The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 592 Some Valuable Information

Chapter 592 Some Valuable Information
After waiting in the room for a while, Shen Lingtian and Ning Yu rushed in quickly. Following the smell of blood, the two saw Josent's face covered in blood at a glance.

Zhao Min suppressed the guilt in his heart and said: "This guy tried to hypnotize me, but I realized something was wrong, so I did it. His eyes were injured and he fell to the ground. His head seemed to hit the ground, and he is now unconscious."

"Hypnotism?" Shen Lingtian was surprised, "Josent actually knows how to hypnotize? We didn't know such important information in advance?"

Ning Yu went to Qiao Sente's side for a check, and suddenly said: "I'm still wondering, the room is full of carpets, how could he hit his head... It turns out that there is an ashtray on the floor, it must be when this guy was smoking on the bed. use."

Zhao Min couldn't help but feel moved, that ashtray must have been placed there by Huang Xing, and he arranged everything without making a sound!With such a scheming mind and such high skill... Is he really Shen Kuohai's bodyguard?Shen Kuohai founded the Shen Group from scratch. He has insufficient qualifications. Although he is a giant in Haidong, looking at the whole of China, the Shen Group is not a top consortium and does not have a deep background. How could he invite him? Such a powerful person condescends to be Shen Kuohai's bodyguard?

"Xiao Min, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that Zhao Min was distracted, Shen Lingtian thought she was injured, and asked, "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"'s nothing..." Zhao Min shook his head, let out a sigh of relief, temporarily put aside the doubts in his mind, and said, "Maybe he was affected by Josent's hypnotism, his head is a little dizzy, just rest and rest."

"This time is too dangerous!" Shen Lingtian said with lingering fear, "There is no information that he can hypnotize! Our intelligence department should be punished!"

Zhao Min didn't answer, and pretended to rub his temples, suppressing the guilt in his heart, and secretly made up his mind that he must return the favor of Huang Xing in the future, and at the same time, he also wanted to find out who he was!


After leaving Zhao Min's place, Huang Xing admired the bondage photos of the beauties while walking for a while, and couldn't help secretly regretting that he should have entered later, in that case, Qiao Sente must have cut Zhao Min's clothes.What I saw when I went in at that time must be much more exciting than what is shown in the photos now.

Huang Xing smacked his lips, shook his head, and muttered to himself, but it doesn't seem too good for a beauty like Zhao Min to be taken advantage of by that guy, Josente!It was just right when I went!

After looking at it for a few moments, Huang Xing deleted the photo. He was just teasing Zhao Min just now. It's better not to keep such disgraceful things. It would be bad if one day the phone is lost.

Seeing that it was almost time to eat, Huang Xing followed the signs and randomly picked a nearby restaurant.

There are more than 20 restaurants in Nantian Yutang, and different restaurants have different tastes. The restaurant that Huang Xing went to was a Chinese Ganshan-style restaurant. Before entering the restaurant, he could smell the strong smell of mutton soup.

Entering the restaurant, there were many diners eating. Huang Xing ordered a large bowl of steamed mutton and two cold dishes, found a table and ate on his own.


"Lu Chen, Lu Chen...haha, you are here!" Xu Jie's voice suddenly came.Huang Xing turned his head and saw that Chen Yan, Meng Jiaojiao and Xu Jie walked in from the outside.

The three of them were all wearing big bathrobes and slippers, their skin was puffy, obviously they had just finished soaking in the hot springs.The three of them walked straight towards Huang Xing's table, Chen Yan smiled and said, "Lu Xing, where did you go this morning?"

"Look at the beautiful scenery here, let's take a stroll..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "It's a coincidence, you guys come here to eat too?"

"That's right!" Meng Jiaojiao smiled, "You ate mutton steamed buns, right? How does it taste?"

"It's okay, but the quantity is relatively large. I guess a large portion is enough for the three of you." Huang Xing smiled.

The three of them originally planned to look at a few more restaurants and find something that suits their taste for lunch. This is the third restaurant. They didn't want to eat here at first, but since they met Huang Xing, they all decided to choose Here it is!The three of them were all rejoicing, fortunately they didn't just find one to eat, otherwise they wouldn't be able to catch Huang Xing!
After having a meal with the three beauties, Huang Xing thought about it, anyway, he was fine, since we met, he might as well play with these girls in the afternoon.

After eating, the four of them went for a stroll together. Huang Xing went back to the dressing room and changed into a swimsuit. With a manly figure, the eyes of the three beauties lit up.

Meng Jiaojiao couldn't help but joked: "Lu Xing, your figure is better than those male models! If the editor-in-chief of "Pretending to be a Man" sees you, he will definitely let you be the cover model."

Huang Chen laughed, "I'm not interested in being photographed by others, I like to photograph other people, such as beauties like you, beauties in swimsuits are the best!"

Meng Jiaojiao blushed and said with a smile, "You want to take pictures? You can take pictures for me this afternoon."

"Take a picture for me too!" Xu Jie immediately said, "Lu Xing, take a picture of the hibiscus coming out of the water!"

"And me and me..." Chen Yan also echoed.

Meng Jiaojiao couldn't help but secretly rolled her eyes, I won't talk about you unless I mention it!They're all scheming whores!

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "Okay... Take care of everything... Beautiful women have needs, how can I not be satisfied?"

In the afternoon, Huang Xing's small life became enviable. He teased the poor with beauties, had water fights, and took advantage of it by the way. It was so cool.

Except for the first three girls, if any other girls saw Huang Xing, they would change their original plan without hesitation and start circling around him.

If you only play with one girl, people may think too much about taking advantage, but there are more girls around, even if you don't deliberately want to take advantage, the advantage is not less.

Before gathering in the afternoon, Huang Xing had already collected a lot of information.

Although Xu Jie is small, her legs are really long, and her calves are very long.

The skin of this little girl Chen Yan is really fair, her bust is almost a c, and it is quite elastic.

Meng Jiaojiao has the highest comprehensive level, she should be convex and concave, and her legs are the longest among these few people.

Yang Mengjun is a girl with a small frame. Although she is not fat, her flesh is very soft.

The "S" line of Cheng Caixin's waist is good, and the waist is also soft without fat.


Sitting on the bus back home, Huang Xing sorted out the information in his mind, his expression was a little weird, he couldn't help laughing at himself secretly, he was really boring.

In the eyes of Shen Xiyan next to her, Huang Xing's face is now "wretched", she frowned slightly, "Hey, what are you thinking?"

Huang Chen was taken aback, then smiled, "Guess what?"

(End of this chapter)

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