The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 605 Summer Insects Say Nothing

Chapter 605 Summer Insects Say Nothing

The two settled the bill and took a taxi to the largest bookstore in Haidong. Shen Xiyan went directly to the professional books floor. Huang Xing didn't see anything he was interested in, so he greeted Shen Xiyan and went to another floor to read. up.

In today’s bookstores, most of the books placed in the most obvious places are “chicken soup books”, such as the various insights of a famous host, such as the life experience of a new rich man, or “xxxx who want to succeed "One method" and the like, and the content is nothing more than something that can be found in some elementary school ideological and moral textbooks.

It's strange to say that the principles of being a human being and doing things advocated in these books have long been discussed in the hundreds of schools of thought in China thousands of years ago. It is not a new thing, but the books of the schools of thought But it never becomes a bestseller. The best sellers are all these fried rice books.It doesn't matter if it's not fried rice, as long as what is said is correct, but some books are full of mistakes and omissions, and some fallacies and heresies are mixed in, and even the classics are deliberately misinterpreted, which often misleads the readers.

Huang Xing walked through the area of ​​chicken soup books, and then entered a very deserted area, where most of the medical books were sold, many of which were ancient medical books handed down from China, such as Huangdi Neijing, Compendium of Materia Medica, etc. .

Regarding Chinese medicine, Huang Xing's knowledge is still very deep. He was just looking for a book to pass the time, when suddenly his eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth twitched. How could this beauty read such a book?

Right next to the bookshelf in front of Huang Xing, there stood a beautiful girl with a light blue top and a pair of dark straight-leg pants, with a quiet expression, holding a large book on acupuncture and moxibustion with great concentration. .

This girl was Xu Wanying. On the first day of university, Huang Xing reported to the wrong place. She thought she was trying to strike up a conversation, and angrily drove Huang Xing away.Later, because Huang Xing didn't know about the girl's top that "glasses" referred to, he asked Xu Wanying for glasses, and was scolded by Xu Wanying as "pervert" again, and was despised again.

Usually in school, Huang Xing had never met Xu Wanying, but this time it was such a coincidence that he ran into him in the bookstore.

Huang Xing walked behind Xu Wanying, looked at what Xu Wanying was reading, and couldn't help but twitch his lips, he was talking about "Shenmen Thirteen Needles"!But after only a few glances, Huang Xing frowned secretly, isn't this nonsense!It's completely layman talking nonsense. If someone really practiced the Shenmen Thirteen Needles according to the above, although it would not kill people, it would definitely be useless.

Shenmen Thirteen Needles is not an ordinary acupuncture method at all. The premise of using Shenmen Thirteen Needles is that the user has a deep internal energy cultivation level, and different internal strength cultivation levels, the Shenmen Thirteen Needles used will have different the difference.And this book even listed some so-called acupuncture methods of Shenmen Thirteen Needles, that is complete nonsense!

Huang Chen couldn't help frowning, and said: "Beauty, don't read this book, it's just nonsense, it doesn't make sense, it's misleading my son!"

Such a sentence suddenly appeared behind her, which startled Xu Wanying. She turned around and saw that Huang Xing looked familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a while.However, Huang Xing's words made her very unhappy, because the author of this book was written by her very respected grandfather, Feng Zhiyuan, who is known as the No. 1 Chinese medicine doctor in Haidong.

Xu Wanying looked at Huang Xing with a sarcastic and somewhat disdainful expression, and said angrily, "Ignorance! All the good things in Huaxia have been ruined by you people who don't understand anything!"

Recently, Xu Wanying has been in a bad mood. Her grandfather is a master of Chinese medicine. Although she was in the economics department, she was influenced by her grandfather since she was a child. The level of Chinese medicine is much higher than that of college students who graduated from Chinese medicine schools.Xu Wanying has always believed that Chinese medicine is a very advanced medical theory that represents the direction of medical development.

But now on various media platforms, there are a group of people who hold a negative attitude towards Chinese medicine and make various abuses and accusations.Many of their specious claims are very confusing. As a descendant and relative of a master of Chinese medicine, Xu Wanying felt that she had the responsibility to spread the real knowledge of Chinese medicine to set the record straight, so she argued with those people on the Internet.

It's a pity that Xu Wanying quoted scriptures, but she was no match for those people on the Internet. No matter how rigorous she said, those people could always refute from all kinds of weird places, and then extended them infinitely, and even slapped hats on them with irrational words. Is physically and mentally exhausted.Especially in the recent period, the trend of denying Chinese medicine has become more violent for some reason. Xu Wanying just lost a debate with others on the Internet, and she was in a very bad mood, so she went to the bookstore to read a book to relieve her boredom.

While reading Grandpa's work, she suddenly heard what Huang Xing said. She didn't throw the book on Huang Xing's head on the spot, which was considered very self-restraining.

Seeing that Xu Wanying's reaction was a little big, Lu Xing smiled lightly and said, "Ahem...Senior Xu Wanying, why are you so excited?"

Xu Wanying frowned, "You know me?"

Huang Xing nodded, "Don't you remember me?"

Xu Wanying was taken aback, looked at Huang Chen for a while, and finally remembered who this boy was, her brows immediately frowned even tighter.

Huang Chen smiled wryly, and said: "Actually, I've been wanting to explain to you, I really lost my glasses last time, and I don't know that the glasses you girls mentioned are not the kind of glasses I wear."

Seeing Chen Ken that Huang Chen said, Xu Wanying secretly believed his explanation, but she was still very angry at what Huang Chen said just now, and frowned: "Got it! What did you mean just now?"

Huang Xing said with a smile: "I said that what you just read is wrong, don't believe it."

"What do you know?" Xu Wanying shook the book in her hand and said angrily, "This is a treasure handed down to us by our ancestors. Why do you deny it? Isn't it all thanks to Chinese medicine for thousands of years that the Chinese people have no Will two-thirds of the population die when a plague occurs? Ignorant people like you, who have learned a little bit of medical science, deny traditional Chinese medicine. It is simply too abominable! Hmph! The summer insects are silent!"

After Xu Wanying finished speaking, she put down the book angrily, turned around and walked away quickly, leaving Huang Xing with a beautiful back of her head.

Huang Xing rubbed his chin, and secretly smacked his lips, "This little girl took gunpowder today? When did you deny Chinese medicine? Brother, you are still a master of Chinese medicine!"

When Xu Wanying left, Lu Xing picked up the book that Xu Wanying was reading just now and flipped through it. He suddenly found that apart from the unreliable writing of "Shenmen Thirteen Stitches", other things were really well written. He flipped through the book. I checked the author's name and found it was Feng Zhiyuan. I couldn't help but smile dumbly. It turned out to be him. No wonder there are two brushes!

(End of this chapter)

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