The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 37 The Red Rose Company

Chapter 37 The Red Rose Company

Shen Xiyan thought about it for a while, and felt that Huang Xing seemed to be really confident, so she tentatively said: "I said, Huang Xing, if you tell me all about it, what exactly do you know?"

"I know a lot. Except for having children, I can basically do everything else."

"Cut! Shout out to you! Miss Ben doesn't have time to listen to your nonsense, is there anything else? I'll hang up now!"

"I leave the investigation to you! If the information is incorrect and I don't get the best show, I won't admit it!"

After Huang Xing finished speaking, he hung up the phone first. Shen Xiyan was stunned for a moment, feeling a little uncomfortable, but she couldn't tell the reason, but felt that Huang Xing was quite annoying.

In fact, it was mainly because there was no young man who hung up on the phone with Shen Xiyan before, and Huang Xing set this precedent today.

Shen Xiyan put down her phone, and couldn't help "humming" again, isn't this guy Huang Xing just trying to renege on his debt?Ok, since you want information, here you go!Then I'll see what excuses you have!

At this time, Chen Yan, who didn't know where to go and gossip, returned to the dormitory in a hurry. Seeing Shen Xiyan sitting on the bunk with her knees in a daze, she couldn't help joking: "Big beauty, what are you thinking? Are you here?" Miss your brother Chen?"

This is indeed right, Shen Xiyan was really thinking about landing on Huang Chen, but what she was thinking about was how to make Huang Chen look so ugly.

"Brother Chen? It's so disgusting!" Shen Xiyan said, "By the way, do you know what programs other departments have prepared?"

"How would I know that?"

"Where can you ask?"

Chen Yan thought for a while and said with a smile, "I have a brother who is from the literature and art department of the school's student union, he should know."

Shen Xiyan smiled and said: "That's great, after everyone has reported the program, you can ask for me, as soon as possible!"

"Why do you ask this?"

"What Huang Xing wanted to ask." Shen Xiyan said casually.

"Oh..." Chen Yan suddenly laughed, "So you were really thinking about Huang Xing just now! Hahaha! Are you tempted? That's not good news for the girls in our class!"

"Oh, what nonsense are you talking about!" Shen Xiyan said anxiously, "He asked this just to find an excuse to repay the bill, do you understand? If I don't provide him with information, he will blame me if he loses!"

"..." Chen Yan thought for a while, "I said Xiyan, are you confused? Did you have this when you bet?"


"Then why did you agree to him?" Chen Yan smiled, "It seems that you still don't want him to lose! This shows that the relationship between not easy..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Shen Xiyan hurriedly shook her head, "I'm so eager for that pervert~ to lose! I just want him to be convinced that he lost, irrefutable! Remember to ask me quickly!"

"Okay, okay..." Chen Yan looked at Shen Xiyan suspiciously, and muttered in her heart, there must be a problem between these two people!Why is Shen Xiyan not quite right when Huang Xing is mentioned?If she falls in love with Huang Xing, what should I do?

At 10:30 in the evening, the dormitory of Haidong University turned off the lights on time. Some students slept directly under the covers, some read at night with emergency lights on, and more chatted before going to bed.

At this time, Gao's villa was brightly lit, a banquet had just ended, and after the unrelated people left, there were only five people left in the living room.

The five people are Gao Dequan, chairman of the Gao Group, Qian Sanshui, Gao Dequan's secretary, Gao Xiaodong, Gao Dequan's son, a man in his 30s and a woman in her 20s.

The man was wearing a black Tang suit, with his hair cut back, his eyebrows were slanted upwards, his eyes were narrow and long, and there were gloomy flashes from time to time.His name is Xiao Shan, and he is the general manager of Red Rose Company.

The woman's long hair spread over her shoulders, her phoenix eyes, her black eyebrows were curved, revealing a bit of seductive charm. She was wearing a corseted purple cheongsam, outlining Miaoman's figure. The curvaceous legs, and the pair of dreamy jade feet under the slender ankles are hidden in a pair of purple high heels.She is Xiao Shan's younger sister, named Xiao Qiangwei, and she is the deputy general manager of Red Rose Company.

Although Red Rose Company is a formal company with a business license on the surface, it is completely different from companies like the Gao Group.The predecessor of the Red Rose Company was a shady gang, and it became a company just to adapt to the current development.

From ancient times to the present, Haidong has been an area with powerful gangs.Although most of the forces have been wiped out by time, and only a few rumors remain, there are still a few surviving forces like the Red Rose Company. They operate various fringe businesses and carefully develop and grow in places where the light cannot shine. .

This kind of company can usually do some things that are not convenient to do through formal channels, and can also solve many seemingly difficult problems.The simplest example is debt collection. If you follow a formal path, it would be good if the creditor can recover the debt in three to five years.But if it is handed over to the Red Rose Company, the money will be returned in less than half a year.Of course, if you can ask Red Rose to pay for the debt, the debt will be at least tens of millions.

Gao Dequan asked the servants to serve tea, then closed the door himself, and said with a smile: "It is a great honor for Gao to invite two of you to our house today!"

"Chairman Gao is too polite!" Xiao Shan laughed and said, "The Gao family in Haidong is a famous family! It is our honor to be able to sit here!"

"Don't dare! If I have time in the future, I have to visit Mr. Xiao in person!" Gao Dequan said with a smile.

Xiao Sanye is the father of Xiao Shan and Xiao Qiangwei, he can be regarded as the overlord of the Red Rose Company, but he is old and has already handed over the Red Rose Company to Xiao Shan brothers and sisters.

After Gao Dequan finished speaking, before Xiao Shan could speak, Xiao Qiangwei said flatly: "My father is not in good health, I'm afraid he will disappoint Chairman Gao's kindness! If Chairman Gao has business to take care of our Red Rose Company, just discuss it with my elder brother. gone."

Gao Dequan smiled awkwardly, and said: "Miss Xiao is really quick to talk! Then I'll just say it straight, I have a project here, and I want to cooperate with your company..."

After he finished speaking, Qian Sanshui, the secretary standing next to him, took out a folder from his briefcase, handed it to Xiao Shan respectfully, and said, "President Xiao, this is the project overview and plan, please have a look at it. "

The same document was also given to Xiao Qiangwei.

"This project is a win-win for both of us!" Gao Dequan said while the two were watching, "Our Gao Group is responsible for 70.00% of the initial capital investment, and you just need to support more manpower! This project Once implemented, the cost can be recovered in less than three years, and the profit every year thereafter will be at least..."

As Gao Dequan said, he made an "eight" gesture.

Xiao Shan raised his eyebrows, nodded slowly, and said with a smile: "It seems that this cooperation plan has taken care of us..."

"This is also to show my sincerity!" Gao Dequan said with a smile, "I have been paying attention to Red Rose Company for a while, and I think the cooperation between our two companies will definitely complement each other's advantages!"

Xiao Shan laughed, looked at Gao Xiaodong who was sitting next to Gao Dequan, and said with a smile: "Actually, our Red Rose Company has cooperated with your son."

 Friends, remember to vote, your support is my driving force!
(End of this chapter)

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