Chapter 3 Shameless

Having been busy for almost the whole night, now that he smelled the aroma of steamed buns wafting in from the window, Huang Xing really twitched his index finger.

He brought the materials needed for the report, got on the roller skates, opened the window, looked around for no one, and jumped off.

There happened to be a poplar tree below, with a thick branch extending obliquely. When Huang Xing jumped off, he lightly borrowed his strength from the tree branch, and made a chic turn in the air, and landed on a slanted guardrail.Huang Xing stood firmly on one foot, took a posture of a big roc spreading its wings, and slid steadily to the ground along the guardrail.

After turning around neatly, he slid towards the breakfast stall in front of him with all his strength.

After finishing a drawer of steamed buns and adding a cup of soy milk, Huang Xing finally felt that his stomach was not so empty. Suddenly, a familiar figure passed by.

Long wavy hair, gold-rimmed glasses, delicate facial features, snow-white skin, and a dark blue business attire, intellectual and charming.It was Cheng Yaqiu.

"Hi! Yaqiu, good morning!" Huang Xing shouted carelessly.

Cheng Yaqiu was taken aback, then turned her head, and immediately recognized that the man who greeted her was the man from last night.He didn't leave, but waited for him to strike up a conversation near his home. This man is also a shameless person!
Her complexion immediately became very ugly, she walked up to Huang Xing, sat opposite him, lowered her voice and said coldly: "What do you want to do? Let me tell you, if you threaten me with what happened yesterday, I will call the police !"

"Stop, stop!" Huang Xing made a pause gesture, "Ya Qiu..."

"Don't call me that! You and I are just passers-by! I don't want to have any contact with you in the future, and I hope you don't harass me!" Cheng Yaqiu said.

Huang Xing shrugged, "I'm hungry. I'm eating here. I happened to meet you. Do you want to eat together?"

"You..." Cheng Yaqiu bit her lip, "I hope what you said is true!"

After she finished speaking, she stood up and left, wondering if she should move.

Cheng Yaqiu is a mature and independent woman. Since what happened last night has already happened, she can only turn the page after crying a lot. After all, life still has to look forward.She plans to find a suitable opportunity to tell her boyfriend about this matter. She believes that his boyfriend should forgive her, after all, she is also a victim.

Thinking about what was on her mind, Cheng Yaqiu got on the bus, which would pass by Haidong University, which was her destination.

After watching Cheng Yaqiu go away, Huang Xing couldn't help sighing, this beautiful neighbor seems to be not so easy to deal with, but... there is a long way to go!Besides the boring things like going to school, there must be something interesting to do, right?

After eating five drawers of steamed stuffed buns and two large cups of soy milk, he was finally half full. After paying the bill, he stepped on his roller skates and rushed towards Haidong University.

Although Huang Xing was somewhat repulsive about going to college, it was undeniable that he was also a little curious. He had never been to a campus since he was a child, and while he was on his way, he was wondering what campus life was like.Is it as interesting as it says on the Internet...

Although Haidong University is not a famous school in the country, it can be regarded as the number one school in Haidong City.

Today, at the entrance of Haidong University, there is a huge "Warmly Welcome New Students" banner. Under the banner, there is a row of security guards, who need to check their IDs when entering the door.Except for Haidong University staff, only new students and their parents are allowed to enter the school.

Compared with the freshmen who brought big bags and small bags to report, Huang Xing, who was roller skating and carrying a backpack, looked a little different.

As soon as he arrived at the school gate, a security guard went up to him and stopped him, and said with a serious face, "Roller skating is prohibited here!"

Huang Chen was taken aback, and said with a smile: "I'm a freshman, here to report!"

"Freshman?" The security guard looked at Chen Chen, "Do you have an admission letter?"

"Of course!" Huang Xing pushed his glasses in a vague manner, and took out the admission notice, ID card and even an official transcript with the results of the college entrance examination.These few things are absolutely true even if they are checked online.But Huang Xing himself knew that these were all fake things that could no longer be fake.

First of all, he never took the college entrance examination, who knows how he got his grades.

Secondly, the old man gave him the ID card. Although the number on the ID card contained his date of birth, it was fake and fabricated to suit his college student status.Huang Xing has lived so long, he doesn't even know when he was born, who his parents are, and where his hometown is.

According to his master, Huang Xing is an orphan in an orphanage.When he brought him back, he was already sick and dying, and he was the one who pulled Huang Xing back from death.

But in Huang Xing's memory, the memory before seeing Master for the first time was blank. He couldn't remember the so-called orphanage or the so-called childhood at all.And no one, including his master, knew how many years he had been in the orphanage, let alone when he was born.

Thinking of this, Huang Xing couldn't help sighing, although he was feared and respected by many people, but in fact he was quite pitiful...

When he was distracted, the security guard carefully compared the photos on the ID card, and finally confirmed that the young man in front of him was indeed a freshman of Haidong University, but this student had no luggage and no parents to send him off. A little special.

He returned the ID to Huang Xing, and said solemnly: "There are a lot of people reporting today, these skates are too dangerous, you'd better take them off, otherwise..."

"Don't worry, my technique is very good!" Huang Xing interrupted him casually, kicked his foot, and slid away like a gust of wind.

Ignoring the roar of the security guard at the gate, Huang Xing shuttled through the crowd like a fish, and slid along the road signs towards the reporting office.

After entering the gate of Haidong University, there is a long tree-lined road. The tree-lined road is very wide and can accommodate four cars driving side by side. This is the main road of Haidong University. The main road diverges into forks. Access to different functional areas in the university.

Many new students are sent by their parents, and now this time is the peak period for reports, there are quite a lot of people on the tree-lined road. From time to time, Huang Xing needs to make some difficult cornering movements to avoid pedestrians, and his elegant figure has attracted many people. Few freshmen's attention, especially those young girls, seeing Huang Xing leaping over the guardrail so handsomely, and even shouting excitedly, if there were no parents with black lines around them, they might catch up.

Although Huang Xing's appearance is not the kind of ostentatious handsomeness, he is definitely not ugly. With his short hair, black-rimmed glasses, slightly loose casual clothes, and his fast-moving appearance on roller skates, he looks like an anime hero It's strange that it doesn't attract the eyes of those little girls who are full of romantic complexes.

The reporting office was in the square in front of a teaching building, and it was crowded with people, so Huang Chen couldn't use his roller skates, so he had to put away the roller skates and put them in his backpack, and glanced at the rows of reporting desks. , Huang Xing scratched his hair, "Which table should I go to? Forget it, just go there if there are beauties... That's right there..."

(End of this chapter)

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