Chapter 629 Go Try It
"That's really weird! Why did someone suggest banning it?" Qin Xiangqian asked.

"Don't be angry when you tell the reason, because they haven't reviewed it in China at all, and they haven't released any news in China. They have not contacted any TV station or website, so they just exported it." Qin Yushi said, "I think, It may be jealousy, or it may be that the authority has been challenged."

"Bullshit!" Qin Xiangqian said angrily, "Look at what kind of stuff the current film and television industry is full of? Isn't it all the result of the connivance of those bastards? Is it still authoritative? They have a fart authority! The final result of the discussion how?"

"The result hasn't come out yet..." Qin Yushi said, "but only one or two people suggested to ban it, and most people's opinions follow the rules. There is no process problem in the export of "The Fierce Tea", which is in line with cultural goods According to the export regulations, when they broadcast in China, they follow the domestic rules, what should be submitted for review, what should be passed, and if "The Fierce Tea" promotes positive energy, then extra care will be given."

Mr. Qin nodded in satisfaction, "That's pretty much the same! Now that the rules are set, you can't decide according to your personal likes and dislikes! I think the person who suggested to block it must be out of the right mind, and he may be trying to find a way for domestic TV stations or websites."

Mr. Qin's meaning is rather cryptic. To put it simply, there are domestic TV stations or websites that have already watched "The Fierce Tea", but they don't want to pay a high price, so they use the official to create obstacles for "The Fierce Tea", forcing them to pay less. price transfer of copyright.

Qin Yushi nodded, "Maybe, but they probably won't succeed."

Qin Xiangqian was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "The topic is getting too far... Yu Shi, what do you think of Huang Xing?"

"Hu Chen, although I have a lot of information, I still can't see through him."

"That's because the information is not enough..." Qin Xiangqian suddenly said with a smile, "Why don't you hang out with him more, so that you can get to know him better."

Just as Qin Yushi was about to answer, she suddenly felt that Qin Xiangqian's tone was wrong, and then guessed what he meant, she said in surprise: "Dad, are you kidding me? Huang Xing is at least ten years younger than me!"

"Some of the people chasing you in the capital are more than ten years younger than you, right?" Qin Xiangqian said, "I believe in my eyes, Huang Xing is a talent! A great talent! Yushi, if you don't hate him, for Qin Home, give it a try!"

"Dad!" Qin Yushi said a little depressed, "Could it be that you don't need my help anymore when your health recovers? Are you trying to drive me out of the house so soon?"

"I'm afraid I'll delay you!" Qin Xiangqian said, "You're not young anymore, you should have a home! I believe in my eyes, Huang Xing is definitely worthy of you! He is better than those ineffective things in the capital." Much stronger!"

Qin Yushi was silent. She also noticed that Huang Xing had a unique temperament, and it had something to do with something she had been hiding in her heart. Although Huang Xing had some flowers on his mouth, his eyes were always so clear. , She really doesn't dislike dating Huang Xing at all, not to mention, with Huang Chen's martial arts and unfathomable medical skills, coupled with his investment vision, if the Qin family can accept such a person, the benefits will be great!However, Qin Yushi faintly felt that Huang Xing was not that easy to get close to, and the Qin family might not be able to accept his heart.

After pondering for a while, Qin Yushi said, "Let me try."

"Yushi, I shouldn't force you on this matter, I just give you a suggestion..." Qin Xiangqian was silent for a while, and said, "You have paid too much for our family, and you should find a good home .”

"I see...Thank you Dad for your concern..." Qin Yushi said in a low voice.


For Qin Yushi, Huang Xing's impression is not bad, a ripe peach, a bite will definitely be full of honey juice, but he really didn't expect that Qin Xiangqian wanted to recruit him as his son-in-law. His old and unscrupulous master was deformed. The picture of seven flowery mistresses accompanying the master to fight the landlord was his relentless pursuit in this life.

In the afternoon, Huang Xing rented an Audi A6 from the car rental company, and went to Haidong Airport to pick up Zhou Yawen and the others at seven in the evening.

On the way to the airport, Huang Xing is still thinking about buying a car. He uses his car more and more now, so he has to buy a suitable one quickly. Apart from his own car, he also needs a bigger bus , used to pick up and drop off customers and crew members.

When he arrived at the airport and found out that the plane was half an hour late, Huang Xing sat down in a cafe near the airport pick-up hall, took out his mobile phone to surf the Internet and read the news, opened an app, and looked at the home page, Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, it turned out to be Cheng Linfeng's official account article.

Now on the Internet, Cheng Linfeng's articles about Maple Leaf Country have become very popular. Originally, going to see Aurora, a high-profile event, was more eye-catching, but in addition to visiting the cultural exchange exhibition, it happened to be broadcast in Maple Leaf Country. However, there are no TV dramas broadcast in China, and I also met the main personnel of the TV drama crew. This series of events, the travel notes made up, are absolutely overflowing.

According to Huang Xing's request, Cheng Linfeng studied a lot of psychology, and the words he wrote could often directly touch people's hearts.Under the publicity of his compelling and connotative words, "The Fierce Tea", a TV series that has become popular in Maple Leaf Country, has already whetted the appetite of domestic audiences.

After reading the high-quality chicken soup article written by Cheng Linfeng for a while, the plane from Maple Leaf Country finally landed, and Huang Xing picked up Zhou Yawen and the three at the pick-up port. Maple Leaf Country is very cold at this time, and the three of them brought a lot of Thick clothes, one big suitcase per person.

Seeing Huang Xing coming, He Yinger and Zhou Yawen all had warm smiles on their faces.

"Lu Chen..." Zhou Yawen smiled, "Actually, you don't need to pick us up."

"Yes, Brother Chen, don't bother." He Yinger echoed.

"Brother Chen..." Gao Jiahao also said, "I'm sorry to ask you to pick us up..."

Huang Chen laughed, "Why are you being polite? It's been a hard trip to Maple Leaf Country, everyone, let's go eat something first."

Huang Xing drove the car, and brought the three of them to a hotel called "Jinpinju". The dishes in this hotel are relatively light, which is suitable for those who are tired from traveling.

After ordering a few dishes, Huang Xing said with a smile: "I saw it from the Internet, the effect of this exhibition is good, you have worked hard."

"Hey, brother Chen, actually we didn't work hard at all! The MBC Group's hospitality is simply too good, the car picks up the car, and there is no need to worry about food and drink. You see, I have gained two catties!" He Yinger laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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