The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 683 The name is really good

Chapter 683 The name is really good

"Okay..." Shen Xiyan thought for a while, and then asked, "Now that information is so advanced, it's easy for others to find out the relationship between me and my dad. In fact, using my name and using my dad's name are not the same. Bar?"

"Well..." Huang Xing nodded, "You're right, it's easy to find out... In fact, my investment is not in the name of an individual, but in the name of an investment company. Otherwise, Shen Uncle's money is invested in my investment company so it won't be so conspicuous."

"That's a good idea!" Shen Kuohai said with a smile, "Xiao Lu, you have such a good eye for business, it would be better to invest in your company! How much do you plan to invest in the [-] million investment for the second part of "The Fierce Tea"?"

"My investment company will contribute 8000 million yuan, Rose Media will contribute 6000 million yuan, and MBC Group will contribute 6000 million yuan. The [-] million yuan will be invested in Veyron Films for the filming of the second part of Fierce Tea. Regarding internal sharing and risks The distribution has not yet been negotiated in detail, but it is basically following the usual routine..."

Huang Xing smiled, and then said: "Uncle Shen, Weilong Pictures was just established, basically the person who worked on the first film of Fierce Tea, and the major shareholder is my investment company."

After thinking about it for a while, Shen Kuohai knew that among the participants in the second part of Fierce Tea, Huang Xing still accounted for the largest part, and he would also earn the most in the future.After thinking about it, Shen Kuohai asked: "Xiao Lu, with your current financial resources, is it enough to shoot the second part of Fierce Tea?"

Huang Chen smiled, "Uncle Shen's eyes are as bright as a torch! It's almost there! The first part of Fierce Tea only sold an exclusive network broadcast right in China, and the TV station and surrounding copyrights are still reserved. The follow-up income supports the investment in the second part." That's enough... But Rose Media and MBC Group are good partners, if they participate, it will not only bring a lot of resources, but also make my funds more abundant."

"'re right..." Shen Kuohai smiled, "Rose Media is an emerging media company, and it's your copyright purchaser this time, so you should really bring them to play together. MBC Group's North American background is completely It can make the second part of "Fat Tea" have a place in the international market. With the reputation of the first part and such a powerful partner, it is estimated that the second part of "Fighting Tea" will be a big hit! I It seems a bit inappropriate to add it at this time..."

Huang Chen laughed, "Uncle Shen, what you said is wrong. For business, it's best for everyone to come together to make the cake bigger and make money together."

"Hahaha..." Shen Kuohai smiled and said, "Let's do it like this. I will let Xiyan represent me and invest in your investment company. Xiyan will only use her name, and she will not participate in the company's decision-making and operation. You see how?"

"Okay!" Huang Xing nodded, "Uncle Shen believes in me so much, I will definitely give you an excess return on your investment!"

"What is the registered capital of your investment company?" Shen Kuohai asked.

"The registered capital is 5000 million...but the paid-in money is not that much." Huang Xing said with a smile, "there are much fewer rules for registering this kind of company now, and now this company is actually me alone, using a name .It’s just that Weilong Pictures has to operate as a formal company, and the amount subscribed by shareholders must be actually subscribed.”

"Understood..." Shen Kuohai nodded and said with a smile, "Then you can see if this is okay, I will take out 5000 million and invest in your investment company, and take [-]% of the shares in the name of Xiyan."

Huang Xing was stunned for a moment, "Uncle Shen, your shareholding is too small."

Shen Kuohai waved his hand, "Ten percent is already a lot! What I value is your development. Your investment company is now 5000 million. I believe it will become more than a billion or even tens of millions in a few years. [-] million!"

Huang Xing was a little embarrassed by the praise. Although he had this confidence, it was still something that was reflected in the mirror after all, but Shen Kuohai's confidence seemed to be stronger than his own.What the hell... Shen Kuohai is too easy to trust people, right?Did he burn too much money?Why do you waste money at every turn?According to his messing around like this, how did his Shen Group grow to such a large size?But having said that, his vision is really good...

Huang Xing slandered a few words, thought for a while, and said: "How about this, 5000% is indeed too little, after all, Uncle Shen's 20.00 million is directly cashed out... just [-]%."

Shen Kuohai laughed, "Then I'll listen to you, Xiyan's shares count as 20.00%!"


"Although it's my share..." Shen Xiyan interrupted, "But I'm not responsible for specific matters! Especially all kinds of troublesome things!"

"Don't worry..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "There are only two people in this company including you as a new shareholder, so what can happen?"

Even though he said that, what Huang Xing was thinking in his heart was, hehe, hold on to this little girl first, and when something really needs her to work in the future, she can't shirk it even for her shares!
"Hmm..." Shen Xiyan had no doubts about him, and said with a smile: "Lu Xing, I found that you are quite cunning. If you invest in the name of the company, you yourself will not be so conspicuous. No one else will know that you invested... ...By the way, what's the name of your investment company?"

"Chen Xi invests..." Lu Chen laughed, "Lu Chen's Chen, Shen Xiyan's Xi."

"Ah?" Shen Xiyan stared, "Why do you use my name?"

"The name is not bad!" Shen Kuohai laughed loudly, "Chen Xi, this name is not bad!"

"Dad!" Shen Xiyan pouted, "That's not bad! He took it randomly! Why did you use my name!"

"It's not random..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "I named it with a naming software. This name is in perfect harmony with my birth date, and the five elements are balanced, so it looks good when written."

"It's really good!" Shen Kuohai said with a smile, "This name is pleasing to the ear! Chenxi Chenxi! Not bad! Xiao Lu, your company, with this name, will have great potential in the future!"

Of course Shen Kuohai knew that Huang Xing was talking nonsense, how did this kid know his own date of birth?The birthday on his ID card was filled out by himself!
However, Shen Kuohai decided that the name given to Huang Xing's company was either that there was something between Huang Xing and his daughter that he didn't know, and the two of them were acting in front of him together, or that Huang Xing liked his daughter in his heart , I was embarrassed to say... Anyway, Shen Kuohai felt very relieved no matter what it was. He and Master Huang Xing finally brought these two children together. The relationship between the two is getting better and better. Of course they are happy. See it!
(End of this chapter)

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