Chapter 309 Give him back
Facing Lu Chen's gaze, Liu Guobao felt guilty, "Brother Chen... I... Did I say the wrong thing?"

"Do you think Miss Shen will happily forgive you when she sees you?"

"Uh..." Liu Guobao almost slapped himself again, why is he so stupid?He quickly sneered and said, "I'm really confused. What Brother Chen means is that he will be able to talk to Miss Shen about this soon, right?"

"You're not stupid!" Huang Xing smiled faintly, "If you think about it again, what do you think I should say?"

Just as Liu Guobao was about to answer, his heart suddenly moved, and he secretly scolded himself for being "confused" for forgetting what he had prepared a long time ago!He quickly pushed the big leather bag to Huang Xing's feet, and said in a low voice: "Brother Chen, this is my sympathy for you and Miss Shen, please don't be polite!"

Huang Xing glanced at the big leather bag, and said with a smile: "I said, why do you bring such a big guy! So it's for me! What is it?"

Liu Guobao lowered his voice, "50 is not a respect."

"For Miss Shen?" Huang Xing asked.

"It was divided into two parts on average, and one part is for you. After all, you have put a lot of thought into it...and..." Liu Guobao said with a face of shame, "And what happened yesterday, I was really confused!"

Huang Chen nodded, "I accept this sincerity, over there at the Shen family, I will try my best to say something nice to you!"

Liu Guobao's heart that had been hanging all this time finally settled in his stomach, "Thank you, Brother Chen, thank you, Brother Chen!"

"I'm done talking, I'm leaving!" After speaking, Huang Xing stood up with his leather bag in hand.

"Where is Brother Chen going? I'll see you off!" Liu Guobao said respectfully.

"No need." Huang Xing waved his hand, walked out of the coffee shop, hailed a taxi, and walked away.

"Oh my mother..." Watching Lu Chen leave, Liu Guobao almost sat on the ground with his legs limp. Dealing with Huang Chen is much more stressful than dealing with any big leader!He recalled what happened just now, Huang Xing didn't make any intentional gestures, and he was still smiling all the time, but Liu Guobao just felt trembling.

He wiped his sweat and couldn't help muttering: "Brother Chen! It's not easy!"


Huang Xing took a taxi to the bank, deposited 50 in his card, and then transferred 25 to Shen Xiyan.Huang Xing remembered Shen Xiyan's bank card number as early as when the TV station signed the contract.

Shen Xiyan was reading in the dormitory, and soon received a text message from the bank on her mobile phone, showing that Huang Xing had remitted 25 to her.

Shen Xiyan was full of doubts, and quickly logged into the mobile bank, and found that there was really an extra 25. She couldn't help but mutter to herself, could it be the appearance fee?But the number is wrong, right?Even if I gave all the rest, I only need to remit another 20!Did Huang Xing ask them to give me another fifty thousand?And why did Huang Xing send the money this time?

Just as he was thinking about it, Huang Xing called. Shen Xiyan answered the phone and asked, "Lu Xing, did the TV station call again?"

"The 25 yuan was not given by the TV station, but by Liu Guobao. He offended you, and this money is for compensation, so you can forgive him."

Shen Xiyan was stunned for a moment, she had already forgotten about Liu Guobao, and couldn't help but ask, "Who is Liu Guobao?"

"It's the guy from the TV station who struck up a conversation with you! He insists on giving you money."

"I forgot!" Shen Xiyan frowned, "I don't want this money! You give it back to him! Also, how do you know my card number?"

"Remember it when the TV station signed the contract!"

"..." Shen Xiyan rubbed her forehead involuntarily. Isn't Huang Chen's memory really good?OK to be annoying!She snorted and said, "I don't want to do anything to Liu Guobao either, I can't take this money! Give it back to me!"

"It's all on your card, so you can keep it...Besides, that guy is like a brown candy. I don't want him to find me again."

"Then why did you kick the ball to me?" Shen Xiyan dissatisfied, "I don't want the money!"

"Miss, what's wrong with you having an extra 25? If you find it troublesome, I'll spend it for you!"

"Okay! You can spend as much as you want!"

"Forget it, I still have something to do, let's not talk about it!"

"Hey... oh... Huang Xing!" Listening to the blind voice on the phone, Shen Xiyan almost dropped the phone angrily, she stomped her feet fiercely, "It's so annoying! Huang Xing is so hateful!"

"Xiyan..." Chen Yan, who had been practicing her listening skills, took off her earphones, and asked in confusion, "What did you say? What's wrong with Xing Huang? What's wrong with Xing Huang?"

"It's nothing, just an annoying guy!" Shen Xiyan said angrily, "I know how to make trouble for others! I hate it!"

"Were you arguing with Huang Xing on the phone just now? What's the matter?"

"Hmm!" Shen Xiyan didn't know what to say about Liu Guobao, so she made up a lie, "It's the TV station's troublesome matter! He didn't discuss it with me, and added some scenes on his own. Do you hate it?"

"Uh..." Chen Yan said with a smile, "It's okay, didn't he call you just now?"

"Fantasy! I knew you would talk to Lu Chen! I won't tell you!" Shen Xiyan pouted, "Practice your listening!"

Chen Yan smiled "hee hee" and put on the earphones again.

Shen Xiyan sat down angrily, flipping through the book while pondering, suddenly the corner of her mouth twitched, hum!Damn!Do you really think there is nothing I can do?

She put away her books, left the dormitory with her small bag, and took a taxi directly to the bank.Shen Xiyan's card was issued at this bank. Shen Kuohai also had a personal account at this bank. Many people in the bank knew Shen Xiyan.

After entering the door, Shen Xiyan went directly to the lobby manager and said with a smile, "Sister Huang, are you busy now?"

The lobby manager raised his head and said with a smile, "It's Miss Shen! I have nothing to do. Do you need help with anything?"

"Alas!" Shen Xiyan said depressedly, "I have a trouble. I received a remittance today, but the remittance was sent to the wrong person. I just called and asked me to return it to him. Didn't I ask you for help?"

Manager Huang's complexion changed, "This kind of call should not be trusted, it is probably a scam!"

"Then trouble Sister Huang, please help me to see if there is really a remittance! If there is, then give it back to him, 25 is not a decimal!" Shen Xiyan said while handing the bank card to Manager Huang.

"Okay, let me take a look for you!" Manager Huang took the bank card and took Shen Xiyan directly to the VIP room.

After checking the account, Manager Huang smiled and said, "It shouldn't be a scam. There was really 25 remittances."

"Then return it to him!" Shen Xiyan said, "The sooner the better!"

(End of this chapter)

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