Chapter 506 Zhuangshan
Chen Yan looked at Shen Xiyan while talking, and couldn't help sighing.Shen Xiyan's clothes are very simple today, her long hair is casually tied behind her head, a white T-shirt, a pair of light-colored cropped pants, and a pair of red leather sandals on her feet. That flawless face and figure that can't pick out any faults are not inferior to those female stars who wear makeup and PS.

"Xi Yan, why are you so beautiful..." Chen Yan smiled wryly, "The little bit of confidence I just built is gone now!"

Shen Xiyan covered her mouth and smiled, "I won't compete with you, what are you doing with me?"

Chen Yan nodded, "I tell you, this is the most fortunate place for all of us!"

Just as they were talking, someone knocked on the door, and Meng Jiaojiao and Cheng Caixin from the next door came to ask them to go downstairs together.

When Chen Yan saw Meng Jiaojiao, she immediately froze.

The collar of Meng Jiaojiao's clothes was surprisingly low, which made Chen Yan think that she and Meng Jiaojiao had collided.

The two looked at each other, subconsciously straightened up almost at the same time, and then both looked away.

Half a catty to eight taels.

In fact, Cheng Caixin's neckline is not narrow, but she still lacks a little strength...

Chen Yan, Meng Jiaojiao and Cheng Caixin all made a fuss about their tops, but Li Jingjing and Xu Jie both made a fuss about their bottoms.Although Xu Jie is not tall, her proportions are good. She wears a sleeveless shirt, a denim sundress shorter than a tennis skirt, and her big glasses, just like a middle school girl in a cartoon.And Li Jingjing was wearing a pair of short denim hot pants, which had unlimited firepower.

As promised, Meng Jiaojiao and Cheng Caixin just came here for a while, Li Jingjing and Xu Jie also came to Shen Xiyan's room, except for Shen Xiyan, each of the five beauties was more sexy than the other, everyone went downstairs together At that time, I don't know how many people's eyes were attracted.

Walking with these five people, Shen Xiyan felt that she was dressed too casually, as if she was a different kind of person.She couldn't help sighing secretly, everyone was getting more and more abnormal.

In fact, apart from Chen Yan and the others, the other girls were also very beautifully dressed. These girls were all tall and slender, and coupled with their aggressive youth, they overshadowed the limelight of other people in the hotel for a while.

The location of the BBQ is on the beach, and you need to pass through the coconut grove. Now the sun has set in the west, and the sea breeze is blowing the leaves rustling. All the beauties are wandering in the coconut grove under the sunset, admiring the rare beauty while walking .

Now it's almost time for dinner, tourists who want to eat barbecue are walking to the beach where the BBQ is located.

Among the crowd, there were three men, three women and six people walking unhurriedly. They seemed inconspicuous, but if Huang Xing saw it, he would definitely recognize that one of them was the manager of Morita Company Li Sen and his assistant Xiao Yuanze.

Xiao Yuanze followed Li Sen, and Li Sen followed the other man very respectfully.The man had a pot head, small eyes, and a long face, with a yellowish complexion that was addicted to wine, and he was holding a woman in scantily dressed clothes in his arms.

His name is Hirayama Jiro, and he is the second son of Hirayama Patriarch of the Eastern Japan Kingdom. This time, he came to Haidong on behalf of the Hirayama family to supervise the implementation of a major project.

Li Sen didn't dare to neglect, not only arranged Hirayama Jiro to live in the hotel with the best scenery in Haidong, the most upscale suite, but also specially hired a fourth-tier starlet to be Hirayama Jiro's life secretary.

Speaking of which, the reason why Li Sen tried his best to flatter Hirayama Jiro is because Morita Company has been really not going well recently, and it can even be said that it has fallen into crisis.

Recently, the market of Morita Company has been inexplicably shrinking. The companies that originally established cooperative relations with them have changed their course one after another.Originally, Morita Company could be regarded as a thriving company, but it was strange that it suddenly became a lifeless enterprise that was almost about to go bankrupt.

In terms of time, this change occurred after the "poisonous biscuit" incident of the Shen Group.

Although Li Sen didn't have any direct evidence, he didn't need to think about it. This must be the Shen Group's revenge.He had already made some preparations to deal with this kind of commercial means, but he didn't expect that his preparations would have no effect at all in front of the Shen Group.

On weekdays, the Shen Group is very low-key, not showy, but once those obvious and dark relationships are really used, the power generated is definitely not something that Morita's size can compete with.

Li Sen had to admit that he really underestimated the Shen Group.Under the means of the Shen Group, he was powerless to fight back. The market of Morita Company kept shrinking, and the capital chain became more and more tense, even in danger of breaking at any time.

Take a water conservancy project currently being bid by Morita Company as an example. Originally, Li Sen thought it was a project that he could grasp at his fingertips because his father Li Yang and water conservancy officials could talk, but he did not expect that in During the bidding, a subsidiary company of the Shen Group rushed up like a dark horse, and together with Morita Company, entered the final stage.And the most terrible thing is that this project was originally just a matter of the water conservancy department, but it somehow involved a higher-level official, and the news from inside said that the higher-level official was inclined to the enterprise under the Shen Group.This is definitely not good news for Morita Company. If there is another accident in this project, Morita Company will definitely not be able to last for three months.

Li Sen is familiar with the nature of people in the East Japan. If the Morita company is really doomed, Li Sen will be of little use.If you are lucky, you can still be a dog doing dirty work. If you are unlucky, you may be abandoned like a shoe.

But under the current situation, neither Li Sen nor his father Li Yang could do anything.They put down other things and tried to save the situation by looking for favors everywhere, but it still had no effect. They could only watch Morita Company go to the end step by step. This was undoubtedly a huge blow to Li Sen and his son.

(End of this chapter)

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