Chapter 519

Huang Xing secretly smiled, he didn't expect this little girl to be quite courageous, when an ordinary girl hears this, she probably should ask to go home and find her father right now!
He smiled and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, just listen to me later."

"Then what are you doing now?" Shen Xiyan asked.

" continue to dig a hole and bury me!"

"..." Shen Xiyan was taken aback, then ruthlessly threw some sand towards Huang Chen, "Don't interrupt, I'm talking about business!"

Huang Chen smiled, "Don't worry, just watch it first, just watch him pretend to be 13... I suddenly thought of a song that fits the occasion."

"What song is it?"

"I forgot the name, I'll hum it to you..." Huang Xing then moved his lips slightly, and sang to Shen Xiyan through sound transmission, "I'll just quietly watch you pretend, never Excuse me, you are rich and handsome, it is my blessing to know you; I will quietly watch you pretend, no one has ever compared to you, you are in the air every second..."

Shen Xiyan listened, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

This scene happened to be seen by Hirayama Jiro, who happened to have just talked about the interesting story about being stolen by a baboon when he was traveling in the African grasslands. Seeing Shen Xiyan laughing, he thought it was what he said that resonated with her, and he couldn't help feeling secretly proud, Xiao Can the girl finally lose her temper?He smiled slightly, looked at Shen Xiyan, and asked, "Has Miss Shen also been to Africa? Have you experienced baboons stealing things?"

Shen Xiyan was stunned for a moment, she had been listening to Huang Xing singing, how could she know what Hirayama Jiro was talking about?I didn't know how to answer for a while.

Huang Xing was also secretly funny, this kid Hirayama Jiro really hits a snake with a stick!His lips moved slightly, and he said, "He's talking about African baboons stealing passengers' luggage."

Shen Xiyan has never been to Africa, but she has seen similar things in travel programs. She pretended to take a sip from the cup, then smiled and said, "I have never been to Africa, but I have read related reports. , It is said that some baboons even specialize in stealing mobile phones!"

"That's right!" Jiro Hirayama smiled, "When I went there, a tourist's mobile phone was stolen. He thought it was stolen by someone, and he reported it to the police, but the police said it was stolen by a baboon... Speaking of it The scenery in Africa is really good, it is worth a visit!"

Shen Xiyan nodded and said, "There must be many magical places in that primitive continent."

"I do know a few African friends. When Ms. Shen goes, you can ask them to be your guides. You can go to many places that ordinary tourists can't go to!"

"That's really great!" Shen Xiyan said with a smile.

"By the way, Ms. Shen, I heard Hiromitsu Ita say that you have been to the Eastern Japan Kingdom?" Jiro Hirayama smiled, "And you have a lot of research on the history and culture of Nanfan."

"Research can't be talked about, it's just knowing something..."

Hirayama Jiro said with a smile: "Miss Shen is so modest. Throughout the ages, East Japan and China have had a lot of exchanges. China's extensive and profound culture always attracts us East Japan. Like Haidong, it is also a famous cultural city. There have been many famous people…”

Afterwards, Shen Xiyan and Heiyama Jiro chatted about the history and culture of Haidong, and everyone was speechless for a while. Hiromitsu Hiromitsu secretly admired Hirayama-kun's action, which is really extraordinary!This chick is so easy to hook!
After Shen Xiyan and Heiyama Jiro chatted about historical and cultural themes, the other girls were secretly puzzled. They were a little strange when they saw that Shen Xiyan was more enthusiastic about Ita Hiromitsu before, but now they saw Shen Xiyan chatting with this Hirayama Jiro so much Work hard, the girls are even more puzzled.

What happened to Shen Xiyan today?It was Ita Hiromitsu just now, and now it is Hirayama Jiro. Does she have a complex for the East Japan Kingdom?Like to talk to boys from East Japan?

But it doesn't sound like listening to what they talk about?Because they talked more about China's culture and history, it seems that Shen Xiyan should be the one who looks at such "high-end" boys differently!
When talking with Shen Xiyan, Hirayama Jiro did not forget to occasionally say a few words to other girls. His arrival quickly took the limelight away from Hiromitsu Yida, but this was exactly the arrangement of the two of them. It's just a ladder. Now that the Lord is here, his mission of this ladder is to push Hirayama Jiro to the top.

Gradually, Hirayama Jiro has become the central figure of this table.Xie Chenggang and Zhou Nuoyang were only left to interject a few words now and then. Although they were depressed, they were unable to regain the limelight due to their lack of strength.

As for Huang Xing, he has always kept a low profile, only occasionally having a few conversations with others, and the rest of the time he has been drinking and watching shows.

However, Jiro Hirayama has been secretly paying attention to Huang Xing.Through chatting with everyone, he learned that Huang Xing was also a student of Haidong University.Then, as a student, he became Shen Kuohai's accompanying interpreter, so he must be a person with some skills.Moreover, he must still be responsible for taking care of Shen Xiyan, which is equivalent to the biggest obstacle to tonight's plan.

At this time, the show on the stage had come to an end. Amid the blaring music, a large group of coolly dressed young men and women stepped onto the stage and danced an extremely sexy dance.

Meng Xiaofei held up the microphone and said loudly: "Dear friends, let us not disappoint this beautiful night, let's dance and sing to our heart's content! Let the burning bonfire ignite our enthusiasm, and let us live on this dreamy beach. , Carnival!"

Before, many staff members had arranged a lot of laser lights, and now these laser lights are all flashing. With the rhythm of the music, the lights of various colors are intertwined to create a large dreamlike scene.

The tourists had already drank a lot of beer, and the enthusiasm inspired by the alcohol was ignited by the music and lights. More and more people left their seats and swayed with the music. Some young people who had practiced dancing performed various wonderful performances With dancing moves, the whole beach becomes a huge open-air discotheque.

Hirayama Jiro secretly poked Hiromitsu Yida and winked at him.

The Oktoberfest has entered the stage of carnival, and this is the opportunity Hirayama Jiro is waiting for. At this time, it is the easiest time for people to relax their vigilance.

Hiromitsu Yitian understood, and said to Li Juan: "It's such a good atmosphere, can't we just sit around? Are you going to dance?"

Li Juan originally wanted to ask Hiromitsu Ita to dance together, but she never had the nerve to say so. Hearing his invitation, she immediately nodded, "Okay!"

The two greeted everyone and then both left, entering the dancing crowd.

(The three chapters are posted together, friends remember to vote!)
(End of this chapter)

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