The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 432 You Go Proctor

Chapter 432 You Go Proctor
Now, Shen Xiyan's 20 has rolled into more than 100 million. Adding Huang Xing's own money, the funds he can use to invest have exceeded 200 million.

Although in the capital market, more than 200 million yuan is not even a hair, but Huang Xing believes that in less than a year, under his operation, the more than 200 million yuan can become at least 2000 million yuan.After all, with his channel, he can get a lot of extremely confidential economic information, and it is not difficult to use this information to make a little money.

In the afternoon, Huang Xing turned all the money in the stock market into cash. Together with his own money, more than 200 million yuan was invested in the gold market.According to the information collected before, Huang Xing has learned that the largest gold fund in the world is actively increasing its gold position, and the current gold price is relatively low, which is a good time to make a fortune.

Although the price of gold will not rise by more than 200% in the short term, the futures market can be leveraged. To put it simply, Huang Chen invests 1000 million yuan. If it is five times leveraged, he can use 800 million yuan to operate. The extra 200 million was borrowed by him, and he could use it as long as he paid a certain handling fee.However, if it is lost, it will be deducted from Huang Xing's [-] million principal.

This kind of leverage operation is very risky. Taking five times leverage as an example, as long as the price drops by 20.00%, then all of Huang Xing's 200 million will be lost.But Huang Xing was already convinced that the price of gold had entered an upward cycle, so he directly added ten times the leverage and mobilized 2000 million to operate.

An hour after he entered the futures market to buy futures, the price of gold rose by 200%. For Huang Xing, that means his more than [-] million yuan directly increased by [-]%!

Earning more than 20 yuan in an hour, Huang Xing couldn't help but smack his lips secretly, this thing is actually similar to gambling, no wonder so many people are obsessed with this thing, the money comes in so fast!But lose money fast!If brother hadn't been able to cheat, he wouldn't have dared to play this thing!


The next day, after gold rose by [-]%, it fell by [-]%. However, such fluctuations in the market are normal, and Huang Xing didn't take it to heart. He went back to the Red Star community to practice all morning. There was a mid-term exam in the afternoon class, so he went to the classroom.

Today's exam is the mathematics of Mr. Ximen Chuuxue Cao Jiuzhang. For the students of the foreign language department, this is definitely the most difficult mountain to overcome.

The exam was held in a large classroom. In order to prevent cheating, the referees were seated next to each other. If you had to read other people's test papers, you could only reluctantly see if the students in front of you were willing to cooperate.

As soon as Huang Xing entered the classroom, Jin Xin dragged him to sit in front of him, and Zhang Jianing sat behind and to the left of Huang Xing. Huang Xing smiled slightly, what this position represented, of course, everything was in the air.

Not long after, Shen Xiyan and Chen Yan came. Seeing that only the seat on the right back was still vacant around Lu Xing, Chen Yan hurried over and sat on that seat. Shen Xiyan saw that there was no one in front of him. After taking the seat, he sat behind Chen Yan.

"Lu Chen, Lu Chen..." Chen Yan lowered her voice and called out, "Today's exam is all up to you! After you finish, put the paper on my side, and I'll treat you to dinner later!"

Huang Xing looked back at Zhang Jianing, Jin Xin and Chen Yan, and said with a smile, "I heard that Mr. Cao is very strict in proctoring the exam. I will try my best to cooperate, but you should also be careful."

"Don't worry, brother Chen, Jianing and I can just read the multiple-choice questions!" Jin Xin laughed.

"Me too, me too..." Chen Yan echoed, "Anyway, I don't understand the big question, and I don't know how to write it!"

At this time, Cao Jiuzhang entered the classroom with the test paper in his arms, and Huang Xing turned around and pretended to be sitting upright.

Cao Jiuzhang put the test paper on the podium, and waved to Huang Xing, "Lu Xing, come here."

Lu Xing was a little puzzled, walked up to Cao Jiuzhang, and asked, "Mr. Cao, what's the matter?"

Cao Jiuzhang pointed to the last big question on the test paper and asked, "Do you have an idea for this question?"

Huang Xing was stunned for a moment, and muttered to himself, why did you ask me to read the questions before the exam started?With doubts, Huang Xing glanced at the test paper and said, "Use the expansion formula of power series..."

Cao Jiuzhang nodded in satisfaction, and pointed to another question, "What about this question? Where do I start?"

"Criterions for Series Convergence and Uniform Convergence..."

"Not bad..." Cao Jiuzhang pointed to a multiple-choice question and asked, "Which one do you choose for this question?"

"Exclusion method, choose C." Huang Xing couldn't help asking, "Mr. Cao, is this today's exam question?"

"Yes!" Cao Jiuzhang nodded, "You don't need to be tested for your level! Today my teaching assistant is sick, and I need a proctor. Come on! You will be the proctor for the journalism department over there!"

"Okay..." Lu Xing sighed secretly, and glanced at Jin Xin, Zhang Jianing and Chen Yan sympathetically, I'm afraid I won't be able to cover you this time...

Seeing Huang Xing's expression, Shen Xiyan couldn't help being startled for a moment, vaguely feeling that this exam might be bad for Chen Yan.

Chen Yan didn't expect so much, her eyes followed Huang Xing all the time, she couldn't help feeling a little strange when she saw Huang Chen walk up to the podium, say a few words with Cao Jiuzhang and then leave together, and only Cao Jiuzhang came back after a while, "Jin Xin, where did Huang Xing go?"

"I don't know..." Jin Xin was also puzzled, "Brother Chen's things are still there, why did he run away?"

Just as he was muttering, Cao Jiuzhang on the podium coughed lightly, and opened his mouth like a signboard opening remarks, "Don't be nervous, everyone, today's exam questions are not difficult, and if you work hard, you will definitely be able to do it."

The whole class sighed in their hearts, Teacher Cao always overestimated us...

When Cao Jiuzhang started handing out papers, Chen Yan finally couldn't bear it any longer. He raised his hand and said loudly, "Mr. Cao, Mr. Cao!"

"Student, what's your problem?"

Chen Yan pointed to Lu Chen's empty seat, and said, "Lu Chen just came and went out again. The exam has started, can I call him?"

"No need!" Cao Jiuzhang said, "Lu Xing's level doesn't need to take the midterm exam, I asked him to go to another exam room to invigilate the exam."

"Uh... huh?" Chen Yan was taken aback, and she was so depressed that she was about to cry. If she had known this, she might as well sit behind Shen Xiyan!Now that Shen Xiyan was sitting behind her, she had no chance to look back at all. This exam might be a red light.

Jin Xin and Zhang Jianing were also depressed to the point of death. They looked at each other and shook their heads sadly at the same time... Why did Ximen Chuuxue make such random moves?

(The three chapters are posted together, friends remember to vote!)
(End of this chapter)

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