The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 40 Physical Education

Chapter 40 Physical Education

Zhou Yawen went to the parallel bars area to press her legs. She walked directly to the highest parallel bars and put a beautiful leg on it with ease, pressing from light to heavy.

Huang Xing also did an upside-down abdominal crunch on the same parallel bars, with his head almost at the same level as Zhou Yawen's knees, just in time to appreciate the slender legs of the school girl at a close distance.

Due to the extreme stretching of the legs, the sweatpants were also tightly wrapped around the legs. Zhou Yawen dressed conservatively, only revealing a small ankle that was as delicate as white porcelain when she pressed her legs. Sigh, as expected of a dancer, this leg shape is really perfect, but it's so hot, why is she wearing so much?Obviously should wear a short skirt...

After admiring it for a while, Zhou Yawen's cell phone rang, it should be a WeChat message, she said hello to Huang Xing after reading it, and left in a hurry.Huang Chen shook his head regretfully, stopped the boring safety version of upside-down crunches, and went back to the dormitory, thinking as he walked, who was the first to spread the word "Three Bitches in the Grass", if he found out, I must find him Have a good talk!

When I went to the cafeteria for breakfast, I bumped into Shen Xiyan again, but there were so many people in the cafeteria, Shen Xiyan's table was full, so Huang Xing could only wave his hand from a distance.

Seeing Huang Xing waving, Shen Xiyan rolled her eyes and lowered her head to eat the steamed buns, but Chen Yan beside her stood up bluffing, and greeted Huang Xing all the way, " Hi! Xing Huang, good morning!"

Her sound attracted the eyes of the students next to her. Chen Yan also realized that it was inappropriate for her to greet a boy so proactively, so she quickly sat down, covered her face and said, "Oh, it's broken...Xiyan, I Is there going to be a scandal?"

"Gossip? You and Huang Xing? It's not going to happen." Shen Xiyan muttered in her heart angrily, dead~ state!Seeing him early in the morning is disgusting!
Chen Yan covered her face, and said in a low voice: "Actually, I think Huang Xing is pretty good!"

"Ah?" Shen Xiyan was taken aback, and said in surprise, "He is outstanding? Where is he outstanding?"

Chen Yan pointed her fingers and said, "Listening, speaking, extensive reading, mathematics, all are excellent... And... I found that he is quite handsome... Don't you think so?"

Shen Xiyan shook her head, "I don't think so! I just think he's annoying!"

"Isn't it?" Chen Yan looked puzzled, "Has he offended you before?"

"Hmm... I get annoyed when I see him! He is..." Shen Xiyan remembered the little strawberry incident, lowered her voice, and said seriously, "Bad character! He's just a dude, be careful with him!"

"Oh..." Chen Yan nodded, tilted her head and glanced towards Huang Xing, then shook her head, "It doesn't look like that at all! Xiyan, why do you say that?"

Chen Yan's spirit of breaking the casserole and asking the end made Shen Xiyan scratch her head a little, she pondered for a while, and then said nonsense: "It's not what I said, it was what my dad said, he met Huang Xing once by chance, and then Warning me."

"You... Dad?" Chen Yan's expression was a little weird, and she curled her lips, "Can you believe what Old Antique said?"

"Anyway, I listen to my father!" Shen Xiyan continued to throw the blame on her father.


In Shen Group Chairman's Office, Shen Kuohai sneezed heavily twice. He took the tissue handed over by Li Qiang, sighed and said, "It's been a little dry recently, and my nose is always itchy."

"How about I buy some humidifiers?" Li Qiang said.

Shen Kuohai waved his hand, "Forget it, just drink more water..."

"Chairman..." Li Qiang whispered, "It is reported that the Gao family is in contact with Red Rose Company."

Shen Kuohai frowned slightly, "The Gao family actually wants to cooperate with gang forces, it's really going too far! But... the influence on us is limited."

Li Qiang said: "That's true, but I heard that Gao Xiaodong and Huang Xing had a conflict. Will the Gao family and gang forces come in, will it be bad for Huang Xing?"

Shen Kuohai thought for a while, "Could it be because of Xiyan?"

"It doesn't seem to be because of the eldest lady...the two had conflicts when school first started." Li Qiang said.

Shen Kuohai was silent for a moment, and said: "Pay more attention. If you find any outrageous behavior from the Gao family, please tell me immediately! It's not easy for Huang Xing now. I didn't know that his master even deleted all his accounts. Sealed! When Huang Xing first came to Haidong, he was penniless!"

"Ah?" Li Qiang asked in surprise, "Where did his money come from?"

"I earned it myself!" Shen Kuohai said while nodding in satisfaction, "Xiao Xing is really capable! It seems that I don't have to worry about Xiyan suffering hardships with him in the future! It's just... why can't the relationship between these two people see any progress? ? It's really worrying!"

Li Qiang pondered for a moment, and said, "It's just that things take a long time. Chairman, don't worry. Relationships need to be cultivated slowly. Anyway, there is plenty of time."

Shen Kuohai nodded, took a sip of water, and said, "It's almost there, the board of directors is about to start, let's go!"


Huang Xing still doesn't know that he has been approved by an unknown father-in-law, he only knows that the foreign language class is really boring, especially the foreign language level of the teacher on the podium is not as good as his.But some teachers are very serious about attendance, which made Huang Xing even want to sneak out to boost training to make money. He wondered if it's time to learn something else during this boring class, such as in-depth research What about advanced mathematics?
The whole morning passed in his wild thoughts, and the class in the afternoon was finally more interesting, it was physical education.

Freshmen's physical education class is taught according to the department, and the content is physical fitness training. In a large department with a large number of people, it is divided into several classes, and each class is assigned a physical education teacher.There are only forty students in the foreign language department, so they are all counted as one class.

Perhaps because there are many girls in the foreign language department, the teacher assigned to the foreign language department is also a woman. She is in her 40s, surnamed Zhao. It is said that she was a provincial champion of aerobics when she was young. age.

After the class bell rang, 40 people from the foreign language department lined up in five rows, eight people in a row, and the three boys of Huang Chen were in the last row.

At a glance, they were all young and beautiful girls. Huang Chen felt that as a boy from the foreign language department, it was not a loss to be nicknamed "Three Whores in the Grass", after all, this beauty was too enviable.Especially some girls are still wearing sports shorts, and their youthful white legs are so bright. When practicing sit-ups, holding their slender ankles with both hands, facing the two snow-white legs, it's really tsk tsk tsk... …

Obviously, just by looking at it, it can be seen that both Jin Xin and Zhang Jianing have the same idea as him.

Teacher Zhao walked up to everyone and said with a smile: "Everyone has gone through the college entrance examination and a summer vacation, and my physical fitness may have declined a little. University life is still very stressful, so I hope everyone can take physical education seriously. In one class, I will give you a physical fitness test, and you all go jogging around to do some warm-up activities."

Hearing this, Jin Xin couldn't help poking Huang Xing, and said in a low voice: "Brother Chen, sit up for a while, do you dare to press your legs for the school girl?"

(End of this chapter)

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