Chapter 666
Thirty years ago, in Haidong, Yang Zhong and Xiao Sanye were equally famous gangsters. The relationship between the two was not very good, but occasionally they could sit down and have a drink together.Later, for a business, the two started a competition. Although Yang Zhong used shady means, he was finally defeated by Mr. Xiao.Not only was he defeated in the business field, but those methods were also known by the officials. Yang Zhong became a model of the official fight against crime, but had no choice but to escape to Annan.

In a place like An Nanguo, if you have money, you can raise an armed force. Yang Zhong has developed fairly well in An Nanguo in recent years, but he always thought that it was Mr. Xiao who reported it to the authorities.The chief culprit for his departure is Mr. Xiao, so he has always wanted to take revenge.

Seeing that he and Mr. Xiao are not too young now, Yang Zhong didn't want to enter the soil with hatred. It so happened that at this time, Xiao Shan contacted him and asked him to help start the rebellion.

This was exactly the opportunity Yang Zhong dreamed of, so Yang Zhong not only fully cooperated with Xiao Shan in An Nanguo, but also came to Haidong specially before the incident started, intending to see the collapse of Mr. Xiao's foundation with his own eyes.

According to Xiao Shan's plan, the incident will be launched after the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, but before and after the Chinese New Year, all kinds of official inspections will be stepped up. Even if Yang Zhong and his group enter Huaxia, they will be targeted as unstable factors. It was difficult for them to do anything, so there was still some time before the launch, and Yang Zhong and his party had already sneaked into Huaxia.

Yang Zhong has not been to China for 30 years, and now that he has finally returned to his hometown, his mood has been very excited, and his face is always a little abnormally rosy.

Xiaoshan's rebellion was launched after the year, and Yang Zhong happened to be planning to spend a Spring Festival in China.Although this place was an abandoned warehouse, Yang Zhong had already asked Xiao Shan to tidy it up, and made a few rooms with a good environment, and some places even pasted a few Chinese New Year's "Fu" characters.

After calling Xiao Qiangwei, Xiao Shan said to Yang Zhong with a smile: "Mr. Yang, did you hear that after my father and I went to An Nanguo, only my sister stayed in Haidong alone. During this time, the official will also Strengthening security work, the company's personnel are also busy celebrating the New Year, and Red Rose is basically in a state of slack."

Yang Zhong sneered, "Very good! Your arrangement is very good! Xiao San is so foolish that he really wanted to hand over the red rose to a girl! You let such a good son like you not pass it on to a girl! , then everything about Red Rose will belong to outsiders?"

Xiao Shan gritted his teeth, and said: "Who knows what the old guy thinks? Although I am his adopted son, the old guy originally planned to let me marry Xiao Qiangwei, so that his Xiao family's things still belong to the Xiao family. But Xiao Qiangwei He is determined not to follow me, and the old guy doesn't know what medicine he took wrongly, and he no longer supports this matter! I also have to take action to get back my things!"

Yang Zhong smiled and said: "Xiao Shan, I think you are a good boy! After this incident, you have completely mastered the Red Rose Company, and the two of us can get close. I have a daughter who is eighteen years old this year." , I have time to introduce you to each other."

Xiao Shan's heart skipped a beat, obviously Yang Zhong planned to get married, this Yang Zhong is almost seventy, and has an eighteen-year-old daughter, this old boy is not willing to be lonely!

Girl, tsk tsk...that must be very tender...

Xiao Shan smiled slightly and said, "Thank you, Mr. Yang, for your attention! Three days later, I will go to Annan with that old man Xiao San. If you need anything here, just contact Mr. Gao."

Yang Zhong nodded, arched his hands towards Gao Dequan, and said with a smile: "Mr. Gao, I'm in trouble!"

Gao Dequan laughed, "I'm commensurate with Brother Xiaoshan, and his friends are my friends! Mr. Yang can talk to me if he needs anything. In the land of Haidong, it's easier for me to talk to Gao Dequan."

One of the key factors for Xiao Shan to launch the rebellion was Gao Dequan's financial support. Otherwise, Xiao Shan's personal financial resources would not be able to support such a large plan.

Gao Dequan and Xiao Shan can be regarded as congenial, Xiao Shan appreciates Gao Dequan's treachery, Gao Dequan appreciates Xiao Shan's ruthlessness, and the two have formed an alliance.The Gao family has been relatively low-key in Haidong recently, and it is also because Gao Dequan wants to fully support Xiaoshan.

Xiao Shan has already promised that after the event is completed, he will give out one-third of Red Rose's wealth to repay Gao Dequan's support. With this wealth, the Gao family will definitely be stronger. In Haidong, even surpassing the Shen family's limelight, this is what Gao Dequan is most looking forward to.

"Mr. Gao, Mr. Yang, when the time comes, Annan and Haidong will launch at the same time, and Haidong will ask you two!" Xiao Shan took out a photo from his arms, which was a frontal photo of Xiao Qiangwei, and he took the photo Handed it over to Yang Zhong, and said, "This is Xiao Qiangwei, when it's activated, don't hurt her, lock her up, and deal with it when I come back! As for the others, those who don't surrender, kill!"

Yang Zhong took the photo and smiled, "Don't worry! I will keep this beautiful lady for you."

Later, Xiao Shan told Yang Zhong about the recent situation in Haidong, and then left with Gao Dequan.

Sitting in Gao Dequan's car, Xiao Shan said: "Mr. Gao, this old boy Yang Zhong is an old fox, can you see it?"

Gao Dequan nodded, "Yes...he brought all the elites! He has a big heart!"

The corner of Xiao Shan's mouth twitched, "How big can it be? It's nothing more than eating all the red roses! Otherwise, why would he come to Haidong himself if he has nothing to do? Have you contacted the authorities?"

Gao Dequan smiled slightly, "Don't worry, when this old boy is proud, it is when he perishes! Although on the official side, Red Rose can be regarded as a key target for registration, but they are all legal citizens after all. Yang Zhongdong Red Rose, the official side will definitely not spare him! I will find the right time to release the news! But are alone in An Nanguo, you must be careful in everything!"

"Don't worry!" Xiao Shan said with a smile, "I've already made preparations over there. After the activation, Yang Zhong will take the blame. In the future, you and I will join forces and crush the Shen family. Haidong will be yours and mine!"

Gao Dequan laughed, "Brother Xiao, what I admire most is your ambition!"


After Gao Dequan and Xiao Shan left, Yang Zhong took out the photo of Xiao Qiangwei from his pocket, smacked his lips, threw it to Yang Dashan beside him, and said with a smile, "Son, look, this is Xiao Shan's younger sister."

(End of this chapter)

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