The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 509 Leave it to me

Chapter 509 Leave it to me
When the tide recedes, there will be many sharp-edged, stone-like things left on the reef. Those are oysters attached to the surface of the reef. As long as you knock the dirty shell, you can see the white and tender oysters inside. Meat, these meats are eaten raw without any cooking or seasoning, and are extremely delicious dishes.

Haidong is a relatively good place for environmental protection. The coastal area is very clean. These oysters are not polluted by waste water. Not only do they taste no peculiar smell, but they can also taste the salty taste of sea water.

Hard knives are needed to pry oysters, but Huang Xing doesn't need those. Those hard shells are like fragile egg shells in his hands, and he can crush or break them with a little force.Huang Xing was jumping on different reefs, looking for the best oysters, eating them with great joy.

In addition to oysters, he also found some sea urchins in some ponds left by the low tide, but these thorny things were not so easy to handle, Huang Xing used the shells of oysters to taste two of them, and then threw them all away.The fishy smell of raw sea urchin is quite strong, it would be more delicious if it is steamed with eggs and added some shredded ginger and soy sauce to enhance the taste, but this stuff can be eaten casually in the BBQ area, and Huang Xing himself doesn't like it It's a lot.

After sweeping away all the best oysters on the reef, Huang Xing returned to the BBQ area contentedly.

Both Li Sen and Xiao Yuanze had seen Huang Xing, and they were a little surprised when they saw him appear.

Xiao Yuanze frowned, "Mr. Li, is that the interpreter that day?"

Li Sen nodded, "It's him... called Huang Xing!"

Xiao Yuanze wondered: "It's really strange, why is he here? Isn't he Xue Liya's translator? How could he appear here? Could it be that people from the MBC Group are also here? It doesn't make sense!"

Li Sen smiled, "You don't know that! I asked Mr. Sander from MBC later, that Huang Xing was not Xue Liya's translator at all, he was originally Shen Kuohai's accompanying interpreter! Later, Sander and the others fell ill, He was sent by Shen Kuohai to serve as a temporary translator by Xue Liya's side!"

Although the cooperation with the MBC Group was not successful this time, Li Sen still kept in touch with Sander and others of the MBC Group, so he knew that Huang Xing was the translator of the Shen Group, and he was very natural to Huang Xing. A reasonable guess was made about his identity.

"Morita-kun, who are you talking about? That man?" Hirayama Jiro asked.

Li Sen nodded and said, "It's him, named Huang Xing. I met him when I was negotiating with MBC. He is from the Shen Group. I guess it was Shen Kuohai who asked him to come here with Shen Xiyan."

Hirayama Jiro thought for a while, then nodded, "This is also logical. After all, she is the eldest lady of the Shen family. If she goes out to play with her classmates, she should indeed be accompanied by the Shen family... This kid is really lucky!"

"With that kid's a bit difficult to start with our affairs..." Li Sen frowned, "If he sees me and Xiao Yuanze, he might be on guard."

Hirayama Jiro smiled, "You and Motozawa don't show up, just leave it to me."

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers, and a man and a woman who had been following him without speaking came over immediately.

The man and the woman are Jiro Hirayama's personal bodyguards. The woman's name is Miko Itada. She is a very beautiful woman with tight jeans and a T-shirt that outlines a moving curve. She has an oval face and delicate features.By Hirayama Jiro's side, she is not only a bodyguard, but also serves as a bedside servant when Hirayama Jiro needs it.

The man is Miko Ita's twin brother, Hiromitsu Ita. Although he is a man, his facial features are as delicate as Miko Ita's. With wavy hair and a slender figure, he looks a bit like a pretty boy in an idol drama.

"Master Hirayama, what are your orders?" Ita Miko and Ita Hiromitsu asked in unison.

"Meiko, have you seen that Huang Xing?" Hirayama Jiro asked.

Itada Miko nodded, "I see, he looks like an ordinary person, he doesn't have any kung fu, he should be just a translator..."

"I'm not interested in these!" Hirayama Jiro said, "That guy is a little in the way, you and Miss Ma will take him away later, don't let him hinder our affairs."

"Understood!" Itada Miko nodded.

Ma Shuang was a little surprised when he heard that he still had his own affairs, "Mr. Pingshan, don't you want me to accompany you?"

Hirayama Jiro smiled, "What do you think? If you stay with me, how can I chat with Miss Shen?"

"Mr. Pingshan, what you said just it true that you are going to do something to that Miss Shen?" Ma Shuang asked.

After saying this, Miko Ita and Hiromitsu Ita looked at her warily at the same time.

Jiro Hirayama waved his hands and said to the two, "Don't be nervous, Miss Ma is just curious! Besides, I just want to make friends with Miss Shen, what can I do?"

Li Sen knew that it was not as simple as "making friends", so he asked in a low voice, "Mr. Pingshan, why don't you let Ma Shuang avoid it with us?"

The corner of Hirayama Jiro's mouth twitched, "Don't be so careful, I think Miss Ma is very good. When I go back this time, I plan to let Miss Ma stay with me for a while."

Li Sen nodded suddenly. It seemed that he was right to hire Ma Shuanglai this time. Jiro Hirayama was very satisfied with her. This is to develop a short-term escort into a long-term mistress.

Ma Shuang has also been in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry for some years, and she is no stranger to being the canary of a big boss.For her, it's just a road.Jiro Hirayama vaguely mentioned before that she didn't take it too seriously at the time, thinking he was joking, but now that Jiro Hirayama said it in front of Li Sen, it means that this matter is not a joke.

Ma Shuang couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, and said sweetly, "Mr. Pingshan, you are so kind... I thought you would not want me if you saw Miss Shen!"

Jiro Hirayama smiled slightly, "Help Miko lure that fellow Huang Xing away later, I won't treat you badly!"

"Good Mr. Pingshan!" Ma Shuang laughed.

Li Sen glanced at Ma Shuang, and couldn't help but sneer secretly, Bichi who doesn't understand anything!Didn't he see that Hirayama Jiro had found a scapegoat in advance just in case?I'm so happy!
Although he guessed it, he naturally wouldn't say it out. Instead, he smiled and said to Ma Shuang: "Help Pingshan-jun with his affairs, Pingshan-jun will not treat you badly!"

Hirayama Jiro smiled slightly, and said: "Morita-kun, you guys avoid it first, lest Huang Xing see that you are vigilant, if necessary, I will call you again!"

"Okay! Then let's go first..." Li Sen nodded, and carefully left from another direction with Xiao Yuanze.

(End of this chapter)

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