The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 475 Why Isn't Your Name Luna?

Chapter 475 Why Isn't Your Name Luna?

Ever since Shen Xiyan and Lu Xing met, only Shen Xiyan was often kicked by Lu Chen angrily, and it was rare for him to be embarrassed. Now, "Pipi shrimp" made Lu Chen speechless. Shen Xiyan was like a child who got his favorite toy, her heart was so beautiful that it was bubbling.

After eating the marshmallow, Shen Xiyan giggled, "Pipi Shrimp, let's go with the big pendulum."

Huang Xing's hand was shaped like a crab's pincers, and he said, "Be careful, I'll pinch you!"

"Cut, your pliers are so small, what are you doing? Go away, Pippi Shrimp!" Shen Xiyan giggled and ran forward.

Huang Xing looked down at the abs he was proud of, curled his lips, "Young girl who doesn't know how to appreciate movies!"


The big pendulum project is also a very exciting project. Tourists sit in a circle in the circular cockpit, all facing outwards. While the cockpit rotates, the whole cockpit is still doing a single pendulum movement driven by a huge cantilever. Rotation plus single pendulum, The feeling of weightlessness, the feeling of overweight plus the centrifugal feeling of rotation, the combination of several kinds of feelings is really unbearable for people with weak hearts.

After queuing up, the two got on the big pendulum together. After sitting down, Huang Xing took out his mobile phone and took a few pictures of Shen Xiyan, and then the two of them also took a few selfies together.

When the big pendulum was about to start, Huang Xing pointed the camera of the phone at Shen Xiyan, and said with a smile: "The surrounding scenery is average, why not take pictures of beauties, I'll record the whole process for you."

Shen Xiyan hesitated for a moment, "That's fine, but..."

"Secret, isn't it?" Huang Xing smiled, "I've remembered it a long time ago! I'll send you all the photos I took today, and I won't give it to anyone else!"

"All right……"

Before the words were finished, the big pendulum had already started, the cockpit slowly rotated, and the cantilever also began to swing slightly.

Although the speed is relatively slow now and the height is not high, some excited tourists have already started shouting, there are two for one, and gradually, the speed of rotation also begins to accelerate, and the amplitude of the single pendulum is getting bigger and bigger , The shouting began to develop into howling ghosts and wolves.

huh... huh...

With the movement of the single pendulum, people fall to the ground from a height of nearly 30 meters along an arc along an arc. With the rotation of the cockpit, the scenery in front of them is also rotating and changing. , and suddenly swung into the air again, some timid tourists were already crying in fright, screaming and wiping their tears.

Although Shen Xiyan also had a nervous expression, she was still mainly excited, waving at the phone camera from time to time, full of sense of the camera.

After the big pendulum was over, the two discussed it and decided to play a softer project, so they chose bumper cars.

There are mostly children in the big shed of the bumper car. Besides children, there are also quite a few young ladies like Shen Xiyan who are still young at heart. As for grown men, only those who are already fathers bring their young children in. .

Huang Xing didn't want to be a strange flower in the bumper car playground, so he used the excuse of taking pictures of Shen Xiyan and didn't join in the fun.

After the start bell rang, the electric current on the roof supplied power to the motors in the car through the vertical conductive wires behind the bumper cars, and all the bumper cars started to move.The laughter grew louder as the collision began.

Standing by the guardrail, Huang Xing captured those beautiful moments of Shen Xiyan, and suddenly discovered an interesting phenomenon.Shen Xiyan seemed to be under siege all the time inside, and little boys kept bumping into her, so the area around her bumper car was always the most crowded place.

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, it seemed that the beauty Shen Da was still the type who took all the young and old, and these little bastards also knew that she was beautiful, so they always took the initiative to attract her attention.But this little girl is indeed beautiful, no matter from which angle you look at it, you can't find any flaws, every angle is flawless... From the looks of it, Shen Xiyan's mother is definitely an extremely beautiful woman.It's really strange, I never heard her mention the matter of her mother, nor did I hear Shen Kuohai mention the matter of his wife.

However, although Huang Xing was curious, he didn't want to delve into it. After all, he was an outsider, and too much gossip would be annoying.

After playing bumper cars, the two played the jumping machine again, falling freely from a height of more than 70 meters, with a maximum speed of nearly [-] kilometers per hour. The feeling of weightlessness, and then seeing the ground approaching but not being able to move at all, this is no longer just a stimulus, but a feeling of despair.

Sitting down with this thing, even if Shen Xiyan was more courageous, her pretty face felt a little pale. Shen Xiyan patted her plump chest, took a deep breath, and said to Huang Xing: "It looks like it's still there." You are courageous, you seem to have nothing to do, and you are not afraid at all."

Huang Xing said with a smile: "It's just a game, what's there to be afraid of?"

"Falling from such a high place, if there is a slight problem with the machine, it will be over." Shen Xiyan said with lingering fear.

Huang Chen smiled slightly, "Brother is sitting next to you, even if you can't stop, you'll be fine."

"No matter how powerful you are, you won't fall from that high place, will you be fine?" Shen Xiyan said.

Huang Xing said with a smile: "This thing doesn't fall freely all the way. It will slow down after a certain distance from the ground. At that time, if something is wrong, I can still bring you to the ground safely."

Shen Xiyan couldn't believe it, "Really? Are you really that good?"

Huang Xing shrugged, "Anyway, it's enough to keep you from dying. As a man, I can't let such a beautiful flower like you wither in front of me."

"..." Shen Xiyan was silent for a while, then suddenly shrank her neck, "It's so disgusting... I won't tell you! Anyway, this kind of thing can't happen! By the way, what time is it? Do we still have time to play? "

"That's enough..." Huang Xing said, "Find a place with a good view and take a few photos, then go eat, and play the rest later."

"Well, anyway, it's not a loss to play so many things... I just saw a grass field with many flowers blooming from a high place, let's go over there and take pictures!"

"Okay! I saw it too, the scenery there is good."


The two took some more photos, and then had lunch at the restaurant in the playground. Although the price was a bit outrageous, the taste was not bad.

After eating, Shen Xiyan patted her forehead suddenly, and said with a smile, "I almost forgot about one thing. I didn't ask Yawen to tell me my real name at the Cultural Bureau. I asked her to give me Meng Qi's name. Don't make a mistake when the time comes."

"Meng Qi?" Huang Chen couldn't help laughing, "Why aren't you called Luna?"

(End of this chapter)

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