The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 456 The Anger of Cao 9

Chapter 456 Cao Jiuzhang's Anger

Huang Xing smiled, "Okay, your report is really comprehensive, and you have said everything I wanted to ask."

Zhou Yawen laughed "giggle", "Boss, am I very obedient?"

"It looks like you're quite happy, help me remind everyone, pay attention to safety when filming, and remember to bring me back some Northeastern soybean paste."

"Yeah! Don't worry, I remember! The farmhouse we live in has miso, which is said to be very authentic! By the way, we will fly back on Wednesday morning, and in the afternoon I will go directly to the Cultural Bureau for a performance at [-] o'clock. At first, let's meet at the door at [-]:[-]."

"I see... For that little money, it's really not worth rushing so fast."

"Not next time."

"Well, it's fine, there's nothing else to do, rest early after filming!"

"How do you know we're filming?"

"I heard Ying'er's cry thousands of kilometers away. Do your best and see you on Wednesday."

"Yeah... see you on Wednesday."


Putting away his phone, looking at the time, it was not too early, Huang Xing decided to live in the dormitory today.I opened a few shots of black with my roommate, then took a shower and went to bed.

There is advanced mathematics in the afternoon of the second day, and it is time to announce the results of the midterm exam.

For the students of the foreign language department, even if they can't get a high score in listening and extensive reading, it is no problem to pass.Huang Xing got full marks in both subjects, and coincidentally, Shen Xiyan also got full marks in both.But advanced mathematics is a hell for foreign language students.Of course, those who suffer together in hell also include the journalism students who take classes together.

The atmosphere before class was rather depressing. When Cao Jiuzhang walked to the podium with the paper in his arms, the air in the entire classroom was almost frozen.

Cao Jiuzhang cleared his throat and said, "The results of the mid-term exam have come out. Although the questions are not difficult, everyone's results are not satisfactory! The average score of the foreign language department is only [-] points!"

Hearing this, everyone gasped secretly. If the average grade is not passed, how many passers can there be in total?

Cao Jiuzhang changed the subject and said, "The situation in the foreign language department is quite special. After all, they are pure liberal arts majors. I am not surprised that they are weaker in mathematics. What makes me most angry is that the average score of the journalism department is only 35 points! It’s even lower than the foreign language department! As far as I know, nearly half of your students are admitted by science students, and you’re so bad at math! How did you learn it?”

Seeing that Cao Jiuzhang's face was getting darker and darker, the faces of the journalism students all changed.The average score is 35, so how many of them can pass!

Cao Jiuzhang paused, and continued: "Maybe some people think that mathematics is of no use to the journalism department, so I would like to ask you, won't you report technology news when you go to work? Mathematics is a subject. It can be said that it is the foundation of science and engineering subjects. You can't even master this foundation. What do you report when you face the ever-changing technological development in the future? How do you report? Do you only use the three words "black technology"? Or Focus only on the private life of scientific and technological workers? Don’t say anything else, the press release on the school’s website is in charge of your journalism department? See what it looks like? Have you reported on the achievements of our school’s mathematics? Have you reported on the achievements of chemistry? What is it reporting? It’s all mobile ads! And it’s full of mistakes and omissions! This is a disgrace to your journalism department!”

Cao Jiuzhang's voice became louder and louder, and all the people in the journalism department lowered their heads. They were wronged, they were just freshmen, and the matter of the school website was the fault of their brothers and sisters.

Cao Jiuzhang tried his best to control his emotions, and said: "The midterm exam is only a phased result...I hope that in the next study, everyone can take classes seriously and do homework seriously...especially the homework, and don't let more than a dozen people make mistakes. The phenomenon of the same symbol! Especially the students of the journalism department! Don’t you expect to copy the press releases of your peers when you go to work? It’s no wonder that the news on various websites is similar now. It turns out that this habit was developed in college. It's done!"

Many of the people here were shocked by what he said. What Cao Jiuzhang said was about students copying each other's homework. When everyone didn't understand, the mistakes in the original version would of course be copied over and over again. up.And this phenomenon is especially common among boys in the journalism department.

Huang Chen usually has a lot of miscellaneous things, relying on his good study, the homework is done in the classroom half an hour before it is due, even if Zhang Jianing and Jin Xin want to copy it, it is too late, but the girls are more serious in their studies, and they will not Some of them will ask and discuss with each other, and there are relatively few plagiarists in the full version.Even if they copied, most of them were copied from Shen Xiyan, and Shen Xiyan's homework basically did not make such low-level mistakes.

There was silence in the classroom, and no one dared to speak.Cao Jiuzhang glanced around with a serious expression, almost no one dared to meet his gaze.

"Now I'm handing out the test papers, whoever I call, whoever comes up to get the test papers, I'll get to know everyone by the way!"

The faces of all the students in the classroom turned green. It didn't take much thinking to know that Cao Jiuzhang would definitely pay special attention to those students with poor grades.

"Liu Qiang!"

"Here!" A boy stood up with a depressed face, but he didn't expect to be the first.

Cao Jiuzhang waved his hand, "Don't shout 'to', just come and get the paper."

"Oh..." Liu Qiang walked quickly to the podium, looked at the scores on the test paper, and felt relieved, 39 points, higher than the average score.

Afterwards, Cao Jiuzhang called the names one by one, from the Department of Journalism to the Department of Foreign Languages. Everyone was secretly depressed. Now, Ximen Chuuxue must have taken everyone to their seats, especially those with surprisingly low grades. Hanging red light.

When Huang Xing was proctoring the exam, Dong Xue's sister got a score of 61, which is considered a very high score in the journalism department. When she took the test paper, Cao Jiuzhang also had a pretty face, and praised her "" It’s good enough to pass.”

When Dong Xue returned to her seat, she deliberately looked for Huang Xing's figure, but when she found it, she found that Huang Xing was whispering to a beautiful girl beside her. She could only sigh secretly, and returned to her seat.

After the Department of Journalism came the Department of Foreign Languages. When the students of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​were receiving their test papers, Cao Jiuzhang looked more attractive, and the boys from the Department of Journalism all lamented the unfairness of the world where "appearance is justice".

Sitting on Huang Xing's right was Meng Jiaojiao. Her score was 45, which was above average. This made her feel relieved...

(End of this chapter)

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