Chapter 315

The seductive mask on Shen Xiyan's face added a bit of seductive charm to this arrogance.

Chen Yusheng secretly took a deep breath, Miss Shen's performance on stage is beyond the mark!He had to admit that the mask was indeed an essential prop!Because of it, besides being arrogant and charming, Shen Xiyan on the stage also added a strong sense of mystery, making her even more soul-stirring!
Things that you can't see are more attractive and dreamy. Shen Xiyan's figure is first-class, and the long skirt with a trailing tail outlines the charming curve from top to bottom, which shows that this woman must be an extremely beautiful woman. Such a beautiful woman, coupled with her haughty and seductive movements and eyes, is even more seductive.But she was wearing a seductive mask, which covered most of her face, and only let people see the small nose and delicate chin. This beautiful face made people want to take off her mask even more crazily , fully appreciate this peerless beauty.

After only a few steps, Shen Xiyan's appearance pulled the hearts of everyone present.Apart from the melody of "Princess", there was no other sound in the audience.


Looking at the two people on the stage, Chen Yusheng's expression changed from stunned to ecstatic, he was really confused!Such a high-quality program, why does it need hype?

When Huang Xing called the curtain call, all the watching staff applauded desperately.




Chen Yusheng ran all the way to the stage, took the microphone, and said: "Everyone, everyone, I am Chen Yusheng... The program just now is the finale of this program. I hope everyone can keep it a secret. Before it is broadcast, There must be no leaking of any video! Tomorrow when recording and broadcasting, strict inspections must be made, and the audience must not be allowed to record the video!"

Everyone works in a TV station, so they naturally know these rules, but today's program is so good, it is understandable for Chen Yusheng to be worried and want to emphasize it.

Suddenly, a staff member in charge of the set asked loudly: "Xiao Chen, can I bring my daughter to see it tomorrow?"

Chen Yusheng thought for a while, and said with a smile, "Yes, it's fine. The recorded audience only occupies two-thirds of the seats in front. How old is your daughter?"

"I'm in elementary school, so I won't make trouble!"

"That's fine."


The conversation between the two made other people's eyes shine. Since one-third of the seats are vacant, we can also bring our families!
As soon as Huang Xing changed his clothes and came out of the backstage, Chen Yusheng and Mu Ziqin hurried over. Chen Yusheng raised his thumb and said, "That's great! Your show is so exciting!"

Huang Chen smiled slightly, "There are still a few small flaws, I will improve it with Xi Yan tonight, and the effect of recording and broadcasting tomorrow should be better."

"It's already perfect!" Mu Ziqin laughed, "Dancing, singing, and coordination, all of them can be scored [-] points!"

"Thank you..." Seeing that Shen Xiyan had also come out of the backstage, Lu Chen asked, "Mr. Chen, are we all right today?"

"It's okay, you two have worked hard! The recording will start at [-] o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and it will take up to two and a half to three hours." Chen Yusheng said.

"Got it..." Huang Xing nodded, and left the studio with Shen Xiyan.

Mu Ziqin sent the two of them downstairs, and when Mu Ziqin went back, Lu Chen said to Shen Xiyan: "Xiyan, your performance today is very good!"

Shen Xiyan smiled slightly, "I was a little nervous at first, and the stage was a little slippery. I always felt that walking was not natural."

"I can see it, but it's unnaturally just right..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "By the way, there are still a few flaws in our staring at each other, we need to pay attention to it."

"The movement of looking at each other..." Shen Xiyan thought for a while and asked, "What's the flaw? Is my movement not in place?"

"We all have problems." Huang Xing said, "My eyes are a little...too frivolous."

Shen Xiyan rolled his eyes at him, and said with a smile: "You are always frivolous!"

"I should be more affectionate..." Huang Xing also smiled, "In case you always look at me with vigilance."

Shen Xiyan pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Indeed, I also always feel that something is wrong, so this is the reason! Your eyes look like a hooligan, of course I am on guard."

Huang Xing smiled, "I will be more affectionate tomorrow, so don't be vigilant."

"Understood..." Shen Xiyan smiled, "But I've gotten used to it today, and I won't be afraid if you play hooligans tomorrow."

"Why don't you practice it now!" Huang Xing smiled, and dragged Shen Xiyan to a nearby place where no one was paying attention.

"Here?" Shen Xiyan looked around hesitantly, "How do you practice?"

"Don't talk..." Huang Xing closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there was no usual frivolous look in his eyes, replaced by "affectionate", his hand was still holding Shen Xiyan's, Staring deeply at Shen Xiyan's pretty face, she called out in a low voice, "Xiyan..."

"..." Shen Xiyan blinked, then blinked again, and couldn't help but burst into laughter, "It's so nasty! Don't look at me!"

"It's a laugh! It's really my failure..." Lu Chen muttered, and continued to look at Shen Xiyan, "Xiyan, you are so beautiful..."

Shen Xiyan held back her smile, and tried her best to meet Huang Xing's gaze, but maybe the color in Huang Chen's eyes was too strong, Shen Xiyan was quickly defeated, couldn't help laughing again, and shook her head. Huang Xing grabbed the hand, "Okay, stop making trouble! Let go! It's almost done!"

"Try again...a different way this time!" Huang Xing still held Shen Xiyan's little hand, brewed for a while, and said softly, "Xiyan, marry me..."


Looking into Huang Chen's eyes, Shen Xiyan panicked inexplicably. She quickly took a deep breath, suppressed the strange feeling in her heart, and shook her hands vigorously, "Okay, okay, that's all! I'm not vigilant anymore!"

"You agreed? Then I'll call you wife from now on!" Huang Xing laughed.

"What?" Shen Xiyan was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Huang Chen had taken advantage of her again. She was so angry that she ignored her ladylike image, and kicked Huang Chen, "Why are you talking nonsense again? Ignore you!"

"Why can't you help being teasing?" Huang Chen laughed, "I tease you, you tease me too, I call you wife, you call me husband, let's see who is more disgusting! Wife, wife, wife! "

"You big-headed ghost! What's your name!" Shen Xiyan combined her fists and kicks angrily, chasing and fighting Huang Chen.

"Oh, come here, someone murdered your husband, come here quickly!"

"Shut up! Don't run, I'll kick you to death!"


(End of this chapter)

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