Chapter 304 Alcohol Test
After hearing Feng Zhiyuan's words, Xiao Qiangwei blushed and teased, "Old Feng, is that why you want me to be your mistress?"

Feng Zhiyuan was taken aback, "How do you talk, girl?"

Mr. Xiao sneered, "Feng Zhiyuan! You are an old and disrespectful old thing! You just want to use my rose to get close to Dr. Lu? If you sell my rose, you will be able to become a teacher, right?"

"The dog bites Lu Dongbin! You don't know a good heart!"

"Pull it have no good intentions!"


The two old guys quarreled with each other one by one, Xiao Qiangwei watched from the side with a smile, but the figure of Huang Xing flashed in his mind. Xiao Shan is much stronger!

From this point of view, the women around him in those two times were indeed not worthy of him...but maybe they weren't the only woman around him!


Xingdu KTV.

After Huang Chen sang a few songs in a row, the atmosphere in the box finally became lively again. After singing with He Yinger, he gave up the stage to He Yinger and sat back beside Zhou Yawen.

Seeing Zhou Yawen just sipping wine, Huang Xing smiled, took her glass, and said, "Yawen, do you have the courage to take a test?"

"Yes!" Zhou Yawen nodded and said with a smile, "I'll do it if you ask me to do it! What kind of test is it?"

"How much wine have you drunk now?" Huang Xing asked.

Zhou Yawen thought for a while, "Three glasses... should be four glasses of beer."

"How do you feel? Dizzy?"

"Fortunately, a little bit."

"Ever drunk before?"

"No, I seldom drink, today is too much."

Huang Xing nodded, filled her wine glass with the royal salute, and said: "In the future, you will inevitably have occasions for social gatherings, and you will definitely drink. You need to know your drinking capacity. While I am here today, test your limit." Bar."

Zhou Yawen was taken aback, looked at the full glass of wine, and asked in surprise, "Do you want to drink it all at once?"

"Of course not..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "I don't want to pour you down! I have plenty of time today, so you can drink at your normal speed. It's convenient for me to fill up like this for counting."

"Okay! Then how much should I drink?" Zhou Yawen asked.

"Get drunk... That's when your consciousness is blurred and you can't control yourself." Huang Xing said with a smile, "Don't worry, you're drunk, I'll take care of you, I won't make you look ugly."

"Okay!" Zhou Yawen picked up the wine glass without hesitation, and wanted to take a big sip.

"Stop!" Huang Xing hurriedly stopped her, "This kind of wine is better to drink in small sips, just treat it as a social occasion."

"Yeah!" Zhou Yawen nodded, took a sip, and asked, "Is this okay?"

"Okay! There's food here again, let's drink while you eat." Huang Xing pinched her face, and said with a low laugh, "Yawen, you are so courageous, if I let you get drunk, you really dare Drunk?"

Zhou Yawen bit her lip, "I think you're right, even... whatever, I'll admit it!"

"You're seducing me!" Huang Xing said with a smile.

Zhou Yawen quickly shook her head, "No! No... I didn't mean that... Don't get me wrong!"

Huang Chen laughed, "Okay, I'm teasing you! Let me tell you first, it may be more uncomfortable to be drunk, but with me here, you won't suffer much."

Zhou Yawen nodded and took another sip.


Time passed slowly, and it seemed that it was past ten o'clock. He Yinger and the others took turns singing, and Huang Xing occasionally sang a song, but most of the time, he was chatting with Zhou Yawen in a low voice, seemingly boring topics In the middle, Huang Xing was judging Zhou Yawen's state based on Zhou Yawen's response, so as to test her drinking capacity more accurately.

Having an accurate understanding of your drinking capacity should be something that any man or woman who wants to get involved in the entertainment industry should do.Under the glamorous appearance of that circle, there are many shady scenes and crimes hidden, and even some things that go beyond the bottom line of life will happen.Because that circle is the circle with the highest concentration of money and beauty, and money and sex have been the fuse of crime since ancient times.

Entering this circle, one cannot escape from alcohol. If one is ignorant of one's own limits, it will be mild to embarrass one's face in public and affect one's image. What is more serious is to be photographed by someone with ulterior motives after being drunk as an excuse, or even People inject drugs, and are controlled by people from then on, becoming puppets of black hands.

And Huang Xing couldn't be by Zhou Yawen's side 24 hours a day, so he had to let Zhou Yawen have a clear understanding of her limits!
It's past ten o'clock, and the bottles of the Royal Salute have all bottomed out, only the bottle that He Yinger won has not been opened.

Zhou Yawen had already drank three cups, her face was completely red, her eyes became hazy, she began to shake while sitting there, and her reaction was much slower when she spoke.

Huang Xing was secretly satisfied, this girl's drinking capacity is not bad, she has reached this level without practicing, if she practices in the future, there shouldn't be any problem with general socializing.

"Yawen..." Huang Xing stretched out four fingers and asked, "How much is this?"

Zhou Yawen froze for a moment, then smiled, "Shi!"

Huang Xing smiled, and asked again: "What's your name? Where do you go to school?"

Zhou Yawen was stunned for a moment, then raised her hand to thump Huang Xing, "I hate it! I'm not drunk yet! My name is Zhou Yawen, and I study at Haidong University."

"The answer is correct, I will reward you with a glass of wine..." Huang Xing casually poured another glass for Zhou Yawen.

Zhou Yawen took the glass, took a big gulp, swayed, and almost spilled all the wine in her hand.

Huang Xing took the cup, "Okay, stop drinking, it's almost done."

"No! I want to drink, I'm not drunk yet, this is not my limit!" Zhou Yawen said vaguely, but she couldn't sit upright anymore, and leaned softly in Huang Xing's arms.

Seeing this scene, He Yinger teased Li Sijia and said, "Why don't you come here today, you see Yawen is drunk."

Li Sijia rubbed her forehead, "I'm a little dizzy too, this royal salute is quite powerful."

"Yeah... the [-]-degree wine is almost as good as Erguotou." He Yinger looked at the time, and she drank a lot. It's time to go back, I'll go talk to Brother Chen."

She walked up to Huang Chen and said, "Brother Chen, why don't you come here today, let's get together next time."

"Okay..." Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Ying'er, you can drink a lot! You almost drank two bottles of Royal Salute, much better than Yawen!"

He Yinger looked at the drunk-eyed Zhou Yawen, and said with a smile: "It means Brother Chen is here, and she usually only drinks a little beer and doesn't drink...Then Yawen will be taken care of by Brother Chen, and we will take a taxi back."

(End of this chapter)

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