Chapter 522 Lu Banxian

Huang Xing smiled slightly, instead of standing up, he reached out his hand to touch Miko Itada's small leather bag, and said with a smile, "Is it the top layer of calfskin? This bag is not bad!"

Itada Miko was taken aback, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to understand this?"

"I know a lot..." Huang Xing smiled slightly, and suddenly stretched out his hands, hugged the two of them, and said with a smile, "I don't have the heart to leave any of you beauties alone, or you would still be here Come have a drink with me here!"

Because Huang Xing's action was too sudden, both Ma Shuang and Ita Miko were taken aback. Ma Shuang directly bumped into Huang Chen's arms. Like Ma Shuang, he leaned towards Huang Xing.

Miko Yi Tian frowned secretly, why is this man named Huang Xing so rude and uneducated?

Ma Shuang was also very dissatisfied. If a man who didn't spend money dared to treat her like this, she would have yelled at her long ago, but now she has a task, so she can only endure it.

At this moment, neither of them saw that there was a small plastic bottle filled with transparent liquid in Huang Xing's hand, and he squeezed half of the liquid into Ma Shuang's cup.Then with a flick of the wrist and a pinch of the fingers, another half of the liquid precisely entered Hirayama Jiro's cup.

This small plastic bottle was found by Huang Xing from Ita Miko's small bag. He could tell at a glance that it was a kind of not-so-glamorous drug. It was not clear what it was for for a while.

Huang Xing put his arms around Ma Shuang and Yi Tianmeizi, and said with a smile: "Accompany me for a drink first, and then let's go dancing!"

"Alright..." Miko Itada gritted her teeth secretly, but still said with a smile on her face, "Then who are you going to dance with?"

Huang Xing smiled slightly, picked up the wine bottle on the table, and handed it to Miko Yi Tian and Ma Shuang, "Pour it yourself, whoever drinks it happily, I will go with him!"

While talking, he also poured himself a glass, and while Ma Shuang and Miko Itada were pouring the wine, he picked up another bottle of mineral water and took a sip.But filling the mineral water is fake, in fact, when drinking water, he quickly filled the plastic vial with mineral water, and then put it back into Ita Miko's small bag.

When both of them poured wine, Huang Xing raised his glass and said with a smile: "Come on, let's do it! No one is left behind!"



The three of them drank all the beer in their glasses. Huang Xing put down his wine glasses, put his hands on Ma Shuang's and Miko Ita's laps arrogantly, and squeezed them hard, and said with a smile: "Both This beautiful woman has a really good figure!"

"Handsome guy...don't be so greedy..." Ita Miko said, "There is a saying in Huaxia that you can't chew as much as you can!"

Huang Chen laughed, "I'm just greedy, let alone two beauties, even ten beauties, I can chew as much as I want, do you want to try?"

Miko Yi Tian pushed away Huang Xing's increasingly presumptuous hand, endured the dissatisfaction in her heart, and said with a charming smile: "You men like to talk big, and bragging affects your charm!"

"Yes!" Ma Shuang interjected, "We saw that you were lonely by yourself, so we wanted to dance with you, but you are so inattentive, it's really sad!"

Huang Chen smiled slightly, and said, "Sadness means you're tempted... So, you're tempted by me? A big star?"

While talking, he put his hands on Ma Shuang's waist more presumptuously, and whispered: "Which room do you live in?"

"I hate it..." Ma Shuang said angrily, "How can you be so direct?"

Huang Chen smiled slightly, "I'm just... Hey... Wait... Let me tell you, Miss Ma, have you lost your fortune recently? Did you have a windfall?"

Ma Shuang was stunned for a moment, and his heart moved. Of course, she had a windfall. Jiro Hirayama was very generous to her, not only gave her a lot of money, but also took her to play in the Eastern Japan Kingdom!But... How did Huang Xing see it?

Huang Xing's hand had already left Ma Shuang's waist, he pinched his fingers and counted, staring at Ma Shuang's face, marveling, "Miss Ma, your life is good! Life is good! So-so, but this fortune is really good!"

"You can tell fortunes?" Ma Shuang wondered.

"That's right... do you really know how to tell fortunes?" Ita Miko also interrupted and asked.

Huang Chen smiled, and said: "It's just a little bit of understanding... I can see the obvious wealth luck like Ms. Ma at a glance... But there is a saying that luck depends on misfortune, Ms. Ma, hold your hand." Give it to me, I'll show you a closer look, you have such great fortune, I'm worried that it will hurt other luck."

Ma Shuang believed in these things at first, so he hurriedly asked, "Left hand or right hand?"

"The left hand is congenital and the right hand is the day after tomorrow. This is your fortune, right hand!"

"Oh..." Ma Shuang immediately handed his right hand to Huang Xing.

Huang Xing held Ma Shuang's right hand, touched her palm lightly, and said with a smile: "Miss Ma, your skin is very good!"

The itching in the palms seemed to go straight to the atrium, making Ma Shuang's goosebumps come out, she smiled awkwardly, "Handsome guy, first look at the palmistry."

"It's useless to just look at it, I have to touch it!" Huang Xing smiled faintly, and swept his finger from Ma Shuang's wrist, across his palm, to the tip of his finger.

"I said handsome guy..." Ita Miko smiled and said, "Are you telling a fortune or taking advantage? Look at you touching Ma Shuang, your face turned red!"

Huang Xing secretly smiled, more than blushing?Are you starting to get confused?
Just now he took Ma Shuang's pulse by "touching it", and combined with her physical performance, Huang Xing already roughly knew what kind of medicine was in that vial.

It is not an addictive drug, but a special kind of psychotropic drug. Its function is to make people lose their judgment and willpower. It was first developed and used by secret service organizations for interrogation.

After the person under interrogation took the drug, he would become all-knowing, ask him what to say, and do what he was asked to do.

This drug was top-secret before, but now the information exchange is too fast, the formula has been leaked, and some illegal chemical or pharmaceutical factories are capable of making it.

If this stuff is given to a girl, after the onset of the drug's effects, at least within a few hours, she will basically become someone else's marionette, and she can do whatever others tell her to do.

Ma Shuang only took half a bottle just now, and the attack was not very fast, and he just had a little reaction at this time.

Huang Xing took Ma Shuang's hand, and said to Miko Ita: "Aren't you ignorant? This is called touching the bones, do you understand?"


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(End of this chapter)

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