Chapter 43

When they walked to a distance of more than 100 meters from the basketball court, Gao Xiaodong stopped, and said to a strong man beside him, "Did you see it? It's the second basketball court, the boy who is playing with girls."

"Young Master Gao, is that the one who dribbled the ball? Tsk tsk...he can even dunk!"

Seeing Huang Xing showing off in front of the girls, especially Shen Xiyan who was beside him, Gao Xiaodong felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten two catties of flies. He gritted his teeth and said, "It's him! Take care of him!"

Wang Ben next to him said in a low voice: "Brother, that kid is very powerful, be careful."

This strong man is Wan Jiangliu from the Red Rose Company, and this time he was invited by Wang Ben to vent his anger on Gao Xiaodong.He also specially brought three subordinates, all of whom were the lowest front-line personnel of the Red Rose Company. Fighting and fighting were commonplace, and one of them was Wen Jianbo, who still had a criminal record on his back.

After hearing Wang Ben's reminder, Wan Jiangliu smiled indifferently and said, "Why, can't you still trust your senior brother? You, you didn't listen when I asked you to learn some real skills. Now it's all right. Students can't do it!"

After finishing speaking, Wan Jiangliu waved to the other three people and said, "After a while, find a way to have some conflicts... I don't need to teach you?"

Wen Jianbo chuckled, "Those three little girls are really juicy, Brother Wan, shall we..."

Wan Jiangliu glared, "Have you lost your mind? This is a school! Don't make trouble for me, so as not to cause trouble for Young Master Gao! Do you hear me?"

Gao Xiaodong smiled and said, "When this matter is over, I'll find a chance to call them out, and then it'll be up to you!"

"Thank you, Young Master Gao!" Wen Jianbo smiled happily. He remembered something, and suddenly frowned and said, "No, why did the two female college students at the night show feel different from these people last time? Why are those two different from those in the red light hair salon?" Like your lady?"

"You idiot!" Wan Jiangliu scolded, "Those two are from the hair salon, but they just bought a fake student ID card! Do you really believe them when they say they are college students? Sabi!"

"Grandma's... ask them to refund the money next time!" Wen Jianbo said angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense! Let's go!" Wan Jiangliu said.

Gao Xiaodong took out a telescope and said with a smile: "It's up to you! I want to see how unlucky that bastard Huang Xing is!"

"Young Master Gao, just wait and see the good show..." Wan Jiangliu laughed, and walked towards the basketball court with his men.

At this time, the basketball confrontation between "Three Watches in the Grass" and the three girls is in full swing.Among the three girls, that is Li Jingjing's movements are similar, dribbling, dribbling, jumping, shooting, with a wheat-colored and healthy complexion, she also has the feeling of an athlete.Chen Yan's skills are very amateurish, but they are better than Cheng Caixin. Cheng Caixin has been judged several times by Xu Jie for walking fouls, and twice, if Huang Xing hadn't helped her, she would have almost come to an emergency stop. Time to fall.

Playing with these people, Huang Xing can't even perform at one percent of his level, otherwise the three girls wouldn't even be able to touch the ball. Now Huang Xing is only responsible for passing the ball, trying to give Jin Xin and Zhang Jianing the opportunity to shoot.

Under his intentional restraint, the six players played well, and the girls' team's score was not much worse than that of the boys' team.

Although Shen Xiyan was not interested at first, after the competition started, her attention was gradually attracted, and she shouted cheers from time to time. Of course, she only cheered for the girls.

At this time, Huang Xing received Jin Xin's pass, and Chen Yan hurried up to block it.

"Chen Yan, come on!" Shen Xiyan yelled, "Take his ball away! Take it away!"

Huang Chen couldn't help laughing, this girl Shen Xiyan really distinguishes between friend and foe.

However, at Chen Yan's level, it was impossible to snatch Huang Xing's ball. She stretched out her hand twice, but Huang Xing dodged it.Seeing that Zhang Jianing was in a good position, Huang Xing passed the ball casually.

Just as he was passing the ball, Chen Yan pounced again, and then lost his balance, and fell towards Huang Xing with a cry of surprise.

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing secretly, did this girl do it on purpose?This kind of cheap delivery to the door, Huang Xing naturally accepted it with a smile, put his arms around her, hugged her around the waist, felt the elastic skin under the thin fabric, and said with a smile: "Be careful!"

Chen Yan's face was flushed, and her charming eyes showed a bit of shyness, nervousness and inexplicable meaning, and her voice was as low as a mosquito, "Thank you..."

Huang Xing smiled slightly, and patted her waist intentionally, "I have a good figure, no fat at all!"

"It's disgusting!" Chen Yan punched him in shame, "What nonsense!"

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "So I didn't feel the fat?"

"No, no!" Chen Yan was nervous and didn't know what to say. She really didn't do it on purpose when she fell just now, but she was secretly wondering if Huang Xing would help her if she fell down.But she didn't expect that when she was so distracted, she really fell down, and the gift from the sky made her a little confused.

"Hey! Huang Xing! What are you doing?" Shen Xiyan suddenly said loudly, "Xu Jie, did Huang Xing push someone for a foul?"

Before Xu Jie could speak, Chen Yan hurriedly said: "No... I almost fell down myself, not by Huang Xing."

"Yeah, I saw it!" Xu Jie turned her head and said to Shen Xiyan, "Lu Xing didn't foul, it's fine!"

Shen Xiyan pouted slightly, "It's disgusting, she didn't make a foul! Chen Yan is an idiot, if she said that Huang Xing fouled, wouldn't she be able to make free throws?"

At this time, Chen Yan was still standing next to Huang Xing. She always felt that she should do something, otherwise this great opportunity would be too wasted. Suddenly, she noticed that Huang Xing's glasses were a little dirty, so she got hot-headed and said : "Your glasses are dirty, I have a tissue here, wipe it for you."

Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment, seeing that Chen Yan had already extended his hand enthusiastically, he took off his glasses, and said with a smile, "Thank you."

"It's okay, just wait..." Chen Yan took out a tissue from his pocket and wiped it carefully.

At this moment, the four of Wan Jiangliu had already walked to the side of the basketball court, just in time for Cheng Caixin to make a three-point shot. The basketball drew an arc and flew towards Wan Jiangliu and the others.

The speed of the basketball is not fast, and it is very easy to avoid it, but one of Wan Jiangliu's subordinates deliberately moved to the position where the basketball fell, so that the basketball hit his head impartially.

"Ah!" The kid let out a cry like a pig being slaughtered, and fell to the ground, holding his head and humming loudly.

Wen Jianbo immediately pointed at Cheng Caixin and shouted without losing the opportunity: "You hurt someone!"

Following these words, the three of Wan Jiangliu surrounded Cheng Caixin aggressively, shouting loudly, "I hurt someone, pay for the medical expenses! Did you hear me! Lose the money now!"

Cheng Caixin was so frightened that he stood there at a loss, and was immediately surrounded by Wan Jiangliu and the other three.

Seeing that the momentum was wrong, Zhang Jianing and Jin Xin rushed to Cheng Caixin's side and blocked her behind.

Afterwards, Li Jingjing and Shen Xiyan also moved over.

Huang Xing glanced at the three of them, but he didn't go to Wan Jiangliu and the other three, but walked slowly towards the kid lying on the ground.

"Lu Xing, you have glasses!" Chen Yan said.

Huang Xing smiled, "You take it first..."

(End of this chapter)

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