The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 483 Drunk driving?does not exist!

Chapter 483 Drunk driving?does not exist!

Wanghai Palace Hotel is a five-star hotel. It not only specializes in Cantonese cuisine, but also specializes in special dishes from many Southeast Asian countries. A table of dishes with all kinds of colors, flavors and flavors makes the traveling group enjoy eating.

After drinking for three rounds and eating five tastes, Huang Xing raised his wine glass and said with a smile, "I'd like to tell you a piece of good news. The media department of the MBC Group in Maple Leaf Country, North America, is very interested in our TV series "The Fierce Tea", and has sent us a cooperation intention. I have already read the intention, and it is very sincere. MBC Group has controlled several TV stations in Maple Leaf Country in North America, and our TV series will premiere on the biggest TV station among them."

"Huh? Brother Chen, the first broadcast is in Maple Leaf Country?"

"Brother Chen, this is a Chinese drama!"

"Brother Chen, how did you know about our drama over there?"

"MBC Group? Could it be that big consortium in North America? The one that just cooperated with Shen's Group?"

Several people were very surprised by the news and asked questions one after another.

Huang Chen took a sip of his wine and said with a smile: "MBC Group, the sixth largest consortium in North America, has always been very friendly with China, and their senior management is very interested in the cultural exchanges between China and Maple Leaf Country, so I introduced our TV series to them , showed them a few clips, and then discussed cooperation intentions. Our drama may not have the opportunity to appear on TV in China for a short time, and it can only be broadcast on online platforms. Although I believe our TV series can be popular, but It is definitely not something that will happen in a short time, so we need help! A TV series broadcast on mainstream foreign TV stations, you should understand what it means to the domestic film and television industry."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard it, and He Yinger pointed her thumb and said, "Brother Chen, your road is so wide! I admire you so much!"

Zhou Yawen didn't speak, but looked at Huang Xing more tenderly. Seeing that the wine in his glass had bottomed out, she quickly picked up the bottle and filled it up for him.

"Because this is the first cooperation..." Huang Xing continued, "I only authorized the MBC Group to broadcast on the TV station, and did not sell the copyright, so the asking price is not too high. It is impossible for everyone to get rich overnight!"

Although Huang Xing said so, everyone present knew that what Huang Xing did was actually a way to gain greater benefits.Whether the copyright is valuable or not depends mainly on the popularity and ratings of the TV series "Bad Tea".

For a TV series broadcast on mainstream foreign TV stations, no matter how many ratings it can achieve abroad, fame alone is definitely enough in China.When the news comes out, those media companies won't flock to buy copyright like flies?Moreover, it has been broadcasted on TV abroad, and it is very likely that it will be broadcast simultaneously on TV and the Internet in China, so that everyone will become famous overnight!

"Brother Chen, I absolutely obey your arrangement!" He Yinger said.

He Yinger represented the opinions of the film crew. After hearing Huang Xing's thoughtful arrangement, everyone was full of confidence in their future and toasted to Huang Xing one after another.

He Yinger patted her chest and said, "Brother Chen, I will definitely make the best post-production effect and finish it as soon as possible!"

Huang Chen smiled, and said: "If you need it, you can also pay someone outside to do it. By the way, Maple Leaf Country does not need to have all TV series reviewed. We have one episode a week, the first Once the episode is done, it can be arranged to be broadcast there.”

"That's great!" He Yinger smiled, "Actually, the first episode is already finished, why don't you show it to Brother Chen in a while, I also want to hear your opinion, so I can improve it in the future."

Huang Chen wanted to talk about it later, but seeing that not only He Yinger, but also everyone had a look of expectation in their eyes, he nodded, "Okay, I'll go to your place to see at night."

Although He Yinger and the others have filmed an online drama, that drama can only be said to be not bad, let alone on TV, even on the Internet, it is not outstanding, and now, there is someone who can appear on Maple Leaf TV Station in North America Opportunity.In the past, we were all waiting for North American dramas, and now we can make North American people wait for our dramas!Everyone has had the experience of being tortured by a TV series with one episode a week, or even a two-week episode, and now they can finally get revenge.

Thinking of this, everyone is looking forward to the early broadcast of this drama, which is equivalent to seeing the fruits of their hard work during this period of time.

After a meal, Gao Jiahao went home to meet his girlfriend, Mu Zherui went to his parents with some local specialties from the Northeast, Wu Hao and Ye Feng went to the world of two, and Lu Chen took Zhou Yawen , He Yinger and Li Sijia went to He Yinger's studio together.

Just less than 500 meters away from the hotel, the traffic in front of me suddenly stopped, and I could see several traffic police cars parked not far away, and several traffic police were stopping the cars to check for drunk driving.

"Lu Xing, what should we do?" Zhou Yawen asked.

"What should I do?" Huang Xing smiled, "Why are you so nervous?"

"Check for drunk driving, you were drinking just now!" Zhou Yawen said.She also blamed herself a little, and felt that she should have reminded Huang Xing just now.

"Brother Chen, why don't we change seats, I'll take the driver's seat!" Li Sijia said.

"Didn't you drink too?" Huang Xing said with a smile.

"I don't drink much, so it's considered drunk driving at most. If you drink so much, you might be considered drunk driving..." Li Sijia said, "Besides, I don't have a car. If you deduct 12 points, you will deduct 12 points. It's fine."

Huang Chen waved his hand, "Don't worry, it's okay..."

Just as he was talking, a traffic policeman had already knocked on the car window. As soon as Huang Xing put down the car window, the traffic policeman's expression immediately became serious, because the smell of alcohol wafting from the car window indicated that someone must have been drinking in this car, and the driver was in the car. The only male, the suspicion of drunk driving is extremely high.

"Hello, please blow it here!" The traffic policeman stretched out the breathalyzer in front of Huang Xing.

Huang Xing smiled, and blew a big breath towards the mouth of the testing instrument.

Zhou Yawen, who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, looked at Huang Xing nervously, and her expression was also caught by the traffic policeman. The other hand of the traffic policeman had already held the walkie-talkie, and was going to immediately bring the driver with him if he was found to be drunk driving. Walk.

But when he saw the value displayed by the tester, the traffic policeman immediately had a strange expression and said, "Blow it again."

Huang Xing blew it again, and said with a smile: "Brother, it's useless to blow it ten times. I didn't drink alcohol. I'm a good law-abiding driver."

The traffic police finally confirmed that the driver hadn't been drinking, so he had no choice but to let Huang Xing go.

After driving for a while, Zhou Yawen couldn't help asking, "Did the instrument break just now?"

"Yeah Brother Chen, you drank so much, how could it be possible that you didn't exceed the limit?" He Yinger approached with a smile, "Is there any secret? Teach me, okay? You won't be afraid of being checked for drunk driving when you go out in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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