The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 553 I have to deal with it once

Chapter 553 I have to deal with it
Cheng Yaqiu didn't want her parents to run over, she thought for a while and said, "You guys better not come, you're too tired from the car..."

"Your father and I are in good health. It's fine. It's a matter of your life. What does it matter if we go for a trip? Well, it's decided... You're tired after returning from a business trip. Let's go to bed early!"

"Hey...Mom..." Cheng Yaqiu heard the "beep" sound on the phone, and felt so depressed that she wanted to drop the phone...

Cheng Yaqiu broke up with Shen Kang before, and her parents didn't agree. Later, Cheng Yaqiu said that she had a new boyfriend. Her parents always felt that Cheng Yaqiu's new boyfriend must not be as good as Shen Kang, so they always wanted to meet. I didn't want to trouble Huang Xing because of this matter, so I kept finding various excuses to delay.Not long ago, Cheng Yaqiu successfully diverted the attention of her parents with the incident of an outstanding young teacher, but she did not expect her parents to bring this up again today.

Cheng Yaqiu's parents have arms and legs, and they are in pretty good health. If they really wanted to come, she couldn't stop them at all.Cheng Yaqiu was sullen for a while, thinking that this matter might still trouble Huang Xing.

She sighed, picked up her phone and called Huang Xing.

The phone rang and was hung up, Cheng Yaqiu was taken aback for a moment, guessing that Huang Xing might be busy now, so he planned to call again later.

Just after putting down the phone, there was a "click", the door opened, and Huang Xing walked in.

"Lu Xing?" Cheng Yaqiu rubbed her eyes, a little surprised.

Huang Xing smiled and said: "I saw your phone when I walked downstairs. The light was on in your house. I guess you were there, so I didn't answer it. Are you tired from the business trip?"

Cheng Yaqiu smiled softly, "Not very tired, just a little boring."

"What are you calling me for?" Huang Xing smiled, "Did you miss me?"

Cheng Yaqiu blushed, and said embarrassingly: "There is something I want to discuss with you... Sigh, it's all my fault..."

"What's the matter? Talk slowly." Huang Xing sat on the sofa with Cheng Yaqiu in his arms.

Cheng Yaqiu sighed, and told about the mother's phone call just now.

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "Your mother really cares about you."

"I'd rather she leave me alone!" Cheng Yaqiu said depressedly, "She just forgot about it a while ago, I don't know why she remembered it again today... Are you free this weekend?"

"Saturday afternoon, let's go to your house to deal with it..." Lu Xing pinched Cheng Yaqiu's face, and said with a smile, "After all, I have to go to your house to explain to me that I have kidnapped such a beautiful woman."

Cheng Yaqiu leaned on Huang Xing's shoulder in embarrassment, and said softly, "Thank you!"

"Why are you being polite to me?" Huang Xing smiled, "Let's go there together on Saturday...By the way, what do your parents like? I can't go there empty-handed."

"Ah?" Cheng Yaqiu thought for a while, "They don't have anything they like...just buy some fruit or something. By the way, if my mother asks about your situation, such as work, what should we say?"

"Teacher Cheng..." Huang Chen teased, "Didn't you say that I am a rich second generation?"

Cheng Yaqiu said a little embarrassedly: "They don't seem to believe it... What if they ask about your job? Or should I say that you are also in education, a training institution like Xu Shanshan?"

Huang Xing shook his head, "So there's no competitiveness at all! And the sequelae are relatively large."

"Training institutions like Shanshan are quite profitable! My mother also knows about it."

"It's not enough..." Huang Chen smiled, "This kind of occupation can't calm them down once and for all. For example, in your mother's eyes, Xu Shanshan must be inferior to Shen Kang, right?"

"..." Cheng Yaqiu pouted depressedly and nodded, "My mother always wants me and Shen Kang to get back together, it's so annoying!"

Huang Chen smiled slightly, and said: "The president of Huaxia District of MLGB company, this title is big enough! According to the salary scale of MLGB company, Shen Kang's annual salary is also a million, and Xu Shanshan's annual salary of one million is probably still a while." Way to go."

"Could it be that Shen Kang is back?" Cheng Yaqiu asked.

"That's right!" Huang Chen smiled, "This is important economic news for Haidong. MLGB will strengthen its investment in Haidong, mainly in medical equipment, pharmaceuticals and private medical institutions. This news has caused the relevant stocks to rise by at least Three percent. The Huaxia branch of MLGB Group was established in Haidong. The president, Mr. Shen Kang, has been advertised by the media as the most successful overseas student in Haidong. By the way, he also went to his old middle school to do a Speech, very spilled a handful of chicken soup, reaped countless admiration."

Cheng Yaqiu couldn't help frowning, in her heart, Shen Kang was a shameful little boy who used a woman to climb up.

"This kind of person... how can he be so proud!" Cheng Yaqiu said sullenly, "You said that my mother suddenly wants to see you this time, is it because of Shen Kang?"

"Seventy percent chance..." Huang Xing stroked her hair and said with a smile, "If you follow me in the future, your parents will have to deal with it. In order to avoid future troubles, it's best to deal with them at once. So... ...My identity...Let’s say I’m an overseas student who graduated from MIT and returned to China, but add another weight, the rich second generation of overseas Chinese looking for business opportunities in China! Let’s say that my relatives are all abroad, and I’m in charge of a consortium.”

"This...will they believe it?" Cheng Yaqiu asked doubtfully.

Huang Chen smiled faintly, "I will believe it, as long as I have enough chips... just leave it to me."

Cheng Yaqiu nodded, "Okay... By the way, last time Xue Liya said that you have many degrees, are those degrees true?"

"Nonsense!" Huang Xing laughed, "Of course it's should be punished for daring to doubt your man!"

While talking, Huang Xing pressed Cheng Yaqiu on the sofa, and started to move his hands.

Cheng Yaqiu was so teased by Huang Xing that her face flushed quickly, and she said, "I just came back not long ago, I haven't taken a shower yet..."

"Oh...coincidentally, I was about to take a shower too, so let's go together..." Lu Xing smiled slightly, picked up Cheng Yaqiu across his body, and walked to the bathroom...

This week, Huang Xing had nothing to do, but the price of gold futures had entered a bottleneck, and the two trends of rising and falling were not obvious, so Huang Xing cashed out the funds in the gold futures market and waited for the time being.

The girls who went to the Silver Moon Hotel on the weekend, their affection for Huang Xing has obviously improved to a higher level. Even a few girls who wanted to give up because there were too many competitors couldn't help wondering if they should fight for it again. Huang Xing is not only talented and handsome, but also rich!Such a boy, after this village, there will be no such shop!

Another gratifying change is that Huang Xing obviously felt that Xiao Niu Shen's attitude towards him was much better, and he no longer hated himself when he had nothing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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