The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 409 Shen Xiyan's Annoyance

Chapter 409 Shen Xiyan's Annoyance
Except for a few people who knew the inside story, no one else knew about the relationship between the poisonous biscuit and the desiccant. Hearing that Shen Kuohai finally brought the topic to the poisonous biscuit, Xue Liya couldn't help covering her mouth and smiling, "Mr. It’s really ingenious, so that the focus of those reporters will be brought to the technical level invisibly, and they won’t hold on to the previous point.”

"Yes!" Otmar nodded, "The chairman has specially investigated the development history of the Shen Group, and he has a very high opinion of Shen Kuohai, saying that he is a business genius! Now it seems that what the chairman said is not true at all. That's right!"

"Grandpa also thinks he is a business genius?" Xue Liya rolled her eyes and said, "Since we have such an excellent partner in Huaxia, I think I should come to work in Huaxia. Learn more, Uncle Ultramar, what do you think?"

Ottmar smiled and said: "This is a good idea, you can apply to the chairman, I believe he will agree."

"I'm afraid my grandpa thinks that I want to play in Huaxia, so you should tell him when you go back." Xue Liya laughed.

"Okay..." Ottmar nodded, "The scale of Huaxia's business will definitely expand, and a person with sufficient weight should be sent here. You are just right!"

Xue Liya suppressed the joy in her heart and nodded slowly.She wanted to come to Huaxia, the most important thing was to have more opportunities to meet Huang Xing.She couldn't help but looked around, and couldn't help feeling a little strange, why didn't Huang Xing show up today?Isn't he Shen Kuohai's accompanying interpreter?


Huang Xing knew the reason for the "poisonous biscuit" a long time ago, so he has no interest in this press conference, and his short-term employment relationship with Shen Kuohai has also ended. After getting his salary, he naturally didn't bother to go to the free platform again.

Today is the full month since he became Shen Xiyan's asset manager. According to the signed contract, he needs to report the asset status to Shen Xiyan.And Huang Xing also wanted to see, what would Shen Xiyan's reaction be after seeing the results of his asset management?Speaking of which, Huang Xing hasn't watched the stock news less this month, isn't it just to get a good time in front of the beauties?

Shen Xiyan is a good student, unless there are special reasons, she will never skip class.She also knew the root of the "poisonous biscuit" from Shen Kuohai, so she didn't pay much attention to the press conference, and went to the classroom early in the morning with peace of mind.

Knowing Shen Xiyan's habits, Huang Chen also went to the classroom for the first time.

As soon as she saw Huang Chen enter the classroom, Chen Yan immediately became excited. She has always maintained the habit of occupying a seat for Huang Chen, and finally saw him come to class today, she quickly stood up and waved to him, "Xing Huang, Xing Huang! Seat it's here!"

This class is a big class. In addition to the foreign language department, there are also civil engineering departments and electronics departments.Both the Department of Civil Engineering and the Department of Electronics are places where there are more men than women, especially the Department of Civil Engineering, where forty people are all men.

The boys in these two departments are gratified that they have the opportunity to take classes in the same classroom as the foreign language department, which not only has more girls, but also has high quality.But what made them sad was that there was news that several of the most beautiful girls from the foreign language department all aimed to pursue Huang Xing, claiming to reject all boys except Huang Xing.So in the eyes of boys from the civil engineering department and the electronics department, Huang Xing is a very hateful existence.

When Chen Yan called Huang Xing, the whole classroom suddenly fell silent, and dozens of pairs of eyes all turned to the door.

Those are all envious, jealous eyes!

No matter how thick-skinned Huang Xing was, he still felt a little hot.He coughed lightly, and walked over without looking sideways, but the walking posture and the expression on his face still looked a bit twitchy.

Sitting next to Chen Yan, Huang Xing said in a low voice: "I said Swallow, I know you have reserved a seat for me, so don't be so loud in the future, I will become a public enemy!"

"Oh..." Chen Yan smiled embarrassedly, "I'm afraid you won't see me."

"A pretty girl like you, I can tell you apart from the crowd at a glance!"

Chen Yan felt sweet in her heart, "Really?"

"Of course! Have I lied to anyone?" Huang Xing said with a smile.

"It doesn't seem to be..." Chen Yan smiled, "By the way, the sports meet is about to start, have you signed up for the individual event?"

"Well... 110 meters, [-] meters hurdles, and long jump." Huang Chen smiled, "Have you signed up yet?"

"Except for basketball, I only applied for an 800-meter run..." Chen Yan said, "I just focus on participating, but you are so good at sports, you should be able to get the ranking. When you compete, I will ask everyone to go Cheers to you!"

"Okay..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "With so many beauties from you cheering me on, when I get excited, maybe I can win the championship in all three events!"

"So good?" Chen Yan said with a smile, "I heard that boys from our department have never won a place in a sports meeting before!"

"This situation will change because of me!" Huang Xing smiled, and said to Shen Xiyan who was sitting on the other side of Chen Yan, who had been reading with her head down, "Xiyan, which project did you apply for?"

Shen Xiyan didn't raise her head, "I reported a long jump."

"Oh..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "Strive to be the first."

"Let's leave this task to you..." Shen Xiyan said angrily, "Just brag if you haven't competed yet, if you don't win the championship, it's up to you!"

Huang Chen smacked his lips, secretly wondering, this girl should have passed her menstrual period?Why do you still have such an attitude towards brother?

In fact, Shen Xiyan was always annoyed because she found out that Huang Xing could see her menstrual period last time.Such a private matter of a girl is clearly known by a big man, she feels depressed when she thinks about it, what does Huang Xing do with so many messy things?annoying!

Of course, Huang Xing couldn't understand this kind of little daughter's thoughts, but he just thought that Shen Xiyan's temper was too bad, and she was a little moody.

But this doesn't affect his liking to see Shen Xiyan's mild anger and anger, the more Shen Xiyan is like this, the more Huang Xing wants to tease her.

"Xiyan, when did I brag?" Lu Xing asked back with a smile, "Last time at the welcome party, I won the first place when I said it first, how about it? How about we make another bet this time?"

"You...huh! I'm too lazy to talk to you!" Shen Xiyan remembered that she was put on by Huang Xing at the welcome party. In the end, Huang Xing not only won the first place, but she also had to accompany him to the TV station to perform!Thinking of this, Shen Xiyan was even more angry, she gave Huang Chen a blank look, lowered her head and continued to read.

(End of this chapter)

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