Chapter 511 Beer Festival

Shen Xiyan was sitting across from Huang Xing, she couldn't help but gloated secretly, she really deserved it!Who told you to turn these flower-obsessed heads over your head?Have you been punished?

The girls looked at the plates full of food one after another in front of Huang Xing, feeling a little embarrassed.

Meng Jiaojiao changed the subject with a smile, and asked, "Lu Xing, what do you think the cloth-covered table next to us is for?"

Just next to the dining area, there is a high platform about two meters, which is now covered by a black cloth, and its purpose cannot be seen.

Huang Chen smiled, and said: "Today is the Beach Beer Music Festival of Silver Moon Hotel, the theme event will start in an hour, I guess that stage is the stage. By the way, save some stomachs, there will be some people from all over the world in a while." Different beers from different places for everyone to taste!"

"Wow! What a coincidence to come today!"

"Yeah... we are so lucky!"

"No! It's Huang Xing who picks the time!"

"Yes, yes, Huang Xing must have specially arranged it!"


All the girls quickly put the credit on Huang Xing, and hearing this, Huang Xing couldn't stop laughing to himself.

"By the way, Huang Xing, are you here for a while?" Chen Yan asked.

Huang Xing smiled, "Of course, I'm still waiting to taste the beer! That's why I asked you to stop bringing me food!"

"Lu Xing, besides the music festival, are there any other events today?" A girl named Liu Yanling asked.

"Yes, there are instructions in the hotel room, and other items will not be affected!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "If you want to play other things, you can go as you like, just bring your room card. By the way, one thing is, don't easily get along with me Be careful when talking to strangers! Call me if you have any problems!"

Liu Yanling nodded, "Okay, I actually want to experience the spa."

"Yanling, I'm going too..."

"And I."

A few girls who don't like the excitement said one after another, discussing to play other projects for a while.

As for Chen Yan and the others, there was no need to discuss it at all, they would naturally be there wherever Huang Xing was.Shen Xiyan was a little hesitant, she wanted to go to the hotel theater to watch an opera, but after listening to the discussion, she found that no one wanted to go there.

At this time, some staff began to hand out the program list of the music festival to the diners. Chen Yan poked Shen Xiyan and said, "Xiyan, there are quite a lot of programs. Will you watch it here later?"

Shen Xiyan looked at the program list, and found that there were not only band performances, singing and dancing, but also acrobatics, magic, and fireworks shows, which should be quite interesting, so she nodded and said: "No one will accompany me to the opera, then I'm here too."

"Hey, that's great!" Chen Yan laughed.

"What good does it do for me to be a light bulb here?" Shen Xiyan asked puzzled.

"Sometimes, I have to bother you to pass on a message!" Chen Yan said with a smile.

"..." Shen Xiyan rolled her eyes angrily, "It's my bad luck to know you idiots!"


At this time, many hotel staff came to the beach. They lifted the tarpaulin on the high platform and arranged them on it. Obviously, there were many mechanical devices under the high platform. Under the operation of the staff, the originally empty high platform appeared. There are several small stages of different heights, and a huge screen several meters high.

Then, a band walked up to the high stage, adjusted the equipment a little, and then started the performance.

Now everyone is still eating, so the band's performances are all melodious. At the same time, there are still many staff members continuing to arrange on the high stage.

After a few pieces of melodious pastoral music, the lights on the stage were suddenly turned on, and a big bald man in a black tuxedo walked onto the stage with a microphone.

"Wow, look at it!" Xu Jie pointed at the bald head and shouted, "Isn't he the host of marriage and love, the one who said 'I am a good man, and I am Meng Xiaofei'?"

Li Jingjing nodded, "That's him, I didn't expect to invite him here! It's very interesting that he hosts..."

"Dear guests, friends from all over the world, hello!" The host Meng Xiaofei started the host with his unique mellow voice.As expected of the host of a popular show, he has two skills, and he has attracted everyone's attention with just a few words.

A few girls who had originally wanted to go to the spa also changed their minds and sat down to watch the show.

When Meng Xiaofei was talking on stage, many staff members came among the diners and helped them move the tables and chairs to a convenient place to enjoy the show.The staff of Silver Moon Hotel are obviously very experienced. In less than 10 minutes, the entire beach has been transformed from a barbecue buffet area into a huge open-air bar.

After the venue was turned into a bar, trolleys loaded with huge beer barrels and beer bottles were pushed into the venue and placed beside them. Labels were attached to the beer barrels, indicating the name of the beer, the place of origin and the process used.

There are many ways to classify beer, such as pure draft, refreshing, white beer, dark beer, low-strength, high-strength, etc., which are often confused.But in fact, as long as the insider knows the origin and craft of beer, he will know what kind of beer it is.

For example, dark beer is originally produced in Munich. The yeast is not filtered in the process, and black malt and caramel malt are added. The fermentation period is about [-] days.

On the trolley of the Silver Moon Hotel, each barrel bears a palm-sized nameplate, which states the unique craftsmanship and origin of this beer.The beer music festival they hold not only satisfies the appetite of alcoholics, but also contains a strong "beer culture" connotation, which virtually shows the grade of the organizer.

Blowing the cool sea breeze, drinking delicious beer, watching the rich performances, the whole beach erupted from time to time with joyful laughter and applause.

As the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic, many men and women began to leave their seats. Some went to the specially reserved dance floor to dance to the beat of the music, and some wandered around the crowd, looking for the opposite sex or the same sex who were pleasing to the eye. .Where wine and music accompany each other, Yan~yu is naturally indispensable.

Under the colorful lights, these beauties in Huang Xing's group were even more charming, and these beautiful girls naturally became the first targets of all kinds of men.In particular, it was obviously the first time for several girls to come to this kind of place, and the cautious look on their faces showed that they were the kind of lambs that were easy to hunt.

However, Huang Xing has already explained to everyone that if someone comes to strike up a conversation, they can chat, but they are absolutely not allowed to leave the main force to act alone.And it was precisely this that caused many men who came to try to strike up a conversation to return without success.

(End of this chapter)

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