The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 344 Can You Be Serious at One Point?

Chapter 344 Can You Be Serious?
After hanging up Shen Kuohai's phone, Shen Xiyan looked at the time and said, "I wanted to play more, but my dad said there was a reception tonight and asked me to go back early, let's go."

"Okay!" Huang Xing couldn't help but secretly smiled, the reception or something was just an excuse, it seemed that Shen Kuohai was still worried...

The willow hat has faded after drying in the sun for so long, Shen Xiyan could only throw it away reluctantly, but Shen Xiyan brought the dog-tail straw animals to the car and studied them all the way How should these things be edited.

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "If you want to learn, I'll teach you later, brother's craftsmanship can make a zoo."

"How do you know so many things?" Shen Xiyan asked curiously.

"When I was young, I didn't have any toys. Apart from practicing and studying, I could only play with grass."

Shen Xiyan thought about it. When she was a child, besides studying, she had a lot of fun things. At least dolls, building blocks, Lego, etc., you can get whatever you want. Compared with Huang Chen who plays with grass, I don't know. How many times happier.Thinking that Huang Chen is an orphan, no one loves him, Shen Xiyan suddenly felt that Huang Chen was quite pitiful...

Seeing Shen Xiyan's expression, Huang Xing guessed what she was thinking, and couldn't help laughing, "I said Xiyan, your expression is weird... Do you want to give me a very maternal hug?" , kiss me a few more times? Come on, come on, I welcome with my hands up!"

"Fuck you! Why are you being unprincipled again!" Shen Xiyan rolled her eyes at him, "Then it's settled, you can teach me how to make animals when you have time!"

"Okay..." Huang Xing nodded, and secretly smiled in his heart, this girl is really a child who hasn't grown up!
"Also, you are not allowed to tell others!"

"This also needs to be kept secret?"

"If my dad finds out, he will call me naive again."

"This is called childlike innocence!" Huang Xing shrugged, "Besides, what's wrong with being childish? I just like a childish little sister like you..."

"Fuck you!" Shen Xiyan glared at Huang Chen, then couldn't help but yawned, leaned back on the seat, and said, "I'm too lazy to talk to you! I want to sleep for a while, so it won't affect your driving, right? "

"Sleep, shall I take you home?"

"Don't go home yet!" Shen Xiyan said, "My dad doesn't know about my donation, let's go back to school first, I still need to get something. By the way, go to the back door, I think Uncle Li may come tonight Pick me up, he usually waits for me at the main entrance, don't be seen by him."



Shen Xiyan slept very deeply all the way, if Huang Xing hadn't called her, I don't know how long she would have slept.

"It's here? So soon?" Shen Xiyan rubbed her eyes, looking in surprise at the familiar back door of the school outside.

"Well, I didn't expect you to sleep so soundly in the car, you're snoring like a little pig."

"Ah?" Shen Xiyan was startled, "Really? Did I snore?"

Lu Chen nodded seriously, "Yes! I never expected that such a beautiful girl like you can actually snore!"

"..." Shen Xiyan suddenly noticed a trace of slyness in Huang Xing's eyes, and immediately understood what he was saying, she angrily picked up the mineral water bottle and smashed it on Huang Xing's head, "Damn it! I just know it's nonsense! I don't snore! Humph! I'm getting out of the car!"

She opened the door and jumped out of the car while talking, paused when the door was closed, and then said to Huang Xing: "Thank you for your hard work today!"

Huang Chen laughed, "With our relationship, it's more common to say 'thank you'?"

"Oh, can you be more serious?" Shen Xiyan was a little coquettish, "Why do you make me feel uncomfortable even if I say thank you?"

"Okay, okay!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "You're welcome! This is what I should do! Is this okay? In fact, there is a sentence I have been holding back, you really shouldn't be in such a hurry to donate with your 30 yuan. "

"Why?" Shen Xiyan asked.

"You should entrust the money to me to take care of it, so that there will be considerable income in two or three months at most, and then the money you can donate will increase."

"What profit can I get in two or three months?" Shen Xiyan said, "Anyway, 30 is not a lot, and I can do a lot of things...Okay, I won't talk to you, I'm going back to pack my things...Let's go Ang! Bye!"


Watching Shen Xiyan enter the school, Huang Xing couldn't help but smile slightly, "This little girl has a beautiful heart, if her temper is more gentle, she will be perfect."

Afterwards, Huang Xing went to the rental company to return the car. Just after leaving the car rental company, the phone rang suddenly. It was He Yinger calling.

After pressing the answer button, Huang Xing smiled and said, "Ying'er, what's the matter?"

"Brother Chen, are you free on Sunday afternoon? I want to shoot a martial arts scene, and I need your guidance."

"Isn't martial arts at the back?"

"I optimized the plan again, and moved a scene to the front."

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "You girl, do you dare play tricks on me? If you want to test my level, just say so!"

"Uh...Brother Chen...what about me...Actually..."

"Forget it, forget it, don't explain it!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "If I don't show my hand, you don't worry about it. Then Sunday afternoon, where is it? When?"

"01:30, my studio!" He Yinger laughed.

"No problem, I'll be there."

"Hey, see you on Sunday!"

After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing smiled. He Yinger was going to shoot a martial arts scene at this time, so he naturally wanted to know what level this self-recommended martial arts instructor was.But it can't be blamed that people don't believe in their abilities, after all, no one else has seen it with their own eyes.

This is the rush hour for getting off work, and almost all the taxis are full. Even the taxi-hailing software is hard to find, and the buses and subways are also overcrowded.Huang Xing shook his head secretly, he still didn't think carefully today, he should have brought out his roller skates!
Suddenly, with a twitch of his mouth, he dialed Cheng Yaqiu's phone number, "Yaqiu, what are you doing?"

"I just finished practicing the car, and now I am at the gate of Xingdu."

"Oh...then come and pick me up, I'll send you a location, you use the navigation to come here."

"Huh? There are quite a lot of cars now."

"It's okay, drive slowly, I'll wait for you!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "I'll also test your driving results today!"

"Then... well, don't worry."

"No rush, I'll send you the location." Lu Xing smiled, hung up the phone, saw a coffee shop not far away, went in and found a seat, and sent the location to Cheng Yaqiu , Let her come to the coffee shop to find herself.

From Xingdu to here, if Huang Xing drives, even if there is a traffic jam, it will take more than 20 minutes.But for a novice like Cheng Yaqiu, it is not so easy to drive in the rush hour traffic.

(End of this chapter)

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