Chapter 504

Chen Yan blushed secretly, and said calmly, "This is the most high-end dress for me, and I'm going to a five-star hotel, so I have to wear something decent, right? By the way, you said this skirt is good with silk~socks Is it still unworthy?"

"Pair it with a very thin one, the flesh-colored one is fine." Shen Xiyan said, "I remember you seem to have that one."

"Oh!" Chen Yan nodded, and found a pair of thin flesh-colored pantyhose from the cabinet.Due to the embarrassment of wearing silk~socks with holes before, she deliberately checked it before putting it in the bag.After thinking about it, Chen Yan said to Shen Xiyan again, "Xiyan, can you bring your cosmetics with you? After I go to the hotel to take a shower, help me put on my makeup."

"Okay!" Shen Xiyan was a little helpless, "You, you are really a little obsessed!"


Chen Yan was not the only one who was obsessed with ghosts, Meng Jiaojiao, Cheng Caixin, Li Jingjing, Xu Jie and other girls who were more or less interested in Huang Xing all found out the most beautiful and sexy clothes.Among the people who went to the Silver Moon Hotel, there was only one boy, Huang Xing. If he wanted to attract his attention, he had to dress the most beautifully of course.

Half an hour later, everyone arrived at the school gate on time and boarded the minibus. In addition to the twelve beauties of the basketball team, there was also Xu Jie, a cheerleader, and Huang Xing, a total of fourteen people.

Sitting in the cab, Huang Xing took a deep breath of the air mixed with various perfumes, and couldn't help laughing secretly.Apparently, those girls who had been on stage sprayed a lot of perfume, the purpose was naturally to cover up the smell of sweat on their bodies, so as not to be smelled by others.

Yinyue Hotel is a very high-end place, and all the beauties are very interested. They kept checking the information of this hotel on the Internet along the way, chatting non-stop.

Xu Jie found the price of the high-end suite, poked Meng Jiaojiao, and said in a low voice, "Is this place so expensive? It costs several thousand a night!"

Meng Jiaojiao nodded, "It's very expensive. I've only been there once, and I stayed in an ordinary room. I heard that during the peak tourist season, the price of a high-end suite can reach tens of thousands."

"Why is this place so expensive?" Xu Jie wondered, "Is there just an extra jacuzzi?"

Meng Jiaojiao covered her mouth and smiled, "The check-in price is not just the room rate, but also includes a lot of entertainment and food, such as beach barbecues, hotel multimedia screening halls, various performances, gyms, spa treatments, etc. It's free. All in all, it's expensive, but worth it!"

"Wow..." Xu Jie smacked her lips, "Then Huang Xing will pay a lot of money this time! Let me do the math... There are fourteen of us, and we get seven rooms... That's tens of thousands!"

"Did you miss a room?" Meng Jiaojiao smiled, "Who do you think Huang Xing sleeps with?"

"Uh..." Xu Jie scratched her hair, "I forgot... In fact, I have no objection to sharing a room with me, he can do whatever he wants!"

"You're the one who looks good!" Meng Jiaojiao gave her an angry look and said, "You are the dirtiest girl in our class!"

"Jiaojiao, you are slandering me!"

"Hmph... Last time you lent me a folder in the USB flash drive. Although it contains cartoons, the hero and heroine have no clothes on!" Meng Jiaojiao said teasingly.

Xu Jie was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "That means you've seen it too, we're all the same! By the way, I still have it there, do you want to see it? It's still in 3D!"

Meng Jiaojiao was a little moved, and said in a low voice: "Then you go back and copy it to me."

"Cut! Then you still say I'm dirty, and you're not much better!" Xu Jie suddenly rolled her eyes, leaned into Meng Jiaojiao's ear, and whispered, "Didn't you have a boyfriend? At that time , how does it feel?"

Meng Jiaojiao blushed, "How would I know?"

"Didn't you have a boyfriend?"

"That's not to that extent!" Meng Jiaojiao said, "It's divided without even pulling the hand!"

Xu Jie didn't know what she thought of, she lowered her voice, and said, "Do you think we will have someone sneak into Huang Xing's room this time?"

"..." Meng Jiaojiao looked at Xu Jie with disgust on her face, "You really are dirty! Did you watch that cartoon again just now?"

"Oh, isn't this a classic plot!" Xu Jie said with a smile, "Do you think someone will go? Are you going? Sneaking into Huang Xing's room, what?"

Meng Jiaojiao's heart skipped a beat, she quickly shook her head, "No! That's too shameless! Although we chase Huang Xing, we have a bottom line!"

"That's right..." Xu Jie smiled, nodded and stopped talking.


Silver Moon Hotel is located in the southeast corner of Haidong City, only a few hundred meters away from the sea.The hotel is located in a coconut grove, along the stone-paved path in the coconut grove, you can walk to a silver beach.

The pure white sandy beach presents a crescent shape, which is also the origin of the name of the Silver Moon Hotel.Originally, the beach here was made of gravel, but the operator of the hotel transported fine sand from other places to create a large piece of high-quality beach. That's why this beach is not a public bathing place like those natural beaches, but a silver beach. Moon Grand Hotel's private beach.

Huang Xing parked the car, and brought a group of beauties into the lobby of the Silver Moon Hotel. As soon as these thirteen beauties appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of many people, and everyone murmured.

"Look over there, there are so many beauties! Is this a tourist group?"

"Maybe it's a tour organized by a modeling agency? Or is it a fashion show?"

"There is no fashion show on the bulletin board of the hotel, maybe they are here for tourism...why is there a man?"

"Male? Where is it? Is that guy? Maybe he's the driver, maybe he's a handyman..."


Among the thirteen girls, except for Xu Jie who is shorter, the others are all tall girls, otherwise they would not be picked out by Huang Xing to play basketball, no wonder they would be regarded as members of a model agency.

Huang Xing clapped his hands, and said: "Everyone, take out your ID cards, and I'll go to register. I have booked seven rooms, and they will be allocated randomly during registration. You can make adjustments yourself later."

"Seven rooms?" Xu Jie was a little surprised, "Then who do you live with? Is it me?"

"Xu Jie, you..." Meng Jiaojiao didn't expect that this bold little girl would really dare to ask such a question, and she couldn't help but cursed inwardly, "Small bitch! Show your face!"

Everyone looked sideways, but some people secretly looked at Huang Xing, expecting something vaguely.

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "That's not acceptable. As a coach, I have the privilege to live in one room alone, and one of the remaining six rooms is a three-person room...Okay, give me your ID card."


(End of this chapter)

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