The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 576 Sudden Stroke

Chapter 576 Sudden Stroke
Then, the two went to the next door together and rang the doorbell.Every detached villa has a yard. From the outside, this house has the same layout as Shen's house. There is a two-lane tree-lined road between the two houses. Looking at the dense canopy, Huang Xing felt a little regretful, as if It's a little inconvenient to peek at Shen Xiyan wearing a strawberry...

After the doorbell rang, there was a quick response inside.The courtyard door opened, and an old man in his 70s came out from the door.

The old man laughed, "Xiao Shen, what brought you here?"

"Morning, Uncle Sun..." Shen Kuohai said with a smile, "I came today to ask you about the sale of the house. Haven't you decided on a buyer for this house yet?"

"This matter..." The old man shook his head, "It hasn't been decided yet! Someone came to see it yesterday, but he seemed to see that we were in a hurry to make a deal, the price was too low, and my wife disagreed, so the negotiation failed. What? Are you interested in this house?"

Shen Kuohai laughed, "Uncle Sun, if I want to buy it, I have to wait until today? The one who is interested in this house is not me, but Xiao Lu."

If Shen Kuohai wants to call someone "Uncle", Huang Xing can't call him "Uncle", he smiled slightly at the old man, "Grandpa Sun, hello, my name is Huang Xing, I plan to buy a house, so come and see .”

"Him?" The old man looked at Huang Xing suspiciously, and said with a smile, "Hello, hello... Do you want to buy this house?"

Huang Xing nodded, "Yes, I wonder if I can go in and have a look?"

"Okay, let's come in and have a look..." The old man immediately led Huang Chen and Shen Kuohai into the room.

The decoration style in the room is a bit old, probably because there are two old people living here. Although the whole room is well-organized, no matter the furniture or furnishings, it looks very dull, which makes people feel like they have traveled back to the last century.

Huang Xing smacked his lips secretly, it looked like he was going to redecorate after buying it, but he just met Niu Qingyou, so he happened to be asked to do it.

Apart from the decoration style, the overall structure of this villa is similar to that of Shen's house. It also has three floors, with a basement, and the layout is good.Generally speaking, Huang Xing is quite satisfied with this house, and he is an acquaintance introduced by Shen Kuohai. Not to mention there is no risk, and the price will definitely not cheat anyone. Huang Xing thinks that this matter can be settled.

When Huang Xing was looking at the house, the old man surnamed Sun winked at Shen Kuohai, and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Shen, what is Xiao Lu's background? Is he your junior?"

Huang Xing's age is really too young. Old man Sun doesn't believe that Huang Xing has the ability to buy such a good house. He thinks that this Huang Xing must be some second generation, maybe Shen Kuohai's junior, or Shen Kuohai's. illegitimate child.

Shen Kuohai nodded, and said with a smile: "I'm a junior... But I didn't buy the house, Xiao Lu bought it himself. This kid is quite capable and good at business."

Old man Sun was stunned for a moment, did Huang Xing really buy it himself?Tsk tsk tsk...then this young man is really powerful.He suddenly noticed that Shen Kuohai's gaze towards Huang Xing was not only showing love for the younger generation, but also other inexplicable flavors.Old man Sun's heart moved, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he muttered: "By the way, how old is that girl Xiyan?"

"It's almost eighteen." Shen Kuohai said with a smile.

"That's a big girl..." Old Man Sun laughed, "Xi Yan also knows Xiao Lu, right?"

Shen Kuohai was stunned for a moment, understood what old man Sun meant, and said with a smile: "I don't care much about the younger generation's affairs...Xiao Lu is capable, and I am quite satisfied if I want to buy a house here..."

At this time, Huang Xing was looking at the house upstairs, and did not pay attention to the conversation between Shen Kuohai and old man Sun, otherwise he would definitely have heard something.After walking around in the villa, Huang Xing went back downstairs and said with a smile: "Grandpa Sun, this house is not bad, I plan to buy it, the price..."

Just as he was talking, the doorbell rang, and old man Sun's wife came back from shopping with the nanny.

Old man Sun's wife is also surnamed Sun, so it's not like the whole family doesn't come into the house.Seeing Shen Kuohai here, she couldn't help exchanging pleasantries. When she learned that Huang Xing wanted to buy a house, Mrs. Sun was also very surprised, "Xiao Shen, Xiao Lu is your relative? You bought it for him, right?"

"No..." Shen Kuohai smiled, "Xiao Lu bought it himself."

"Buy it yourself?" Mrs. Sun obviously didn't believe it. "Where did the young man get so much money? By the way, my house needs to be sold in full! The loan is too troublesome!"

Huang Chen couldn't help smiling wryly. This old lady Sun was really outspoken. He smiled and said, "The full payment is no problem, but I also find it troublesome to get a loan."

"The young man is really refreshing..."

While talking, Mrs. Sun suddenly stopped moving, her eyes were dull, and the corners of her mouth involuntarily tilted to the side.

"My wife?" Old man Sun felt that something was wrong, so he reached out and poked her, "Speak up!"

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Sun fell backwards like a log, but Mrs. Sun didn't hold her back, "What's wrong with you?"

There happened to be a sofa behind Mrs. Sun, and she fell on the sofa without any response.

"Auntie! Auntie!" The nanny was also frightened and couldn't help shouting.

"My wife, my wife, don't scare me!" Mrs. Sun held Mrs. Sun's shoulders and was about to shake.

"Grandpa Sun, don't touch her!" Huang Xing quickly grabbed old man Sun and said, "Don't shake her! She might have had a stroke!"

"Stroke?" Old man Sun was taken aback, and his face turned pale with fright. Stroke in the elderly is not a trivial matter, the mortality rate is extremely high, and even if you save your life, there may be sequelae, and you may be paralyzed in bed in the future.

The old couple originally wanted to sell their house to join their son and daughter's family for a reunion, but they never thought of it.

Shen Kuohai reacted quickly, and immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the emergency number. With this kind of stroke, the patient cannot be moved casually, and a professional must be called.

However, for a stroke like a disease, the rescue must be against time and seconds. One minute earlier and one minute later is the difference between heaven and hell. Judging from the current state of Mrs. Sun, the situation is still very serious. If the ambulance arrives, I don’t know what will happen. Nothing will go wrong.

After Shen Kuohai made the phone call, he subconsciously looked at Huang Xing.

Huang Xing didn't notice Shen Kuohai's gaze, otherwise he would feel strange. Seeing that old man Sun was a little at a loss, Huang Xing comforted him: "Grandpa Sun let me see, I have learned first aid!"

"Okay! Take a look, take a look..." Old Man Sun said, "My wife has always been in good health..."

"Don't worry, don't worry..." Huang Xing comforted Old Man Sun, smacking his lips secretly. What happened, I just wanted to see a room, but this happened to me.

He gave Mrs. Sun a pulse, and looked carefully at her eyeballs, thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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