The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 313 The Perfect Match

Chapter 313 The Perfect Match

"It's you big-headed ghost!" Shen Xiyan finally couldn't help it, picked up the small bag and slapped Huang Chen's head fiercely. This time there will be no classmates next to him, only Uncle Li in front is driving, Shen Xi Yan is not afraid of embarrassment, this shot is very hard.

The sound is crunchy, crunchy and weird.

"Oh!" Shen Xiyan thought of something, screamed in annoyance, quickly opened the small bag, took out the vanity box and opened it, only to see that the vanity mirror inside was broken, and what was even more unfortunate was that the glass shards were scattered on the powder cake It seems that it can't be used anymore.

"Lu Xing!" Shen Xiyan clenched her teeth, staring at Huang Xing angrily, "You idiot, it's all your fault!"

"..." Huang Xing couldn't argue for a while, it was indeed his fault, whoever made him deliberately make the voice louder, and it was indeed his responsibility that the mirror broke.He smiled awkwardly, "I'll pay you back later."

"It's not rare!" Shen Xiyan gave him a big white eye, closed her eyes and ignored him.

Along the way, Shen Xiyan never spoke to Huang Xing again. Li Qiang was driving the car, peeking at the two of them through the rearview mirror from time to time, secretly laughing in his heart. This young couple is so interesting. Manage pocket money, tsk tsk, this thing can be done!Go back and tell the chairman!

As soon as they arrived at the TV station, Shen Xiyan's anger subsided a little, and she said to Huang Xing: "As for asset management, do you need to sign an agreement?"

"Yes, there is a contract template, I will download one for you later."

"Miss..." Li Qiang interrupted suddenly, "20 is not too much. Signing a contract is too much trouble, right? I think you can make a verbal agreement. I believe that Xiao Lu is also a person who keeps the contract! In the future If the cost is too much, it will be worthwhile to deal with troublesome things like contracts."

According to Li Qiang's mind, if the contract is signed, then the two are in a normal business relationship. How can this highlight the different relationship between the two?So he had to make the relationship between the two abnormal, and decide the right to use 20 yuan without any proof. This is the trust relationship that should exist between the couple!That's why Li Qiang interjected.

Shen Xiyan thought for a while, then shook her head, "No, let's sign a contract, it not only protects my rights, but also Huang Xing's rights!"

"You guys are classmates after all! Why is it so troublesome?" Li Qiang laughed.

"Even if you are a brother, you still have to settle accounts!"

"But you are two..." Li Qiang was anxious, almost slipped his mouth, and quickly changed his words, "Two classmates with a good relationship! I believe that Xiao Lu will not lie to you for money!"

"Cut!" Shen Xiyan gave Huang Xing a blank look, and said to Li Qiang, "Uncle Li, who said that I have a good relationship with him? Didn't I say that? This is not only to protect my rights, but also to protect Huang Xing's rights." ..."

"Xiyan is right..." Huang Chen smiled, "If she is in a bad mood one day and insists on giving me 50 to pay her back, then I will be in a big loss!"

"Fuck you!" Shen Xiyan wanted to kick Huang Chen again angrily, "Do you think I'm as worthless as you?"

Huang Chen laughed, and said: "I'll make a standard contract later, we just sign it, and you don't have to worry too much about 20."

Seeing that the two of them agreed after singing and agreeing, Li Qiang could only sigh secretly and said no more.


Huang Xing and Shen Xiyan entered the TV station and went directly to the studio.

Chen Yusheng and Mu Ziqin were busy inside. When they saw Lu Chen arriving, Chen Yusheng hurried up to meet him, and said with a smile, "You two have worked hard! You two will be here soon, please go to the backstage to prepare first."

Huang Xing's clothes can be used at the welcome party. Shen Xiyan's clothes were brought by himself. The two changed into their own outfits respectively. When Shen Xiyan came out from the backstage wearing a mask, Chen Yusheng was immediately a little dumbfounded .

"Miss Shen, why are you wearing a mask?" Chen Yusheng asked doubtfully.

"Lu Xing arranged it!" Shen Xiyan said, "Isn't this mask good-looking?"

"Uh... It's not bad-looking..." Chen Yusheng was a little embarrassed. After Shen Xiyan put on the mask, who would still be able to tell that she was the eldest lady of the Shen family?How could he use Shen Xiyan's gimmick to increase attention!He hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Can I not wear a mask?"

"This..." Shen Xiyan thought for a while, and said, "Ask Huang Xing, it's all arranged by him."

"Okay..." Chen Yusheng came to Huang Xing again, and said, "Miss Shen's mask..."

Before he could finish speaking, Huang Xing said proudly: "Isn't it visually impressive? I designed it! Not bad, right?"

Chen Yusheng smiled awkwardly, "It's quite powerful, but... can I not wear it?"

"Why don't you wear it?" Huang Chen said with a smile, "That mask is an important prop, it plays an important role in the whole magic, and it also matches well with the dance and music! You have to wear it!"

"This..." Chen Yusheng swallowed, and said, "Aren't there no previous shows?"

Huang Xing shrugged his shoulders, "In order to participate in this recording, didn't I optimize the show? If I don't have that mask, I won't be able to perform this show!"

Chen Yusheng hesitated for a moment and asked, "Then why don't you use the one you performed at the welcome party?"

"How can this work?" Huang Xing said dissatisfied, "Let's not say that the program is not suitable for studio performances, and we spent a lot of time rehearsing for the current version! Do you change it if you want? If you insist on not using that Mask, then there is no need to perform this show, let's go now, go back and refund the appearance fee to you!"

"Don't get excited, don't get excited..." Chen Yusheng sighed, "Then let me talk to the crew first."

Seeing Chen Yusheng hurriedly walking backstage, Lu Xing smiled faintly and winked at Shen Xiyan.

The corner of Shen Xiyan's mouth twitched, and she gave him a thumbs up.

This set is the rhetoric discussed by the two of them. Looking at it now, the cooperation is perfect.


Chen Yusheng found Mu Ziqin in the background and told her about the situation.

Mu Ziqin was also caught off guard, " a little troublesome! Didn't you ask him if he could change the show?"

Chen Yusheng sighed, "Lu Xing's attitude is very tough, I can't talk to him."

"What about Miss Shen?" Mu Ziqin asked.

Chen Yusheng sighed again, "Miss Shen means that she listens to Huang Xing."

Mu Ziqin was silent for a moment, "Indeed, this show was originally designed by Huang Xing."

"Why don't you persuade Huang Xing?" Chen Yusheng said, "Let's use your charm advantage!"

"Well, I'll try it..." Mu Ziqin turned around and walked a few steps before suddenly returning.

(End of this chapter)

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