Chapter 58

After washing his hands in the bathroom, Huang Xing just washed his hands, and his eyes couldn't help but look a little weird. There was a small bamboo basket next to the sink, and there was actually a small white cotton strawberry in it. When Yan rubbed his legs, he saw the scenery, and his dantian couldn't help feeling a little hot.

He resisted the idea of ​​identifying whether the little strawberry was the original flavor, tried his best to turn his head away, shook off the water on his hand, turned around and quickly opened the bathroom door.

And at this moment, Shen Xiyan who was outside was about to push the door, she exhausted all her strength, exclaimed, and fell forward involuntarily.

Seeing Shen Xiyan fell in, Huang Xing quickly reached out to support her shoulder, "Be careful!"

And when Huang Xing supported her shoulders, the fabric on her shoulders slid directly to the back, and the front was opened a lot.

The shiny shoulders, the delicate collarbone, and the large area of ​​snow-white under the pink neck immediately attracted Huang Xing's attention. With the beauty in his arms, Huang Xing's movements also froze there.

Conscience, he definitely didn't do it on purpose, mainly because Shen Xiyan's skin is really soft and smooth, plus the pajamas are too loose, Shen Xiyan wears more casually at home, the front of the pajamas is just simple Once worn, the belt is also tied loosely.So this happens...

"Huang Xing?" Shen Xiyan saw the person in front of her clearly, she thought her eyes were blurred for a moment, she rubbed her eyes vigorously, and finally confirmed that this was really Huang Xing, that pervert~ that made his teeth itch with hatred.

She quickly discovered her situation, and Huang Chen's hot, malicious gaze.

"Ah! Smelly rascal!" Shen Xiyan screamed, backed up a few steps like a frightened rabbit, quickly pulled up her clothes, and pointed at Huang Chen with a murderous look on her face.

"Unexpected accident..." Huang Xing quickly explained, "I didn't know you were coming in either."

Shen Xiyan suppressed her anger, gritted her teeth and said, "Why are you at my house?"


"What kind of tutoring? Who asked you to be a tutor?"

"Me!" Shen Xiaoyao's voice came from behind, "Sister, Huang Xing is the tutor my father hired for me, and it was Uncle Wang who interviewed me!"

"What?" Shen Xiyan turned her head, with a look of surprise, "Who is not good for you to invite, why invite him to such a pervert?"

Shen Xiaoyao was a little puzzled, "Sister, why do you say that my little brother is a pervert? He's pretty good!"

"Isn't he a pervert when he ran into our bathroom?"

"Ahem..." Lu Xing said lightly, "People have three urgencies, is this a normal need?"

"Shut up! Get out now!" Shen Xiyan said angrily.

Huang Chen smiled, "I'm Xiaoyao's tutor, so there's no need to listen to you, right?"

"You..." Shen Xiyan gritted her teeth, and said to Shen Xiaoyao, "Xiaoyao, let him go, not a good character! His level is very poor! He will definitely not be able to teach you..."

"Hey..." Huang Chen said to Shen Xiyan with a teasing face, "Can you avoid me when you speak ill of me? Besides, don't you know how my level is?"

"I'm talking to my sister, what's your business?"

"Oh my sister!" Shen Xiaoyao pouted, "My little brother is a tutor, he was chosen by Dad and Uncle Wang himself, and he even had an interview! I saw it all! My little brother's English is very good, and I learned what he taught. Soon! Anyway, I will let him be my tutor!"

Huang Chen laughed, and said: "Xiaoyao still understands righteousness, let's go, let's continue the class, your dad will give me 2000 yuan an hour! I have to teach you well!"

"Hee hee..." Shen Xiaoyao laughed, "Not much! When I pass the exam, I will use my pocket money to give you a bonus..."

Seeing the two of them chatting and laughing as they entered the room to continue the class, Shen Xi stomped her feet angrily.She was really puzzled, it's not good to let anyone be the tutor, but she chose this Huang Xing, isn't this against her on purpose?She thought for a while, then rushed back to the house and dialed her father's phone number, "Dad, why do you ask Huang Xing to be Xiaoyao's tutor?"

"Oh...Xiao Lu's level is high, and his teaching method is unique... By the way, you can ask him if you don't understand anything in your studies in the future."

Shen Xiyan almost couldn't catch her breath, should I ask him for advice?Dream it!She suppressed her anger and said, "Dad! Xiaoyao and I are both girls. How inconvenient is it for you to hire a male tutor?"

"You just need to be more careful!" Shen Kuohai said indifferently, "Besides, aren't your dad and I a man? Okay, okay, I'm busy, I'm hanging up... By the way, Huang Xing finished Class, remember to leave people to eat at home!"

"feed me……"


Shen Xiyan bit her lip, feeling as if she was abandoned by the whole world, Shen Xiaoyao chased Huang Chen to class, her father even asked her to keep Huang Chen at home for dinner, why?Why are you so nice to that pervert~?

Suffocated, Shen Xiyan didn't even want to take a shower, so she went back to her room and changed into her home clothes, then flipped through a random magazine.

At this time, Huang Xing had already taken Shen Xiaoyao out of her bedroom, and learned about various things in the living room of the suite. In addition to nouns, adjectives were added. Shen Xiaoyao was very happy, giggling from time to time.

This laughter always reached Shen Xiyan's ears through the door, making her even more angry.She threw the magazine on the blanket, walked out of the room angrily, gave Huang Xing a hard look, and went downstairs with a "hum".

Turned on the TV, deliberately turned up the volume, Shen Xiyan sat on the sofa and began to watch TV, but she kept complaining about the injustice of fate in her heart.

Just now when his attention was focused on the TV series, Huang Xing took Shen Xiaoyao downstairs again, pointed and taught Shen Xiaoyao various nouns in the living room, and made some exaggerated movements from time to time, so that she became familiar with common verbs.

Huang Xing was gesticulating there, Shen Xiyan looked more and more displeased, and couldn't help but shouted: "Lu Xing, why are you running around to teach me English?"

Without waiting for Huang Xing to speak, Shen Xiaoyao rushed to say proudly: "Sister, don't you know? This is my little brother's special teaching method. It is specially prepared for me, and it is very effective!"

Lu Chen spread his hands towards Shen Xiyan, "Xiaoyao has already said it, so I don't need to say it anymore. Your sister is tutoring homework, why do you have so many things as an older sister?"

"You..." Shen Xiyan pointed at Huang Chen, her face flushed with anger, but she didn't know how to refute, seeing Huang Chen's complacent look, she really couldn't swallow this breath.

Suddenly, she heard A Nuo's cry in the yard, and the corner of her mouth twitched, thinking about it.She smiled and said, "Okay, you can teach... Teach well..."

After finishing speaking, she left the bedroom and went to the yard, beckoning A Nuo who was chasing butterflies over, she patted A Nuo on the head lightly, and said: "A Nuo, good boy, there is an annoying ghost at home, you must Help me drive him away...then I'll buy you meat and bones to eat!"

(End of this chapter)

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