The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 412 He is not simple

Chapter 412 He is not simple

The phone moved slowly, and Shen Xiyan's cheek was getting closer and closer to Huang Xing's mouth.Huang Xing could even smell the natural fragrance on Shen Xiyan's skin.

Shen Xiyan didn't know it, maybe she felt that the angle of the phone was not good, so she frowned slightly, but still leaned towards Huang Xing.The distance between the two got closer, but Shen Xiyan's eyes still stayed on the phone screen.

Only a few centimeters away...

Just when Huang Xing's ghostly thoughts were about to succeed, Shen Xiyan finally couldn't bear the angle of looking at the phone, and pulled Huang Xing's hand towards her, and she immediately sat upright.

Depend on!
Huang Chen cursed secretly in his heart, it was almost!What a pity!

Shen Xiyan seemed to have noticed something, turned her head, looked at Huang Xing warily, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Uh..." Huang Xing smiled slightly, "It's nothing, my arms are a little tired after holding up the phone for so long."

Shen Xiyan gave him a blank look, and suddenly realized that she had been sitting here for too long. Looking at the time, the next class had already started, and now it was inconvenient for her to go back to the classroom.

"It's all your fault!" Shen Xiyan said depressedly, "Now it's class again!"

"Aren't you excited to watch it too?" Huang Xing said with a smile, "The press conference is almost over, so let's finish watching it."

"Don't read it..." Shen Xiyan took off her earphones and said, "What's the point of these reporters asking questions? They're all boring questions... I'm going back to the dormitory!"

"Okay, remember to give me the memory card, and pick out that strange one for me too! Let me see what secrets the Gao family has."

"Got it..." Shen Xiyan stood up and left after finishing speaking.I don't know why, but she suddenly had a strange feeling just now, as if a nest of rabbits were jumping in her heart, which made her very uneasy, as if if she stayed there with Huang Xing again, something would happen.Therefore, although Shen Xiyan couldn't go to the classroom, she had to rush back to the dormitory, anyway, she had to stay far away from Huang Xing!
Watching Shen Xiyan go away, Huang Chen sighed regretfully.In fact, he knows that it's fine if he doesn't succeed today, otherwise, according to Shen Xiyan's temper, I don't know how long he will be angry, and maybe he will be listed as a person who refuses to deal with him from now on... But even if that is the case, he still hopes to sneak attack success...

At this time, the press conference of Shen's Group had come to an end. After the manager of the propaganda department of Shen's Group's headquarters and the relevant personnel of the food company involved spoke successively, Shen Kuohai personally announced another big news. Shen's Group and North American MBC The group has officially become a strategic partner and will jointly develop emerging markets.

The photo of Shen Kuohai shaking hands with Xue Liya made the headlines of economic news almost immediately.Haidong's business district was invigorated. I don't know how many people were happy and encouraged, and how many people were frustrated.

Although the Gao family has a cooperative relationship with the Shen Group on the surface, in fact, Gao Dequan has always regarded Shen Kuohai as an opponent in his heart, always thinking of overpowering Shen Kuohai in the mall, and even swallowing the Shen Group.

When the "poisonous biscuit" incident broke out in a subsidiary company of Shen's Group, Gao Dequan deliberately asked friends from the province to trip up Shen's Group.But I didn't expect that Shen Kuohai's face would be even greater. Through the official relationship, a policy of silence came directly.

In fact, from an official point of view, stability is the first priority. Shen Kuohai and Gao Dequan hope that the matter will be clarified before sending out a message, and the other hopes that everyone will know about it.As long as the officials are not out of their minds, they will definitely favor Shen Kuohai.After all, such a thing suddenly appeared in the Shen Group, no matter how you look at it, there is a taste of "conspiracy".

Gao Dequan watched the entire press conference through the webcast, and was so angry that he almost smashed his computer.

"Shen Kuohai, the old fox..." Gao Dequan said bitterly, "This time, he was so fooled!"

In Gao Dequan's office, besides himself, there are his secretary Qian Sanshui, his son Gao Xiaodong, and Xiao Shan from Red Rose Company.

Under Xiao Sanye's strict order, Xiao Shan suspended all cooperation with the Gao family, but he personally got close to the Gao family secretly.He took the MBA training class, in fact, to have a convenient place to communicate with the Gao family, because Qian Sanshui is also one of the students in the training class.

Gao Dequan turned off the computer, pondered for a moment, and said, "Shen Kuohai and MBC join forces, and the Haidong business district will probably be controlled by the Shen family in the future. Our life will become more and more difficult!"

Speaking of this, Gao Dequan looked at Gao Xiaodong and sighed, "Is there any hope for the matter between you and Shen Xiyan?"

Facing Gao Dequan's stern gaze, Gao Xiaodong didn't dare to be sloppy, and said in a low voice: "Dad...the matter between me and Shen Xiyan has not progressed, because there is a nasty guy standing in front of me, and I can't do anything about him."

"Lu Xing?" Gao Dequan asked, "Or that kid?"

Gao Xiaodong nodded, "I don't know what's going on, every time I exert force on Shen Xiyan, Huang Xing will stop in front! I think the relationship between Huang Xing and Shen Xiyan seems abnormal, a bit... ambiguous!"

"What?" Gao Dequan was surprised, "Shen Xiyan and Huang Xing have an ambiguous relationship? Does Shen Kuohai care? This matter is very important, so don't talk nonsense!"

"Anyway, I've seen them hug each other..." Gao Xiaodong said angrily, "Shen Xiyan joined the basketball team in their class, Huang Chen is the head coach, Shen Xiyan joined the dance club, and Huang Chen also joined the dance Club, Shen Xiyan went to the skating rink, and Huang Xing was also on the skating rink, and even played pair skating with Shen Xiyan...Dad, I saw all of these, I don’t know how many more I didn’t see! "

"Is the old fox Shen Kuohai confused..." Gao Dequan frowned, "How can you tolerate Shen Xiyan associating with such an ignorant person? Xiaodong, have you investigated Huang Chen? Where did he come from?"

"I checked. He is an orphan. He used to live abroad. He just returned to China this year to go to university." Gao Xiaodong said, "I heard that he studies well."

"Orphan? Living abroad..." Gao Dequan frowned, "What kind of messed up experience is this? What's the use of studying well? How could such a person fall into Shen Kuohai's eyes? He probably doesn't know about Shen Xiyan's affairs at school, right? ..."

Xiao Shan sneered, and interjected: "President Gao, Huang Xing is not a messy person, he is quite capable! My father was brought back from the gate of hell by Huang Xing! That kid has extraordinary medical skills, he can be regarded as He is a little genius doctor. Do you think this kind of person can get into Shen Kuohai's eyes? If there is such a genius doctor's son-in-law, Shen Kuohai will have an extra life! Even if he is not allowed to be a son-in-law, the Shen family only needs to win over this person , the benefits are also great!"

(End of this chapter)

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