The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 394 Not a person from one world

Chapter 394 Not a person from the world

Huang Xing smiled slightly, and pinched Cheng Yaqiu's face, "That's not what I'm talking about... What I'm talking about is that you didn't give Xue Liya a look of jealousy, but you chatted with her quite happily!"

Cheng Yaqiu leaned into Huang Chen's arms, and said quietly: "She is the vice president of the Great International Group, I dare not show her face... I never thought that a friend of yours would be so prominent, so your real identity, I can't even imagine..."

Huang Xing smiled, "It's just a symbol if you don't have an identity, you don't have to think about it so much, just enjoy every day!"

"Lu Chen..." Cheng Yaqiu hooked Huang Chen's neck, "Sometimes I'm really afraid that I'm dreaming, and when I wake up from the dream, you will disappear..."

Huang Chen laughed, "You read too many romance novels, right? That brother is also a bit artistic... I'm like a ghost, always around, you can't get rid of it even if you want to..."

"Don't scare me..." Cheng Yaqiu shrank into Huang Xing's arms, and said quietly, "I'm very worried, I'm afraid you don't want me someday... You have a beautiful girlfriend like Xue Liya, Will you dump me another day?"

Huang Chen smiled, "Girlfriend? Why did you add the word 'female' to him?"

"I have an intuition..." Cheng Yaqiu said, "A woman's intuition tells me that your relationship is not just old classmates. Right?"

Huang Xing smiled slightly, "Well, it's really more than that."

Cheng Yaqiu hugged Huang Xing tightly, put her head in his arms, and did not speak.

Huang Xing stroked her hair, and said with a smile: "But Xue Liya and I have known each other for a long time, and now I don't ignore her, what are you worried about?"

"But she is different from me! She has such status, she must be very rich..."

Huang Chen shrugged, and said lightly: "In my eyes, that's nothing... Money, status, etc., are just clouds to me..."

"Then..." Cheng Yaqiu asked in a muffled voice, "Then why hasn't Xue Liya been with you all the time?"

"Why do we have to be together all the time?" Huang Xing smiled, "She has her life and her responsibilities, and I also have my affairs."

"Can you tell me the story between you and her?" Cheng Yaqiu raised her head and said.

"Okay..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "That starts five years ago, when Xue Liya was kidnapped by a terrorist organization and sent to the Middle East, I went to rescue her."

"Ah..." Cheng Yaqiu's eyes widened in surprise, "Why did you save her? Are you a secret agent?"

Huang Chen laughed, "It's free for a secret agent to save someone, but I have to charge money for saving someone! The reward for saving Xue Liya is high, so I'll go!"

"Are you a bounty hunter?"

Huang Xing rubbed her hair, "Have you watched too many cartoons? Don't interrupt! Listen to me continue."


"Where did I say?"

"You said you were going to rescue Xue Liya."

Huang Chen nodded and said: "At that time, I happened to be in Morocco in North Africa. Due to the tight schedule, I got a helicopter through the Moroccan government. I remember that it seemed to be made in Russia. It was very noisy, but it won't be too late. Easy to operate..."

"Can you still fly a helicopter?"

Huang Xing pinched her face, "I can drive the Airbus 320. At that time, Syria was still fighting, and Russia interfered with the GPS signals of the Stars and Stripes in the Middle East. I can only use the Beidou on my phone..."

What Huang Xing said was not very specific. First, because some things involved the privacy of MBC Group and Xue Liya, it was not convenient for outsiders to tell them. Second, some things that were too exciting were not suitable for Cheng Yaqiu to know. Therefore, five years The life and death escape with Xue Liya for nearly a month was cut and subtracted by Huang Xing, and it was finished in less than 2 minutes.

But the narration of less than 2 minutes was not so easy for Cheng Yaqiu's ears.Rescuing people from the Middle East, and then sending them to North America, the process is impossible to be simple when you think about it. It is definitely more bizarre than Wolf Warrior 2, and more bloody and violent than Operation Red Sea!
The protagonist of Wolf Warrior 2 can at least summon the missiles on the warship, and there are two helpers.Operation Red Sea was a team operation, supported by satellite intelligence in the sky, and drones in the air to help.But what about Huang Chen?One person rescued Xue Liya from the smoky battlefield in the Middle East, and had to avoid layers of pursuit and obstruction to send her safely to North America...

After Huang Xing finished speaking, Cheng Yaqiu didn't speak for a long time. Although this was a simplified and abridged version, it was not so easy for an ordinary woman like Cheng Yaqiu to accept it.After all, Yaqiu had experienced the turmoil at the police station, and had seen many of Huang Xing's abilities. After a few minutes of silence, her mood gradually calmed down.

Huang Xing and her are indeed not from the same world, no wonder he has that attitude towards money and power.Cheng Yaqiu thought silently, such a legendary man is not something he can have at all, there must be all kinds of women around him, can he accept it?Moreover, if I follow such a special man, my future life will definitely be completely different from what I imagined before. Do I have such courage?

Cheng Yaqiu looked up at Huang Chen's handsome face, the scenes of the two people's experience flashed through her mind, and finally made a choice, Huang Xing had completely occupied all the space in her heart, no matter what, she couldn't do without him up.

Cheng Yaqiu hugged Huang Xing's neck tightly, offered a deep kiss, and said softly, "I love you!"

Huang Xing smiled slightly, stroked Cheng Yaqiu's long hair, picked her up and walked to the bathroom, "Take a shower and go to sleep."

"I'll listen to you." Cheng Yaqiu closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and a cloud of red gradually rose on her face.



The next day, Cheng Yaqiu got up early and went downstairs to buy breakfast. Although she was still tired from the crazy fatigue of last night, her mood was unprecedentedly relaxed.

Now that she has made a choice, many doubts have disappeared, she doesn't need to think so much, just like what Huang Xing said in her ear last night, she should enjoy every day of life and do what she likes.

Huang Xing likes to eat hard fried dough sticks, so she asked the boss to fry them for a while. Huang Xing prefers steamed buns filled with beef, so she bought all the steamed stuffed buns filled with beef.

Steamed buns and fried soy milk, Cheng Yaqiu walked in with a smile and put the breakfast on the dining table.

Huang Xing pinched her pink face, "You look in a good mood!"

Cheng Yaqiu nodded, "Don't worry about the day you dump me, I'm sure you'll be in a better mood! Eat it while it's hot!"

"Okay...the frying of the fritters is very good today!"

(End of this chapter)

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