The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 641 The world is too small, you are too unlucky

Chapter 641 The world is too small, you are too unlucky
During the junior high school exam, Huang Xing was in charge of the journalism department's invigilator, and pointed out a wrong question to Dong Xue, allowing her to cross the [-]-point pass line.Dong Xue also left a phone call for Huang Xing.

"I left something...Come back and get it." Dong Xue's face was a little red, this was a lie, in fact, she had been waiting at the door, waiting for the girls surrounding Huang Chen to disperse before coming here.

"Oh... how did you do in the exam?" Huang Xing asked casually.

"Passing shouldn't be a problem...Ximen Chuuxue is kind enough this time, the questions are not so difficult." Dong Xue said.

"It's actually much easier than the midterm exam."

"Lu Xing, I've changed my number..." Dong Xue gave Huang Xing a small note in embarrassment, and said, "The phone number I gave you last time is no longer used."

"Oh..." Huang Xing took the small note, sighed inwardly, and posted another flower on it. This Dong Xue is a flower in the Department of Journalism, and I'm afraid my brother's peach blossom debt will not be exhausted.

The last time Dong Xue called Huang Xing, Huang Xing never called, that is to say, Dong Xue didn't know Huang Xing's phone number yet.This time Dong Xue took the initiative to send the number, and Huang Xing was too embarrassed to be indifferent, so he called Dong Xue once on the grounds of modifying the address book.

After getting a call from Huang Xing, Dong Xue had a happy smile on her face, said "I'll give you New Year's greetings!", then turned and left.

Appreciating her graceful back, Huang Xing couldn't help but twitch his mouth, these beautiful girls... Tsk tsk tsk... Brother should be a bit more beastly.

It was still early at this time, Huang Xing planned to check the car before going to Shen's house.Regarding buying a car, Huang Xing already has plans. He wants to get a new black Porsche Cayenne.That car is enough for him now, and the power of the 4 twin-turbocharged engine has no problem whether it is off-road or on urban roads.If there is a real car in the [-]S shop today, Huang Xing plans to buy it directly.

In fact, Huang Chen's favorite is Bentley's Bentayga, but in Haidong, Bentley is too niche, there is not even a 4S shop, so Huang Chen can only give up that choice.

When he arrived at the school gate, Huang Xing was about to hail a taxi, when he suddenly found two acquaintances standing under the shade of a tree next to him.

One is Xu Wanying, wearing a white shirt and jeans, with a ponytail, simple and pure.The other is Zhou Bin. He is dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and his hair is neatly done. There is a Lexus parked next to him with the door open. Zhou Bin held the door and said to Xu Wanying: "Yingying, don't be stubborn, my parents My uncle and aunt are waiting!"

"Zhou Bin! As I said, marriage is my own business, and they don't count!" Xu Wanying said, "If you want to eat with them, go eat with them yourself!"

Seeing that Xu Wanying was about to leave, Zhou Bin quickly grabbed her and said, "Yingying, don't be so self-willed! Last time I was too excited, I did something wrong, I apologize to you! You are angry with me, but I always give you Parents, please save face? They've all passed."

"Their past is their business!" Xu Wanying frowned, "Let me go, let go!"

Not long ago, Huang Xing used the thirteen needles of Shenmen to save Elder Qin from danger, and then Feng Zhiyuan took over and continued to take care of Elder Qin's body.However, with Huang Xing's previous treatment, Elder Qin's body recovered very quickly. Even without Feng Zhiyuan, Elder Qin's previous illness could recover by himself.

The reason why Feng Zhiyuan continued to take over was because of Feng Zhiyuan's reputation, and secondly, to conceal from the outside world the fact that Mr. Qin had turned the crisis into safety, so that the Qin family could investigate the person who used poison to assassinate Mr. Qin.

Therefore, in the eyes of the outside world, Elder Qin is still ill, and Feng Zhiyuan is still trying his best to treat Elder Qin. As for whether he can be cured, it's hard to say.In the past, when Feng Zhiyuan treated other people's diseases, at most two or three doses of medicine could cure the disease, and the longest time was half a month.But the treatment time for Mr. Qin has far exceeded the previous experience, so everyone has no hope that Feng Zhiyuan can cure Mr. Qin.

For the sake of confidentiality, Feng Zhiyuan did not tell Xu Wanying's parents about this matter, so in their view, the family is still facing a big crisis, and they need to marry Xu Wanying to Zhou Bin to protect themselves.

Today, the two agreed to have a meal together and get in touch with each other.Of course Xu Wanying didn't want to eat this meal, she hid in school and didn't even go home.

Having just finished the exam and couldn't go home, Xu Wanying wanted to go to the bookstore to relax, but she didn't expect to be stopped by Zhou Bin at the school gate.

Zhou Bin held Xu Wanying's hand tightly, and said with a smile: "Yingying, stop making trouble, it's useless to shout, who doesn't know that our two families are engaged? Even if someone hears it, they will only think that we are a couple. There's a quarrel between them."

"Shameless! Let go! You stinking bastard!"

"Get in the car, don't bark, it's useless..." Zhou Bin said as he pulled Xu Wanying into the car.

"Let go!" Xu Wanying struggled desperately, but couldn't bear Zhou Bin's strength, and was pulled into the car by him little by little.

At this time, Huang Xing had already walked over, his face was full of helplessness, the world was too small, why did he keep running into Zhou Bin recently?

Walking behind Zhou Bin, Huang Xing patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Zhou Bin, there is something I don't know whether to say or not, you are so unlucky..."

Zhou Bin turned his head and his body shook, "Lu Xing? How can I meet you everywhere?"

Huang Chen smiled, "So I said, you are out of luck! Let go! Be good!"

"You don't care!" Zhou Bin said angrily, "Yingying and I are engaged! Don't meddle in your own business! I haven't settled with you for what happened last time!"

"What happened last time?" Lu Xing smiled faintly, and glanced at Zhou Bin's hair, "Yes, your hair grows very fast! It seems a little too much, do you want me to give you a haircut?"

Zhou Bin was so frightened that he quickly let go of Xu Wanying, jumped aside, and gritted his teeth: "Lu Xing! Don't bully me too much! Our Zhou family is not easy to mess with!"

Huang Xing shrugged his shoulders, "Gao Xiaodong said the same thing before, but now he walks around when he sees me. Do you want to experience what Gao Xiaodong has experienced?"

"You..." Zhou Bin gritted his teeth secretly. After being repaired by Huang Xing last time, Zhou Bin wanted to take revenge, but thinking of Gao Xiaodong's embarrassment in Huang Xing's hands, he really couldn't think of any way for a while.The only thing he could think of was to give Huang Xing medicine, but he had to find a chance, so if he confronted Huang Xing face to face, the medicine would be useless at all.

Seeing that Huang Xing didn't intend to leave, Zhou Bin knew that there was no way to take Xu Wanying away today, he looked at Huang Xing fiercely, gritted his teeth and said: "Xing Huang, one day I will make you regret what you did today! "

(End of this chapter)

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