The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 513 The target may be you

Chapter 513 The target may be you
Seeing that Chen Yan and the others were covering their mouths and laughing, Li Jingjing could only smash her teeth and swallow it in her stomach, smiled awkwardly, and went to the stage with Zhou Nuoyang.

After Li Jingjing left, the other girls couldn't help laughing. Among the three girls present who had a lot of thoughts about Huang Xing, Xu Jie, Chen Yan and Cheng Caixin, the three looked at each other, and suddenly burst into the air A few invisible sparks.

Obviously, they all want to go on stage with Huang Xing, but who will say?You don't need to think about it to know that if anyone speaks, he will probably face the joint obstruction of the other two.

Huang Chen could clearly see the three girls' little thoughts. He raised the corner of his mouth and said to Shen Xiyan, "Are you interested in this game?"

Shen Xiyan thought that Huang Xing wanted to ask herself to go on stage, and immediately shook her head without thinking, "It's not interesting, I don't want to go."

Huang Chen nodded immediately, "Yeah, I don't think it's interesting either, let's watch it below."

"..." Shen Xiyan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it for a while, and seeing the relieved and regretful expressions of Chen Yan and the others, she immediately figured it out. It turned out that Huang Xing used her as a gun !She immediately stepped on Huang Xing's foot from below, and made a "hum" in her nose.

Huang Xing smiled faintly, and asked in a low voice: "Why are you stepping on me? Do you want me to go play with you?"

"Good idea!" Shen Xiyan whispered, "How dare you use me as a gun! Hmph!"

"Then what do you think I should do?" Huang Xing smiled, "Look for Li Juan and Zhou Lili? Isn't that a wrong signal for others?"

Shen Xiyan thought for a while, and although she felt that what Huang Xing said made sense, she still felt a little bit resentful when he took advantage of her, so she couldn't help but stomped on him again, and deliberately made Huang Xing feel the fine sand on the beach. With one foot, I feel balanced.

At this time, a very handsome man came over. It was Hiromitsu Yida. He walked up to Li Juan and said politely, "Hello, my name is Hiromitsu Yida. Please take care of me!"

A "beautiful boy" suddenly appeared in front of her, and Li Juan was a little dazed, "You... hello, what's the matter?"

"I'm a student from East Japan who is studying in Haidong. I want to participate in this program, but I don't have a partner. I hope Miss can help me with this! Please!" Hiromitsu Yitian bowed solemnly after finishing speaking, and then Looking forward to seeing Li Juan.

Li Juan was looked at a bit at a loss. Among these girls, she was very inconspicuous. When Xie Chenggang and Zhou Nuoyang were there just now, they talked to her less than others. Lost, now suddenly a boy who looks like the hero of an idol drama came to invite her, and he was an international student, her heartbeat immediately accelerated.

Seeing that Li Juan was obviously shocked by his appearance, Hiromitsu Hiromitsu was secretly proud, he bowed again and said, "Beautiful lady, please!"

When he was speaking, Hiromitsu Ita's expression was a little naive, and his eyes were a little timid, of course this was on purpose.

A naive, timid, and handsome boy can minimize the vigilance of girls.

Ita Hiromitsu who appeared suddenly was really unexpected. Chen Yan and others were also very surprised. Except for Xie Chenggang and Zhou Nuoyang, the strange men who came to strike up a conversation before knew that they were not in the right mind. Now this handsome man The boys here are really a little different from those people.

The astonished gazes of several people fell on Li Juan, which finally ignited the vanity in her heart, because this handsome boy came to invite her directly, which shows that she is actually no worse than others!

Unfortunately, Hirayama Jiro said that vanity is indeed a poisonous snake lurking in a woman's heart, and the defense line in Li Juan's heart was successfully bitten open.

"Then... well... I'll help you." Li Juan said.

Ita Hiromitsu immediately bowed again, "Thank you! Please!"

"Li Juan..." Zhou Lili reminded in a low voice, "You don't know him, so is it appropriate to go like this?"

"It's okay... Anyway, it's on the stage, and it's not going anywhere else. Aren't you all watching here?" Li Juan said, "Besides, Jiaojiao and the others went up too!"

"Miss, I'm so sorry..." Ita Hiromitsu scratched his hair foolishly and said with a smile, "I don't know your name yet?"

"My name is Li Juan."

"Ms. Li Juan, hello! Then please come to the stage. Thank you for your help!"

"Let's go!" After Li Juan finished speaking, she greeted a few classmates, and then walked towards the stage with Ita Hiromitsu.

Chen Yan and the others looked at each other, but they didn't know what to say, that Hiromitsu Yitian took Li Juan away with a few words, and what else was he?An international student from the East Japan Country?real or fake?

Xu Jie couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "It's actually from the East Japan Kingdom, and he looks quite handsome! What do you think of Caixin?"

"Well... he's quite handsome, but I don't think he's as handsome as Lu Chen!" Cheng Caixin said loudly on purpose.

Xu Jie was taken aback, and quickly said, "Of course!"

"It's far worse than Lu Chen!" Chen Yan also said, "I feel like he's a bit girly!"

"I said you guys..." Lu Xing coughed lightly, "Don't compare me with that kid! Let's watch Li Juan, and don't let her suffer."


"Yeah! Li Juan is really too, how can she go with a stranger!"

Several girls whispered one after another.

Shen Xiyan stepped on Huang Xing's foot again, and asked, "Why didn't you stop it just now?"

"Please, I'm not a babysitter, and Li Juan agreed, how can I stop it?" Lu Xing said with a smile, "That kid does seem a bit handsome, no wonder Li Juan is a bit stupid."

Shen Xiyan gave him an angry look, "You take everyone out, you are responsible for everyone's safety! I think there is something wrong with that kid!"

"What's wrong?" Huang Xing asked.

Shen Xiyan shook her head, "I can't tell, it just feels wrong."

"There's something wrong..." Lu Xing said with a smile, "If I were that kid, the first target would definitely be you, or Chen Yan, who has the lowest neckline, and I would never look for Li Juan."

"What do you mean?" Shen Xiyan frowned slightly, "Could it be that Hiromitsu here specifically for Li Juan?"

"Yitian Boguang..." Lu Chen smacked his lips, "That's a good name, a Tian Boguang... tsk tsk..."

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm asking you something!"

"Li Juan doesn't have any special background, so there's no need to be targeted by a guy from the East Japan Kingdom." Huang Xing smiled and said, "I'm thinking, maybe that guy's target is you."

(Three chapters are posted together, friends remember to vote! Thank you!)

(End of this chapter)

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