Chapter 452 Records

The sports student was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Huang Xing to say such a sentence, but isn't sports all about breaking through the limit?He was a little excited by Huang Chen's words, and nodded vigorously, "Yes, let's break through together!"


Looking at the word "Lu Xing" in the list of athletes who entered the final, Zhou Bin couldn't help but secretly angry, with a very ugly expression on his face.But it's no wonder Liu Yuxiang, after all, no one thought that kid Huang Chen could run so fast!Now that the finals are over, and the referee has been replaced by a teacher from the physical education department, it is impossible to trip Huang Xing again!

Gao Xiaodong came over with the camera, sighed and said, "Brother Bin, it's not done!"

"That kid Huang Chen is too cunning!" Zhou Bin said, "I can only hope that he doesn't perform well in the final!"

"It's really frustrating to see this kid proud!" Gao Xiaodong said, "That kid will take part in the 110-meter hurdles soon. He runs so fast in the 110-meter hurdles. I guess his performance in the [-]-meter hurdles will not be bad. Grandma, I Let's go! Don't read it!"

Zhou Bin sighed, "You go, I can't go yet, I really envy you, I really don't want to see this bastard Huang Xing proud..."


When Zhou Bin was full of displeasure, the athletes who entered the [-]-meter final came to report.

The track for the finals is assigned according to the results. The track with the best score is in the middle. The farther to the two sides, the lower the score.

Huang Xing and the sports student were in the fourth and fifth lanes respectively.When the two entered the stage, the cheers in the audience increased significantly.

Chen Yan and the others have no doubts about Huang Chen's ability to win the championship. Even if he starts slowly, he will have better grades than that sports student. As long as he performs normally, he will be 100% first.

In the eyes of everyone, the referee raised the horn, "Get ready..."

The moment the starting gun sounded, all eight athletes rushed out.

"come on! Come on!"

The deafening sound of cheering resounded through the audience.

Xu Jie climbed onto the chair again, bouncing up and down with her hands up, "Come on, Lu Xing! Come on, Lu Xing! Come on!"

"Hurry up and overtake him! Overtake him!"

"Overtake him, speed up!"


After starting the race, Huang Xing kept pace with the sports student. From the looks of others, the two of them had started a fierce competition, but in fact, the sports student used all his strength to eat milk, while Huang Xing was pressing Take care of the speed, so as not to be too shocking.

While running, he whispered to the sports student: "Hurry up! Speed ​​up, speed up! I'm going to overtake you!"

This guy can still talk?In the heart of the sports student, ten thousand alpacas galloped by, if you want to overtake you, you must overtake, why are you blind?
Complaining in his heart, he also desperately squeezed the limit of his body and ran forward desperately.

Seeing that 80 meters had passed, Huang Xing finally increased his speed a little bit, leading the sports student by one body.

The sports student squeezed out almost all his potential, gritted his teeth and tried his best to catch up. Although he sped up his speed again, the gap of one position was still maintained until the finish line.

When Huang Xing overtook, the auditorium closest to the runway was boiling, Chen Yan and others shouted hoarsely, Xu Jie almost fell off the stool in excitement.

Seeing that Huang Xing crossed the finish line first, Meng Jiaojiao and Li Jingjing rushed down from the auditorium with their schoolbags in their hands, trotted all the way to the awarding platform and waited.

In this [-]-meter final, the athletes used all their strength, especially the sports student who had been holding back to surpass Huang Chen. After crossing the finish line, his tired legs shook, and he knelt on the ground within a few steps.

Huang Xing patted him on the shoulder, reached out and pulled him up, "Stand up and take a few steps! You should break through 11 seconds today."

"Really?" the gym student said weakly, "How do you run so fast? I've never heard of you before! What do you practice?"

Huang Chen smiled, and said nonsense: "I have practiced decathlon, but my family doesn't let me go this way, so I'm not a sports student."

"..." The sports student was stunned for a moment, then sighed, "Your family really delayed you..."

At this time, the results were summarized. Huang Xing's score was [-] seconds, and the sports student's score was [-] seconds. The two ranked first and second respectively.

This result is a record for Haidong University. With a time of [-] seconds, even in the National University Games, it is possible to get a good ranking. If you are lucky, it is not impossible to win gold and silver.And the time of [-] seconds has already reached the level of a national first-class athlete. For Haidong University, it is definitely a major breakthrough for Haidong University to have two national first-class athletes.

The vice principal in charge of sports personally came over to present awards to the athletes. When he was hanging the gold medal on Huang Xing, he said in a low voice: "Continue to train hard, and win glory for the school, for Haidong, and for the country in the future!"

Huang Xing responded in a low voice, secretly laughing in his heart, the vice principal probably didn't know that he didn't even bother to join the sports team.

Just after the award presentation, Meng Jiaojiao and Li Jingjing ran over impatiently holding a bouquet of roses.

"Lu Xing, congratulations!"

"Lu Xing, I'll give it to you!"

After Huang Chen took the flowers, the two beauties stood beside him, one on the left and one on the right, hugged him very actively, and waited for him to take out his mobile phone to take a selfie.Huang Xing couldn't help laughing secretly in his heart, these two little girls are really self-conscious.

He took out his mobile phone and said with a smile, "Come on, come closer!"

"it is good!"

"One two...eggplant!"

Just as Huang Xing was about to press the camera button, Meng Jiaojiao and Li Jingjing kissed him on the face at the same time.

Feeling the soft and hot lips on his cheeks, Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "Keep your posture, don't move, take a few more pictures."

Ka Ka Ka!
Huang Xing took five or six photos at once, and said with a smile: "Okay, is that enough kissing?"

Meng Jiaojiao blushed, and her heart turned hard, "I'm not kissing enough."

"I'm not enough either!" Li Jingjing boldly echoed.

Huang Chen laughed, "Then change the position and take some more photos?"


Afterwards, Li Jingjing and Meng Jiaojiao switched positions, kissed Huang Chen's face again, and completed the group photo.

Seeing Li Jingjing and Meng Jiaojiao kissing Huang Xing from a distance, Cheng Yaqiu's expression was a little stiff. She knew in her heart that Huang Xing was not something she could monopolize, but seeing Huang Xing being so intimate with other girls, she still It was unavoidable that there was a little pantothenic acid, and there was even an urge to fail Li Jingjing and Meng Jiaojiao.However, this kind of thought passed in a flash, and all that was left was a little worry about the future.Once Huang Xing dated a certain girl in the class, and that girl knew that she and her teacher were with the same man, how embarrassing she would be as a teacher...

(End of this chapter)

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