Chapter 404
Huang Xing took out his mobile phone and dialed Shen Kuohai's number, "Hello, Uncle Shen, I'm Huang Xing."

"Little Lu, what's the matter?"

Huang Xing didn't say too much, and said directly: "Morita Company is working hard to get in touch with MBC, Xue Liya met with Morita Company's general manager Li Sen today..."

"Morita's meeting with people from MBC at this time is taking advantage of the fire! Lu, do you know what they talked about?"

Huang Xing immediately talked about Morita Company's plan, and finally said: "I think this Morita Company should have the capital background of the East Japan Kingdom, but Xue Liya still hopes to cooperate with Shen's Group, and she hopes to take advantage of this time to , Uncle Shen, you can solve the 'poisonous biscuit' matter."

"Your information is too important! Regarding the biscuit matter, we are hurrying up. Since the Morita company is so active, I doubt this matter, and they may have made a move."

Huang Xing smiled and said: "I don't have any evidence for anything else, so I dare not talk nonsense, but those people with rhythm on the Internet are probably recruited by Morita Company. The style of the Japanese cyber navy... By the way, Uncle Shen, if you need help, you don't have to be polite to me."

"I see, thank you Xiao Lu, you can just keep Xue Liya as steady as you can these few days, we already have a clue about the biscuit investigation, and we should be able to find out the reason in these few days!"

"Okay, I'll call you again if I need something."


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing pondered for a moment, then smiled slightly. He believed that Shen Kuohai could handle this kind of business problem well, especially this kind of conspiracy, which would definitely leave traces. As long as those traces were found, the conspiracy would be gone. It doesn't work when exposed to sunlight.

In fact, now Shen Kuohai has indeed found clues. At the beginning, there was relatively little information, so they used the method of elimination, checking one by one, and now found that there are no problems in all links of raw materials, production, processing, and packaging.With the deepening of the inspection, the real situation is about to surface.

Huang Xing believed in Shen Kuohai's ability, so he didn't take this matter to heart. After Xue Liya got dressed, the two went to the nearby Wetland Park to go boating, have a picnic, and watch the sunset.


Two days later, Li Qiang hurried into Shen Kuohai's office, handed Shen Kuohai a copy of the test data, and said, "Chairman, this is the feedback from the technical department, and the official side has approved the investigation result."

Shen Kuohai read the information, and his face became more and more serious, "It turns out that there is a problem with the packaging of the desiccant!"

Li Qiang nodded, "I really didn't expect that the problem is here!"

"Where is this batch of desiccant produced?" Shen Kuohai asked.

"The manufacturer of the desiccant is not responsible for the packaging, and the final packaging is another factory..." Li Qiang said, "The source of the packaging paper has also been found out, it is Nanhan Country, but the serial number of the desiccant packaging paper for that batch of biscuits , but not from that factory.”

Shen Kuohai was silent for a moment, then sneered, "Sure enough, he came after us on purpose! It seems that the batch of papers has been swapped! Have you reported it?"

Li Qiang nodded, "The case has been reported."

"It's quiet, isn't it?"


Shen Kuohai thought for a while and said: "The inspection of the production and packaging links will continue, and at the same time let the media continue to pay attention to this matter. By the way, contact the R&D institutions of our subordinate companies and ask them to come up with a brand new food packaging design plan. On the basis of the original one, adding one can completely isolate the desiccant and food without contact!"

Li Qiang nodded, "How long will it take for this plan to come out?"

Shen Kuohai pondered for a moment, then said, "Four days!"

"Is the time too short?" Li Qiang asked.

"We only need a plan, not real objects. Four days is enough. But we must ensure that it is a feasible plan. In the future, all the food products of the Shen Group will use the new plan!" Shen Kuohai said.

"Okay! I'll notify you right away!"

"By the way, say hello to the official, the matter of the desiccant is kept secret for now!"

Li Qiang thought for a while, understood Shen Kuohai's intention, and said with a smile: "The chairman is brilliant!"

Shen Kuohai smiled faintly, "This matter, Morita Company can't get rid of it! Don't underestimate this company, but its ambitions are not small. When I free up my hands, I will clean them up! By the way, you can sort out the current investigation results. Pass it to Xue Liya through Xiao Lu."

"Okay Chairman..." Li Qiang was about to leave, but suddenly turned back and said in a low voice, "Chairman, there is one more thing..."

"what's up?"

"Xiao Lu doesn't seem to go to school these days, he should be with Xue Liya all the time."

"Well..." Shen Kuohai nodded and suddenly smiled, "Old Li, don't worry about this! If Xiao Lu can establish a good relationship with Xue Liya, it will be of great benefit to him and the Shen Group in the future It's good! As for Xiyan...the same sentence, I have confidence in Xiyan! Xiao Lu can't run away!"

Seeing that Shen Kuohai was so relieved, Li Qiang couldn't say anything, so he nodded and went to do what Shen Kuohai arranged.


The next morning, Huang Xing received the investigation results of the "poisonous biscuit" incident from Li Qiang. The official initially determined that the source of the toxic substance was the wrapping paper of the food desiccant. Since the source of the wrapping paper was obviously suspicious, the whole matter had been closed. It became a case of deliberate poisoning instead of a production safety incident.

After leaving the Shen Group, Huang Xing went directly to the hotel.

Xue Liya just got up and was sitting next to the dressing table combing her hair. When she saw Huang Xing coming, she immediately ran over and kissed him lightly, and said with a smile, "Where shall we go to play today?"

Huang Xing smiled, handed her the survey results, and said, "Your vacation is almost over!"

"Ah?" Xue Liya looked at the result and sighed, "I found out so quickly? I want to play for a few more days!"

"If I can't find out, I'm afraid I'll have to go to the hospital and let Trump and the others be sick for a few days! The three of them should be recovering soon, right?"

"It seems so..." Xue Liya said, "Sang De sent a message yesterday that they will be discharged from the hospital in three days at most."

Huang Chen pondered for a moment, then said: "You said that Sander and Trump are supporters of Morita Corporation, and Ultrama and you support Shen Group, the ratio is two to two, it seems that it is not easy to agree on."

"It doesn't matter..." Xue Liya smiled, "The purpose of our visit this time is to discuss cooperation with the Shen Group. Since the Shen Group has no problems, then our partner must be the Shen Group! This investigation It turned out that it came in time, but it’s just a pity for my vacation! Today I have another day off and won’t go out!”

Xue Liya said, hooking Huang Chen's neck, "Let's stay in bed for a day..."

(End of this chapter)

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