The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 600 That Kid Is Quite Greasy

Chapter 600 That Kid Is Quite Greasy
"No need... I know you're fine..." Shen Kang's tone was a little weird and weak.

"Are you okay?" Niu Qingyou's tone was very concerned, but his expression was exaggerated, and it was very hard to hold back his laughter.

Shen Kang is currently in a suite of a hotel affiliated with the MLGB Group. He is three times thinner than he was three days ago, his cheeks are shrinking, his eye circles are black and his skin is dull, as if he is 50 years older.

He was lying on the bed with his legs spread to both sides, holding his mobile phone, and speaking weakly, when Niu Qingyou asked about his situation, he almost burst into tears.

Are you ok?
very bad!
Recalling what happened in the past three days, Shen Kang really shuddered from the heart.

When he woke up from a coma that day, he found that he seemed to be placed in the shape of "big" and tied to a wooden frame. A plastic ball with a hollow in the middle was stuffed in his mouth and tied with two ropes. , like a chew.His eyes were covered with a black cloth, and he had no idea where he was.What made him even more frightened was that all his clothes seemed to be gone, and several people were touching him.The most terrible thing is that judging by the voices of several people, those are all men.

Those people were the four homosexuals that day, and the place where Shen Kang was located was the place where the four homosexuals usually go crazy.

In the past three days, Shen Kang's experience can be imagined. In the middle of the night last night, he was given some sedatives, and then fell into a deep sleep. When he woke up this morning, Shen Kang found that he was still in the alley that day. The three-day experience was like a nightmare to him. He really hoped that it was just a dream, but the weird feeling on his body and the legs that couldn't get together for a while told him that it was not an illusory dream, but a cruel dream. The fact that he was raped by four gay guys for three days and three nights!

Shen Kang didn't speak for a while, but Niu Qingyou said again, "I said Mr. Shen, are you okay?"

Shen Kang's tears almost flowed down when he asked this sentence, he really wanted to yell, why are you being ravaged by four homosexuals for three days?Are you saying it's good or bad?During those three days, Shen Kang had some doubts about his gender.

"Boss Niu, how did you get released?" Shen Kang asked.

"Spend money! I paid 200 million, and those bastards let me go! I asked them to let you go too, and they said another 100 million, so I paid too, and then they said they let you go today. I have been calling you in the morning, but the phone has been turned off, if there is no news from you, I will report to the police!"

Niu Qingyou's tone was sincere, and Shen Kang's nose ached when he heard it. Niu Qingyou was so loyal that he spent so much money for himself.

Shen Kang sighed, and tentatively said, "Boss Niu, they didn't do anything to you, did they?"

"Damn, those bastards are really nothing!"

Shen Kang's heart moved, and he was secretly happy. Could it be that Niu Qingyou also suffered the same treatment as himself?That's really a bosom friend!Whether it's complaining to each other or cursing and venting emotions together, I can be regarded as a fellow!
So, Shen Kang echoed: "Those bastards should be struck by lightning!"

"Yeah, those bastards didn't let me eat or drink for two days. I almost died of hunger and thirst!"

"Huh?" Shen Kang was taken aback, "Is it just that I won't give you water or food?"

"That's right! I'm not good at all, I almost died! They didn't think much of you, did they?"

"They... also... didn't let me eat much..." Shen Kang's eyes rolled down a tear, God, earth, why is it like this!Why is it that Niu Qingyou is only starving, but he himself is going to be shot!Why?Could it be... Shen Kang's body shuddered, and he suddenly remembered that those four guys always praised him for his good skin and handsome looks.Should he be treated like that just because he is more handsome than Niu Qingyou?Indeed, no matter what their sexual orientation is, they don't think too much about a big bald head like Niu Qingyou with a full face and a big belly.

"Mr. Shen, it's good that you're fine... we two brothers are in trouble together. I'll treat you to a drink tonight, so you don't have to worry about it! You must come!"

Shen Kang swallowed hard, "Mr. Niu, let's go another day. I've been hungry longer than you, which made me suffer from stomach problems. I need to rest for a few days. When I feel better, I invite you!"

"That's okay! After going through this incident, I figured it out. Money is really something outside of me. At that time, I thought, let alone 200 million, even 500 million, it's not as important as life! So what... I paid for you You don't have to worry about the 100 million, just give it back to me when you're loose."

"..." Shen Kang was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Niu Qingyou offered him 100 million to redeem himself!If it wasn't for the 100 million that Niu Qingyou offered, I don't know how long I would be imprisoned by those four bastards.

"Boss Niu, give me an account number, and I'll call you the money later... Thank you so much this time! As long as I'm in Huaxia in the future, the decoration of our MLGB Group will be yours!"

"Mr. Shen, thank you so much... It's really worth it for me to hand over you as a brother in this tribulation! Then take care of your health first, and I plan to go to the hospital for a checkup. My stomach seems to be a little bit What's wrong! Goodbye, goodbye... Let's drink together when you are better!"

"Goodbye..." Shen Kang hung up the phone, lay down on the bed and sighed, what he experienced was too embarrassing, no one could tell, and he had to forget this nightmare as soon as possible, otherwise his psychology would be abnormal !

Just as he was thinking about it, his cell phone rang, and Niu Qingyou sent an account number.Shenkang then used mobile banking to transfer 100 million to Niu Qingyou.Although he was a little unbalanced about the different treatment they received, he didn't suspect anything else at all. He heard Niu Qingyou's scolding with his own ears that day.

Niu Qingyou soon received a transfer notice of 100 million. He curled his lips, cursed "Silly X" inwardly, and then made another call.

The call was connected quickly, and a man's voice came from inside, "Brother Niu, we have released that kid."

Niu Qingyou smiled and said: "I see, you guys did a good job, that kid is quite luscious, you can squeeze him out, I don't need to teach you this?"

"Hey, don't worry, Brother Niu... Actually, we all like that kid quite a bit. We don't know when we will look for him again in the future."

Niu Qingyou secretly mourned for Shen Kang for a few seconds, and said: "Then don't make it too much, you also know his identity, if something happens, it will be very troublesome."

"Don't worry, Brother Niu, we know what's going on!"

"Okay, it's okay..." Niu Qingyou said with a smile.


(End of this chapter)

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