrities. If they are injured, they will be reimbursed for the medical expenses, and the price should be more than one thousand."

"So much?" Shen Xiyan asked in surprise, "Then who will give them the money?"

"Of course it's the star's agency." Huang Xing said with a smile.

Shen Xiyan thought for a while, then shook her head lightly, "It's really funny!"

Huang Xing smiled, "This is the way of survival in other people's circles, you won't understand."

Before reaching the entrance of the main building, Mu Ziqin's call reached Huang Chen's cell phone.

Huang Xing pressed the answer button, and said with a smile: "Master, is there anything wrong?"

"Have you and Miss Shen arrived yet?"

"Come into your main building now."

"Wait a minute, I'll ask Chen Yusheng to pick you up! Otherwise, the guard may not let you go."

"Okay, I'll trouble you..." Huang Xing hung up the phone, and waited outside the gate of the main building with Shen Xiyan.

Not long after, Chen Yusheng ran down in a hurry, and when he saw Shen Xiyan, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, the young lady of the Shen family really lived up to her reputation, she was already pretty enough in the video, but when she saw her in real life today, she was like a fairy!Out of professional habits, Chen Yusheng thought of at least dozens of ways to use Shen Xiyan's appearance to increase ratings within a few seconds.

Chen Yusheng's expressions all fell into Huang Xing's eyes, and Huang Xing couldn't help sighing secretly, waiting for Shen Xiyan to fully mature in a few years, I don't know how many men he will be fascinated by.

Huang Chen coughed lightly, and said, "Producer Chen, there seem to be quite a lot of people on the TV station today?"

Only then did Chen Yusheng come back to his senses, and said with a smile, "That's right, several programs are rushing to record today, there's no way, the TV station is like this, please hurry up, both of you."

Huang Chen and Chen Yusheng followed Chen Yusheng into the TV station building.Compared with general office buildings, the corridors of the TV station building are not only wide, but also very high. This is because there are many studios in the building. When recording and broadcasting programs, the flow of people is frequent, and there are many props to be transported. Spacious corridors are a must. of.

The studio halls were all concentrated on the lower floors. Chen Yusheng took the two of them to the elevator and went directly to the office area on the eleventh floor.

Chen Yusheng explained: "Today, I will first tell you about the general situation of the variety show, and by the way, I will take you to familiarize yourself with the venue, so that you can have a good idea when you prepare."

Huang Xing nodded, and asked: "I don't know who are the other people participating in this variety show? And what kind of format is the recording of this show?"

"This is a series of programs about the campus. The two of you participated in one of the episodes. It was recorded and broadcasted, not live. I have watched the programs of the two of you. At your level, a rehearsal before the recording is enough. .”

Just as they were talking, the three of them arrived at Chen Yusheng's office. As soon as they entered, Mu Ziqin also came. The host was wearing a white shirt, black uniform skirt, black silk socks and high heels. .After exchanging pleasantries, the four sat down in the office.

Huang Xing took the mineral water Chen Yusheng handed over, and said: "I discussed with Xiyan that some parts of our program at the welcome party are not suitable for broadcasting on TV."

As soon as these words came out, both Chen Yusheng and Mu Ziqin were a little nervous, thinking that Huang Xing would not act again, Chen Yusheng said quickly: "Mr. Lu, Ms. Shen, if you have any other requests, you can ask the sponsors. They I also really like your show."

Huang Chen smiled slightly, and said: "Don't be nervous, you two, it's not that I won't act anymore, but the content of the show has been adjusted. After all, it's hard to be on TV for the first time, so we must do our best."

Chen Yusheng and Mu Ziqin felt relieved, and Mu Ziqin smiled and said, "This should be no problem, after all, that show is your work, and you have the most say!"

Now, for Huang Xing's magic show, whether it's Chen Yusheng or Mu Ziqin, the focus is actually on Shen Xiyan.At first they thought that the sponsors were interested in the show, but after careful consideration, they realized that the sponsors were actually interested in Miss Shen's gimmick.

Shen Xiyan can be regarded as Haidong's No. [-] Bai Fumei. As long as Shen Xiyan's name is publicized, this episode of the variety show will definitely not worry about the ratings!As for the content of the show, the two of them can change it however they want!

Afterwards, Chen Yusheng and Mu Ziqin told Lu Chen and Shen Xiyan about the specific arrangement of the show, and gave each of them a script, which described the entire process of the variety show.

This program is actually a stage for college students to showcase their talents. There are guest interviews in the program, and there are other activities such as voting and awards after the program. Although it is very vulgar, it is a popular type nowadays.

The episode that Huang Xing and Shen Xiyan participated in was mainly to show the style and appearance of several universities in Haidong. Their program was regarded as a talent show representing Haidong University. They did not participate in their personal capacity, and the program would not participate in the following Awards.

In fact, this kind of program can only have a high appearance fee if you participate in the status of Huang Xing and Shen Xiyan. If you really become a contestant to participate in the so-called competition, it will be good if you don't send money out!

 The update is here, there will be more in the future, friends, remember to vote, the old wolf has started rolling around all over the floor again!Beep!

(End of this chapter)

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