The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 367 Huang Xing's Means

Chapter 367 Huang Xing's Means

Afterwards, Chen Yan practiced basic flexibility in the corner of the practice room, while Shen Xiyan began to learn dance moves with Zhou Yawen.

Shen Xiyan's foundation is very good, and she learned quickly. It only took more than an hour to memorize the movements, and she jumped up with Zhou Yawen. It was originally a dance between men and women, but now it is danced by two beauties. Don't have a style in it.

"Yawen..." After dancing for a while, Shen Xiyan suddenly asked, "I feel that some places are turning more bluntly, is there a lack of movement? And why do my movements feel masculine?"

"Did you see it so quickly?" Zhou Yawen smiled, "This dance is performed by a male and female partner. What I taught you just now is the man's movements. Those parts that you think are stiff may be the parts that require strength, such as lifting me up. kind of..."

Shen Xiyan suddenly said: "No wonder it feels a bit awkward to jump up!"

"I'll teach you the girl's moves later, and we can take turns dancing!"


Zhou Yawen covered her mouth and smiled, feeling very happy.Now rumors about her are flying all over the sky, no classmates are willing to talk to her, she feels very lonely in school, unexpectedly, Shen Xiyan's attitude towards her is the same as before, and she is even willing to dance with her, Zhou Yawen is surprised, but also in her heart Secretly moved, she felt that Shen Xiyan was getting better.

While the two beauties were practicing dancing, two unexpected guests came to Zhou Yawen's dormitory.


Although Huang Xing hoped that Zhou Yawen could get exercise in the rumors, but after he inquired, the current rumors are too vicious, such as abortion, promiscuity, and even HIV, this is really too much.

Gossip is okay, but scandal is not!So, Huang Xing made a move.

The source of the rumor was naturally Zhou Yawen's roommate, and soon Huang Xing knew their names, Wang Yidan and Li Ruolan.

To deal with such a girl, Huang Xing was too lazy to take action himself, so he called Liu Dongyi and asked him to find two prostitutes in society, one of whom was the leader of the prostitute.

Under Liu Dongyi's arrangement, the two women pretended to be relatives of the students and entered the school, directly killed Zhou Yawen's dormitory, closed the door, and blocked Wang Yidan and Li Ruolan inside.

"Who are you?" Wang Yidan looked at the two women with heavy makeup and asked in fear.

Li Ruolan asked calmly, "Who are you looking for? Did you go to the wrong room?"

"Two stinky and shameless coquettish foxes!" A woman with curly hair sneered, stepped forward, grabbed Li Ruolan's hair, and slapped her across the face.

Like Li Ruolan, Wang Yidan was also grabbed by the hair and slapped.

"What are you doing? Why are you beating people!" Li Ruolan shouted while struggling.

Another slap came over, and the woman with curly hair scolded: "You're young, with a bad mouth, I'll teach you a lesson for your mother today!"

Before he finished speaking, he slapped again.

Wang Yidan and Li Ruolan were no match for the shrews at all, their faces were flushed very quickly, they were both stunned by the beating, they just covered their faces and kept crying.

The two shrews seemed to be tired from fighting and let go of them.The woman with curly hair pointed at Li Ruolan's nose and said, "Do you know why I hit you?"

Li Ruolan shook her head in fear.

"I don't know? Think about what you've been doing recently? What did you say?"

Li Ruolan seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but tremble, "Zhou Yawen asked you to come?"

"Zhou Yawen? She can't please us! Let me tell you, Zhou Yawen is a contracted actress of our company. If you dare to speak nonsense to damage her reputation, you two will wait for us to sue you! Our company has already reported this to you The school has reflected! You just wait to be expelled from the school!"

After finishing speaking, the two women walked away.

Li Ruolan and Wang Yidan looked at each other with expressions of fear on their faces.

The rumors about Zhou Yawen on the school network were indeed said by them. In fact, they were just trying to vent their jealousy, but they didn't expect it to lead to such a thing, a lawsuit?Are you going to be expelled from school?
"Ruolan, is what they said true? Will we really be fired?" Wang Yidan asked crying.

Li Ruolan wiped her tears and kept shaking her head, "I don't know, I really don't know..."

At this time, the dormitory phone rang.

Li Ruolan hesitated for a while, picked up the phone, and a male voice came from inside, "Are Li Ruolan and Wang Yidan here?"

Li Ruolan was startled, and said cautiously, "I'm Li Ruolan, who are you?"

"I'm He Ren, the head of the student office. You and Wang Yidan come to the student office."

Li Ruolan's heart sank, "Teacher He...what do you want us to do?"

"You'll know when you come! Come here right away."

Li Ruolan hung up the phone, cried and said to Wang Yidan: "Director He from the student office! Let the two of us go over, are we going to be fired?"

Wang Yidan was also dumbfounded, "The school really knows? What should I do?"

"I don't know..." Li Ruolan wiped her tears, "Let's go there first and then talk..."


At this time in the office of the Student Affairs Office, Meng Yunxiang was speaking to He Ren with righteous indignation, "It's really outrageous! Although I'm not from the Department of Literature, I can't stand it anymore! How can you spread rumors and slander your classmates like that? These two girls , must be severely criticized! Give them punishment!"

He Ren, a man in his fifties, sighed and said, "Xiao Meng, you can't give punishment easily. After all, it's not easy for students to go to school, and there are two girls with thin skins. I really punished you. After all, who is responsible? By the way, why are you so concerned about this matter? Who is that Zhou Yawen of yours?"

"A niece of a friend!" Meng Yunxiang waved his hand, "The parents said that the girl cried at home every day and wanted to commit suicide! You are afraid that something will happen to Li Ruolan and Wang Yidan. What if something happens to Zhou Yawen? Those two girls are students. Isn't Zhou Yawen a student? What's more, she is still a victim!"

"Alas..." He Ren sighed again, "These girls are really troublesome! How about I criticize them harshly, ask them to apologize to Zhou Yawen, and promise that such things will not happen in the future, you see. no?"

"Okay..." Meng Yunxiang said with a smile, "You can figure it out! It's best that you can watch them apologize to Zhou Yawen in person! I'll leave this to you, and you can have some snacks... I'll go first."

"Naturally!" He Ren agreed, and sent Meng Yunxiang out of the office. Although Meng Yunxiang's position was not higher than that of He Ren, everyone knew that Meng Yunxiang's family had someone in the education department, so they were very polite to him.

(End of this chapter)

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