Chapter 45
Wan Jiangliu had already increased Huang Xing's danger by an order of magnitude in his heart. Wan Jiangliu could do it by hitting someone with a basketball, but he absolutely couldn't catch the ball back like Huang Xing. It shows that Huang Xing definitely has a good skill with hidden weapons, and he must always worry about Huang Xing stabbing people in the back.

However, what made Wan Jiangliu a little relieved was that he had already rushed in front of Huang Xing. Even if Huang Xing had a strong hidden weapon, if he used it without a distance, his power would be greatly reduced.

The scene of Huang Xing hitting people with a basketball also fell into the eyes of Gao Xiaodong who was in the distance. Seeing Huang Chen being so strong, he was also a little scared, but seeing Wan Jiangliu punching the basketball flying just now, and now he has rushed to Lu Xun again. In front of Chen, he also let go of his heart, and muttered: "This time, he must be beaten up hard! His hands are abolished!"

Wang Ben said from the side: "Young Master Gao, don't worry, my senior brother is much stronger than me, I can't beat him even five times, and that kid Huang Chen will definitely not be able to run away today! By the way, Young Master Gao, I think you should Go to persuade!"

"Persuading a fight?" Gao Xiaodong frowned, "You're out of your mind? Why should I try to persuade a fight? It would be better if Lu Xing was beaten to death!"

"Young Master Gao, listen to me..." Wang Ben explained, "I'm not saying not to let my senior brother beat Huang Xing, but to persuade you when the beating is almost done, my senior brother will definitely give you face, so How good is it?"

When Gao Xiaodong rolled his eyes, didn't that mean he made a big show in front of Shen Xiyan?He laughed and patted Wang Ben's shoulder, "Good idea! Let's go! Let's go there now!"

When Gao Xiaodong and the two walked quickly to the basketball court, Wan Jiangliu also attacked Huang Xing.His kung fu opened wide, and as soon as he met his face, a straight fist smashed towards Huang Xing's face.

The corner of Huang Xing's mouth twitched, and he turned slightly to one side. At the same time, he turned his wrist and slammed the basketball hard to the ground.

There was a dull impact sound, but Wan Jiangliu felt a little weird, because Huang Xing actually dodged his fist, where did this sound come from?

When he was wondering, his eyes suddenly went dark, and a round object slapped Wan Jiangliu's face from bottom to top.

Wan Jiangliu was shot with stares in his eyes, and stepped back a few steps, just in time to see a basketball landed firmly in the opponent's hand.

It turned out that the angle at which Huang Xing threw the basketball to the ground was carefully calculated. The basketball rebounded and just stuck to Wan Jiangliu's face, and then returned to Huang Xing's hands.

Huang Xing spun the basketball again, and said with a smile: "Boy, it's not bad! I didn't even have a nosebleed after being hit like this, tsk're so thick-skinned!"

Being hit by a basketball and ridiculed by the other party, Wan Jiangliu's anger rushed to his head. He yelled "I'm looking for death", and kicked him with a false move and a progressive side kick.

Wan Jiangliu's kung fu on his feet is stronger than his hands. His kick is excellent in strength and speed. He can kick a refractory clinker brick in the air, and kick it on an ordinary person, which will kill him.

Huang Xing still had a smiling expression, and said "too slow" lightly, then turned around, and floated to the side of Wan Jiangliu lightly, with a flick of his wrist, the basketball was thrown out like a cannonball.

The knee of Wan Jiangliu's supporting leg was hit hard, and the huge force penetrated directly into his joints. He seemed to hear the soft sound of joint dislocation, and when his knee numb, he was about to kneel uncontrollably.

Fortunately, he was good at his legs, so he quickly retracted his other leg, staggered a few steps, and finally didn't really kneel down.

Before he could stand still, Huang Xing's basketball came again, this time the target was his head, Wan Jiangliu quickly hooked his hands, intending to catch this hateful basketball.

But as soon as his fingers touched the basketball, he felt something was wrong. Not only was the force carried by the basketball surprisingly strong, but it was also spinning rapidly.As soon as his fingers gained strength, the basketball slid downward like a loach.

This time, the place where it was smashed turned into a fragile area under the lower abdomen. Wan Jiangliu's eyes almost popped out, and he uttered a scream with a strange tone, and took several steps back while clutching the vulnerable area.

And the basketball returned to Huang Xing's hands like a magic trick. Huang Xing still kept moving, bowed his body, took two steps forward in a dribbling posture, and then threw the basketball out again.

Wan Jiangliu was hit hard on the face, but fortunately he dodged a little bit and didn't get hit hard, but he still felt his head was hit and there was a "buzz".Before he could recover, his stomach was hit hard by the basketball again, and he was so painful that he even stuck out his tongue.Just as he was covering his stomach with both hands, the basketball came back and hit him in the face again.

Wan Jiangliu was stunned, and there was only one thought left in his mind, to block this terrible basketball and stop being smashed!But his movements are always a little slower, and the basketball keeps falling on him.Wan Jiangliu blocked here for a while, and blocked for a while, his actions were ridiculous, but he didn't even block it once.

The sound of "bang bang bang" was endless, and Wan Jiangliu was smashed like a drunk man, stumbling around, falling and getting up, falling down, and getting up again.

Zhang Jianing, Jin Xin, and Shen Xiyan were all stunned.I have never seen anyone who can play basketball like this, why is it like a cartoon?

Chen Yan tugged at Shen Xiyan, and said in a low voice: "Xiyan, if Huang Chen does this, nothing will happen, right?"

"This dude is really troublesome!" Shen Xiyan frowned, "I called Teacher Cheng just now, and she said she would come right away!"

Shen Xiyan and the others were shocked and amazed, and Gao Xiaodong and Wang Ben who had just rushed over couldn't believe their eyes.

Gao Xiaodong had seen Wan Jiangliu's kung fu before. He specially found more than a dozen Sanda practitioners, and they were all defeated by Wan Jiangliu in less than 3 minutes. But how could this guy be so miserable now?Is this a fake Wanjiangliu?

Wang Ben's expression was as if he had seen a ghost. That was the senior brother who beat him with strength!How could it be so miserable?Was it made into this picture with a basketball?Could it be that those who practice kung fu can't do better than those who play basketball?

At this time, Shen Xiyan suddenly noticed that there were these two people beside her, and asked vigilantly, "Gao Xiaodong, what are you doing here?"

Gao Xiaodong was taken aback, and held back for a long time before saying: "I see there is a fight here, hurry up and protect you!"

Shen Xiyan looked suspicious, "Did you find these people?"

"No, no! Absolutely not!" Gao Xiaodong shook his head hastily, "Yanyan, this place is very dangerous, let's go, don't get hurt by mistake!"

"Go by yourself!" Shen Xiyan didn't bother to pay attention to him, and continued to look at Huang Xing.The guy who was hit by the basketball was already kneeling on the ground, Shen Xiyan was worried that Huang Xing would make a big deal, so she shouted: "Huang Xing! That's enough! Stop hitting!"

"Okay!" Huang Xing responded, caught the bounced basketball, took two shots, then jumped lightly, a standard long-range three-point shot, the basketball crossed twice the distance of the three-point line, accurate passed through the basket and landed on the ground.

At the same time, Wan Jiangliu also fell to the ground with a "plop"...

(End of this chapter)

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