Chapter 322
Lu Chen saw Shen Xiyan's thoughts, smiled lightly, and said, "Catch dolls? No problem! But those claw machines seem to be quite difficult to catch, Xiaoyao, have you ever caught them?"

"I have caught it, but I only caught one!" Shen Xiaoyao said depressedly, "Little brother, will you catch it?"

"There's nothing wrong with this thing, it's all blind, it depends on luck..." Having said that, Huang Xing looked at Shen Xiyan again, and asked pretendingly, "Xiyan, have you caught it yet?" ?”

"My sister is amazing!" Shen Xiaoyao said exaggeratedly, "She has caught several!"

"Really? Then I want to see it too!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "Let's go catch the doll now, I just happened to see what Xi Yan is capable of!"

Seeing Huang Xing showing face so much, Shen Xiyan twitched the corners of her mouth, nodded, and said with a smile: "Okay, then go grab the dolls, anyway, there is a claw machine upstairs."


When taking the elevator upstairs, taking advantage of Shen Xiaoyao's inattention, Lu Xing whispered to Shen Xiyan: "Tell me, how do you plan to thank me?"

"..." Shen Xiyan rolled his eyes at him, "Kick your nose and face!"

"It's always been a good habit of mine..." Huang Chen rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "How about we kiss each other?"

"Die!" Shen Xiyan said angrily, "Be realistic! How about... I buy you coffee?"

"That's too cheap for you..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "There is no sincerity in this one! Change to another one!"

"You..." Shen Xiyan bit her lip and said, "How about I give you a present on your birthday?"

"This is kind of sincere..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "But I've passed my birthday this year, so I can only wait until next year."

"Next year will be next year! Cheapskate! You need to be paid for such a trivial matter, hum!" Shen Xiyan gave Huang Chen a blank look, and ignored him.

The three picked out a claw machine full of little dinosaurs, Shen Xiaoyao couldn't wait to exchange the coins, and started to grab them.

This little girl's claws are really random, and she just slaps her claws at the estimated position, it's really purely by luck.

However, the speed of this grasping method is so fast that it can't be faster. After only a while, Shen Xiaoyao has caught it more than a dozen times. As for the harvest, it is naturally nothing.

Shen Xiyan looked at it with a smile on the side, she naturally knew this result long ago, with Shen Xiaoyao's grasping method, it would be a miracle that she could catch it!She has experienced a miracle before, so she can't do it again, right?

After finding nothing nineteen times, Shen Xiaoyao pursed her lips, "It's really bad luck... I'll catch it with my eyes closed this time!"

Shen Xiyan was amused, "Xiaoyao, you can't catch it with your eyes open, isn't it even more difficult to catch it with your eyes closed?"

"Maybe I'm lucky!" Shen Xiaoyao really closed her eyes, moved the joystick casually, and then pressed the grab button.

Seeing the claws falling down, both Huang Xing and Shen Xiyan were a little surprised, as if that position happened to be the center of gravity of a doll!

Under the surprised eyes of Huang Xing and Shen Xiyan, the claws really lifted the doll up, and then moved steadily to the entrance of the hole, the doll fell down and rolled out of the machine.

Hearing the music suddenly became cheerful, Shen Xiaoyao opened her eyes, just in time to see the little dinosaur falling outside, and jumped up excitedly, "Wow! I caught it! Hahaha! Haha!"

Huang Xing and Shen Xiyan looked at each other, but were speechless at the same time, is that okay?
"Xiaoyao, your luck is really good!" Shen Xiyan couldn't help sighing.

Huang Xing secretly smacked his lips, this girl's luck attribute is probably quite high, he should take her to buy a lottery ticket!
Shen Xiaoyao's cheers also alarmed many doll catchers. Looking at the green dinosaur in Shen Xiaoyao's hand, many people showed envy in their eyes, and Xiaoyao's sense of accomplishment immediately exploded.

However, she seemed to be born with the principle of accepting as soon as she sees it. She hugged the little dinosaur and gave up her seat, saying, "Sister, little brother, who are you coming?"

"Let me do it..." Huang Xing smiled, and stood in front of the claw machine.

Shen Xiyan was a little nervous, Huang Xing was almost sure of grabbing the dolls, if she just grabbed a lot of them, she would have nothing to worry about!I'm afraid I even have to change to a claw machine to play!
Thinking of this, Shen Xiyan tugged at Huang Chen, "I'll come first!"

Huang Xing seemed to have guessed what Shen Xiyan was thinking, and said with a smile: "You are a master, you will be the last one! It's my first time playing with this thing, it's quite interesting, let me go first."

"Then..." Knowing what Huang Chen meant, Shen Xiyan couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth and nodded, "Okay, you go first!"

Huang Chen secretly smiled in his heart, Shen Xiyan usually looks very mature, but in fact he is still a child at heart, let me play with her today!

For the first time, when Huang Xing operated the joystick and was still a thousand miles away from the correct position, Shen Xiaoyao shouted: "Little brother, catch it quickly! I think I can catch it!"

Huang Xing pressed the grab button without hesitation, but needless to say, the doll didn't even move.

"Oh!" Shen Xiaoyao said a little embarrassedly, "It should be a little further forward."

"Okay! Then go a little further!" With a smile, Huang Xing started the second time.

Shen Xiaoyao stared at the claws with wide eyes, and continued to direct, "Go forward! Go forward! Yes, yes, yes! Grab, grab!"

"Okay!" Huang Xing pressed the grab button, and continued to grab empty without any surprise.

"Oh..." Shen Xiaoyao sighed, "I'm sorry! I missed it again..."

Huang Chen smiled and said: "It's better than catching it myself, otherwise I don't know how to do it, so come again!"

"Hmm!" Shen Xiaoyao came to her senses and continued to direct blindly.

After more than a dozen times, Lu Xing still got nothing. Shen Xiyan watched beside him dumbfounded. Although she knew that Huang Xing did this to save face, Shen Xiyan looked at Lu Chen's serious acting, but she was very special. kick him.

Seeing Huang Xing failed twenty times, Shen Xiyan teased him, "Have you played enough? It's almost enough!"

"Sister!" Shen Xiaoyao said, "Let the little brother catch it a few more times, you see he didn't catch anything!"

Shen Xiyan secretly sighed, this silly girl, do you really think that Huang Xing can't catch her?He is lying to you!Thinking of this, Shen Xiyan couldn't help but glared at Huang Chen fiercely, what a showman!

Huang Chen smiled, "It looks like I'm unlucky, forget it, let Xiyan come!"

After Huang Xing stepped aside, Shen Xiyan finally stood in front of the claw machine. She rubbed her palms together, took a good look at a doll, and put in two coins.

When Shen Xiyan started to operate the joystick, Shen Xiaoyao habitually commanded again, "A little forward, a little backward, left, left, right, front..."

(End of this chapter)

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