Chapter 559 Really good!

A traffic policeman in his 30s walked up to the window, saluted and signaled the driver to open the window.

The window of the car was lowered slowly, and a smell of alcohol wafted out from inside. The traffic police sniffed it, and murmured inwardly, it seems that drunk driving can't run away!

"Hello, please show your driving license and driver's license..." The traffic policeman said mechanically, and at the same time handed over an alcohol detector, "Blow it here."

Cheng Yaqiu took out the driver's license from the small bag, and said to Li Hao, "Help me get the driver's license, it's in the glove box, you can see it when you open it."

"Okay..." Li Hao was a little excited when he had the opportunity to play with the devices in the high-end car. He carefully opened the glove box, took out a small plastic notebook from it, and handed it to Cheng Yaqiu, "Is this it?"

"Yes..." Cheng Yaqiu then handed over the driving license and driver's license to the traffic police, and then blew into the breathalyzer. Since she drove this car, especially after dinner or lunch, she was often stopped by the traffic police to check for drunk driving , She is proficient in this movement.

Cheng Yaqiu didn't drink, so there was no problem. The traffic policeman habitually took a few glances into the car and saw a confused person sitting in the back seat. He realized that the smell of alcohol was from the passenger, so he let it go.

Before putting the driving notebook back into the glove box, Li Hao couldn't help but be curious. He opened the driving notebook to see the specific model of the car.

His eyeballs nearly popped out when he saw the names in the "Everyone" column.

The name there turned out to be "Cheng Yaqiu"!In other words, this top-of-the-line BMW [-] Series belongs to Cheng Yaqiu!Cheng Yaqiu must not be able to afford such an expensive car, so there is only one possibility, this car was bought for him by Huang Xing!
Li Hao swallowed, and said, "Yaqiu, this car... is yours?"

Cheng Yaqiu nodded.

"No wonder you're driving it..." Li Hao clicked his tongue, "Did Xing Huang give it to you?"

"Yes..." Cheng Yaqiu said a little embarrassedly, "He gave it to me."

"My God...he is so kind to you!"

"Yaqiu..." Ma Xiaoxia who was behind also heard the conversation between the two, and couldn't help interjecting, "Is this car sent by Huang Xing?"

"Hmm..." Cheng Yaqiu couldn't hide her pride, and said, "He lied to me at the beginning that the car was more than 30 yuan, but I didn't know it was so expensive until later!"

Ma Xiaoxia smiled and said, "Little Lu, he is really understanding. He must have been afraid of scaring you at first."

"Yeah, Yaqiu..." Li Hao also echoed, "Little Lu treats you really well..."

Cheng Yaqiu nodded shyly, as if her heart had been wiped with honey...

After sending Li Guofu's family back, Cheng Yaqiu returned home. As soon as he entered the door, he saw his parents looking carefully with sunglasses.

"Yaqiu, how much are these sunglasses?" Cheng Yan asked, "Tens of thousands?"

"The cheapest one of this brand is tens of thousands. The one that Huang Xing gave is probably more than 20." Cheng Yaqiu said.


The old couple were all stunned, not to mention more than 20 yuan, even [-] yuan glasses, they dare not wear them out!

"This... this is really too expensive!" Li Yuan stammered, "Little Lu, why did you give such an important gift?"

In fact, Cheng Yaqiu was a little bit tongue-tied at this gift, she really felt sorry for Huang Xing, such expensive glasses!Why are these glasses so expensive?

"Dad...Mom..." Cheng Yaqiu asked, "Are you satisfied now? Is Huang Xing fine?"

"Okay! That's great!" Cheng Yan nodded immediately.

Li Yuan thought for a while and said, "Xiao Lu is great! Yaqiu... Do you two meet often?"

Cheng Yaqiu was taken aback, then shook her head, "Not too many, he is quite busy."

"Then you have to grasp it!" Li Yuan said a little seriously, "This man is excellent, but he should be wary of women outside. I won't say much about this, you must understand!"

"Oh, I see……"

Cheng Yaqiu couldn't help thinking to himself, you don't even know what kind of person Huang Xing is, what kind of women are you dating? The granddaughter of the chairman of the MBC Group, you want me to defend?What to use to defend against?Now that Cheng Yaqiu has recognized the reality, she will definitely be just one of Huang Chen's many beauties in the future.But she can't tell her parents about this, lest the old couple don't know the inside story and can't accept it.

At this time, Li Yuan's cell phone rang, and it was a text message from Ma Xiaoxia. The basic meaning of the content was that they were very satisfied with Cheng Yaqiu's boyfriend and felt that Cheng Yaqiu had a good home. The car was actually a gift from Huang Xing to Cheng Yaqiu.

After reading the text message, Li Yuan was shocked for a while and said nothing, "Yaqiu, that car... is yours?"

Cheng Yaqiu nodded, a little proud, "Xing Huang gave it to me."

"What?" Cheng Yan asked in surprise, "The BMW you are talking about today? The one that Guofu said was more than 300 million?"

"'s that one..." Cheng Yaqiu nodded.


The old couple was speechless for a while again. Their daughter found such a boyfriend, but they still wanted her to get back together with Shenkang. They were out of their minds!
Cheng Yaqiu glanced at the health care products in the cabinet, and said, "Dad, are pretty strong, so you don't need to eat those things, right? If you need them, I'll buy them for you, don't take the ones from Shenkang... ... If Huang Xing finds out, he will be angry. "

Li Yuan was taken aback, and quickly took out those bottles of health care products, and said, "It would be a pity to throw these away."

Cheng Yaqiu took out a plastic bag, stuffed all the bottles and cans into it, and said, "What's the pity? Don't! We don't have a thing from Shenkang at home!"

"Okay, okay...throw it away..." Li Yuan said helplessly.

The family of three chatted for a while, then washed up separately and returned to the bedroom. Cheng Yan and Li Yuan were [-]% satisfied with Huang Xing. They lay on the bed and began to mutter about Cheng Yaqiu's wedding.

Cheng Yaqiu returned to the bedroom, sent a message to Huang Xing, then opened the window, and stood there waiting.

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms hugged her from behind, Cheng Yaqiu was startled, and just about to scream, her mouth was blocked by a hand.

A man's voice rang in my ear, "Beauty, don't bark, or I'll be rude to you!"

Hearing this voice, Cheng Yaqiu's body softened immediately, and she simply leaned back, snuggling into the arms of the person behind. This man was none other than Huang Xing.

"Why did you come so early?" Cheng Yaqiu asked in a low voice.

Huang Chen smiled, "A man and a woman lived next door, the noise was too loud, which made me very angry, so I hurried over here."

(End of this chapter)

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