The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 60 I'd Rather Smile on a Bicycle

Chapter 60 I'd Rather Smile on a Bicycle
Huang Chen laughed, "It's not bad to be further away from the school, we can order whatever we want!"

Cheng Yaqiu was taken aback, and said vigilantly: "No! Don't think wildly, we can't! Forget it, I won't go out to eat!"

"What are you talking about?" Huang Xing asked suspiciously, "I don't understand what you mean."

"You know what I said!" Cheng Yaqiu said seriously, "Lu Xing, I believe the previous incident was an accident, but don't have any unrealistic ideas! I am your teacher!"

Huang Xing shrugged, "I said we can order whatever we want, why are you talking so much?"

"..." Cheng Yaqiu froze for a moment. Seeing Huang Chen's teasing face, she finally realized that he had tricked her. She angrily swung her fist and punched it, "You're so annoying!"

Huang Xing grabbed her little hand, pulled it under his nose and smelled it, "It's so fragrant, you used Dabao, right?"

"Let go!" Cheng Yaqiu withdrew her small hand, "If you do this again, I won't go out to eat with you!"

Huang Chen let go of his hand, and said with a smile, "I said, what are you doing with that string all the time? You're always thinking about it, it's so complicated!"

"Who told you to joke around?" Cheng Yaqiu said dissatisfied.

"Isn't that treating you as an outsider?" Huang Xing pointed to the two doors, "Do you understand that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors?"

"Excessive words!" Cheng Yaqiu said so, but his expression became much more relaxed, and he asked, "Shall we leave now?"

"Let's go...I wanted to come back to get something, I'll come back after I'm done eating...Let's go!" He deliberately bent his arms in front of Cheng Yaqiu as he spoke, and pouted, "Be conscious, put your arms on."

"Wait a minute..." Cheng Yaqiu turned around and entered the room, took out her small leather bag, then locked the door, hung the small leather bag on Huang Xing's arm, turned and walked downstairs, laughing as she walked, "Okay, get me the bag!"

This girl is quite interesting, Huang Xing smiled, followed behind Cheng Yaqiu, admiring the curve of her waist and fleshy legs, couldn't help but said: "Yaqiu, from my point of view, you are very attractive Li, to be honest, I will chase you!"

Cheng Yaqiu blushed for no reason, "Don't make such jokes on me, be careful that I will write a bad review on you! You won't be able to graduate!"

"Uh..." Huang Xing smiled indifferently, "It's okay, as long as you are happy! Write whatever you want. But do you really have the heart?"

"What can't I bear?"


The two chatted happily, took a taxi outside the community, and went to a restaurant called "Spicy Confusion" five kilometers away to eat spicy hot pot.

As soon as he got out of the car, Huang Xing stopped, looked into the distance, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"What are you looking at?" Cheng Yaqiu asked.

Huang Xing smiled, "Look at the beauty... but not as beautiful as you, in my sight, you are the most beautiful."

"Damn it!" Cheng Yaqiu frowned slightly, "Where did you learn all that flamboyance?"

"Overseas..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "I'm already very restrained."

Thinking of Huang Xing's experience, Cheng Yaqiu's sympathy flared up, and she sighed, let her heart be wasted, he was quite pitiful before...

It was a good time for business, and the two waited at the door for 15 minutes before it was their turn for a table for two.The location of the table is good, it is by the window.

The two of them took the number plates and went to the window to choose dishes. After the dishes were selected, they were handed over to the back kitchen for processing. The smells of oil, spicy, sauce, meat, and seafood smelled one after another. It kept coming out of the window of the back kitchen, which made people swallow their saliva.

Both Huang Xing and Cheng Yaqiu chose the ordinary spicy taste, and it happened that there was no need to share the pot. After they had chosen, they went back to their seats and waited. The pot is not bad, how do you know this place?"

A trace of sadness flashed in Cheng Yaqiu's eyes, and she laughed at herself, "Speaking of which, Shen Kang brought me here the first time..."

Huang Chen smiled, "Although that kid is not very good, he really knows how to choose a place! By the way, I'll ask you a question, and you have to answer it truthfully!"

"what is the problem?"

"Did you just graduate from college?"

"Well, Haidong Normal University."

"No wonder..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "Sometimes I think you are quite unprofessional, but it turns out that you are a novice."

"What's wrong with the novice?" Cheng Yaqiu said with a straight face, "Then I'm your teacher too!"

Huang Chen laughed, "Okay, Teacher Cheng, please help me with my homework, I hope I can tutor alone! One-to-one kind..."

"Go, go!" Cheng Yaqiu said angrily, "It's not serious! If you meet me, if it's another teacher, you won't even think about graduating!"

"How could there be another teacher as beautiful as you?"

Just as we were talking, the dishes came. A stainless steel dish pot bigger than a washbasin was full of fat beef, sausages, squid, vermicelli, dried tofu, konjac, potato chips, mushrooms, rapeseed, baby vegetables, etc. All kinds of dishes, each dish is covered with shiny oil flowers and hot sauce, with a little burnt aroma, which keeps drilling into the nose.

Huang Xing took a deep breath, and said with a smile: "You're welcome, eat quickly!"

As he spoke, he picked up a piece of squid with his chopsticks and put it in his mouth.

"Eat slowly! Your mouth is burning!" Cheng Yaqiu hurriedly reminded.

Huang Chen laughed, "It's okay, my mouth is very resistant to heat... I didn't expect you to care about me so much?"

"Who cares about you? It would be best to burn to death!" Cheng Yaqiu gave Huang Xing a white look, but couldn't hide a trace of embarrassment.

Just after eating a few mouthfuls, Cheng Yaqiu's cell phone rang. It was her mother's call. She pressed the answer button, and Cheng Yaqiu smiled and said, "Mom? Why are you calling at this time? I'm eating... what? Shenkang give you Did you call? Why did he call you... He said I cheated? He was too shameless... What? Yes! If you say that, then well, I cheated! I'm looking for someone else! Yes... Let's break up! Okay, I don't want to talk about it anymore, I'm having dinner with my colleagues!"

Hung up the phone angrily, Cheng Yaqiu took another big gulp of fruit juice, and coughed loudly due to choking.

Huang Xing stood up and went to her side, patted her on the back, handed her a tissue, and said with a smile: "Don't be so excited...why are you in such a hurry to tell your mother about the two of us?"

Cheng Yaqiu was stunned for a moment, "What do you mean tell my mother about the two of us?"

Huang Xing smiled, "Didn't you just say that? You cheated on me, and you cheated on that boy Shenkang!"

Cheng Yaqiu raised her hand and punched Huang Chen, "What! You're talking nonsense again! I was talking out of anger! Shen Kang is so shameless! He got married behind my back in North America, but instead called my mother and said I cheated on you. Already!"

Huang Chen smacked his lips, "It's also the first time I've heard of such a brazen person! Is that boy Shen Kang out of his mind, why would you go to North America to brag about the stinky feet of foreign women instead of a charming beauty like you? "

"It's not for the money! For the future!" Cheng Yaqiu no longer hides it, and happily told Huang Xing everything about Shen Kang.

After hearing this, Huang Chen was silent for a moment, and said with a smile: "If he really married you in Huaxia, he might be able to get away with it! That kid should be quite rich, as long as you agree, he will immediately become a rich wife who rides in a BMW every day! "

"Cut!" Cheng Yaqiu said disdainfully, "What's so good about riding in a BMW? Instead of crying in a BMW, I'd rather laugh on a bicycle!"

(End of this chapter)

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