Chapter 687 Kill him
"Even if they don't have a deep relationship, I still have to say they have a very close relationship!" Gao Dequan smiled darkly, "Yang Zhong from Annan is here, and his goal is the Red Rose Company! Since Huang Xing knows the people from the Red Rose Company, then I Let Yang Zhong do more things..."

Gao Xiaodong couldn't help but his eyes lit up, "Dad, you mean to let Yang Zhong's gang of desperadoes kill Huang Xing?"

"Anyway, they're going to attack the Red Rose Company, so what's the point of killing one more person? Let's just say that kid Huang Chen is a master recruited by Red Rose, and he must kill the grass!" Gao Dequan laughed.

"Dad, you're so smart! You're amazing! Why didn't I think of that?" Gao Xiaodong couldn't help laughing, "Lu Xing already knew the people from Red Rose! Hahaha! This time, he just met them." Catch them all! Dad, you are worthy of being my dad!"

Gao Dequan laughed, "Boy, you should study hard! Just bear with it for a few days! When our big event is done, this Haidong will be our Gao family's world!"

Gao Xiaodong sighed, "Dad, I'm just a little worried. Huang Xing is always with Shen Xiyan. If something happens to that, I'll be in a big loss!"

"You should rest assured that the Shen family's tutoring is still very strict!" Gao Dequan said with a smile, "That girl Shen Xiyan is also a sensible person! Don't think she doesn't want to talk to you now, but after she really marries you , will definitely be a good wife and mother! Do you understand?"

Gao Xiaodong frowned, "What you call a good wife and mother is hiding from Shen Kuohai, and she is playing with another man!"

The women Gao Xiaodong came into contact with had looser belts. If he took a girl to grab dolls, he would definitely go to the hotel to grab some indescribable things after the event.So, he was really worried that his head would be green!

Gao Xiaodong pondered for a moment, then said: "Dad, you can't let Shen Xiyan act so wildly, why don't you call Shen Kuohai and ask him to call Shen Xiyan back immediately! Don't worry about Shen Xiyan, but that kid Liu Chen He is also Lianjiazi, I don't trust him!"

"Well... what you said makes sense..." Gao Dequan immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Shen Kuohai's number.

"Hey, Mr. Shen..." Gao Dequan said with a smile, "Xiyan hasn't gone back yet, has she?"

Shen Kuohai was obviously a little surprised by the phone call, and he said after a while: "Not yet... What's the matter with Mr. Gao?"

"On the way back with Xiaodong, I seemed to see Xiyan... She should have finished class long ago and was playing in the Phipsi Shopping Center!" Gao Dequan paused, then added, "And she is not a People, seem to be with that boy named Huang Xing."

"Mr. Gao, are you sure you saw Xiyan? In the Phipsi Shopping Center?"

"Yeah, otherwise, why would I call you?" Gao Dequan laughed, "It's not too early now, the outside is so chaotic, let's not let Xiyan play outside too late..."

"Yeah... I see... Thank you Mr. Gao for your kindness, I will call Xiyan..." Shen Kuohai directly interrupted Gao Dequan, and then hung up the phone.

Holding the mobile phone, Gao Dequan was stunned for a while, and then laughed loudly, "Interesting, interesting, Shen Kuohai lost his composure!"

"Dad, what's wrong with Shen Kuohai?"

"He hung up the phone without saying a few words, saying that he wanted to ask Shen Xiyan to go back!" Gao Dequan smiled, "Let Shen Kuohai discipline her daughter well, lest she enter our Gao's house in the future and ruin her Home style!"

"You mean, Shen Kuohai is very angry?"

"Well, it should be!"

"That's good..." Gao Xiaodong felt depressed when he thought about Shen Xiyan and Huang Chen going to grab the doll together, he let out a breath, and asked, "Dad, where are we going now? Go to Phipsi Is it a shopping center?"

"I'm not going..." Gao Dequan said, "Let's go back first, I'll think about how to talk to Yang Zhong and the others about this."


Without playing up the calculations of Dequan and his son, Huang Xing took Shen Xiyan to raid the claw machines in the three shopping malls. In order to store Miss Shen's booty, Huang Xing simply bought a travel backpack to carry on his back, which is now bulging that's it.

With Huang Chen pointing out some tricks from time to time, Shen Xiyan's skill in catching dolls has skyrocketed. Every time she makes a move, it will quickly attract a large number of onlookers, and in the end, Shen Xiyan is too embarrassed to catch it again.

She looked at the time and found that it was already ten o'clock, so she hurriedly said, "It's so late, hurry back!"

Huang Chen smiled slightly, "Don't, I'm planning to buy another backpack! This is where we are going! We won't go back until five or six backpacks are filled!"

"I hate it!" Shen Xiyan punched him, and said with a smile, "Stop being silly, go back! I have to tidy up after I get home!"

Huang Xing patted the bulging backpack behind him, and said with a smile, "Fortunately, I came here by car. If we take a taxi back here, people will think we are selling dolls. Let's go, go back."

The harvest was quite fruitful, and Shen Xiyan was in a good mood. She had a sweet smile all the way, which feasted Huang Chen's eyes. Although Shen Xiyan was beautiful without any dead ends, she became even more beautiful when she was happy.

After sending Shen Xiyan home, Huang Xing returned to the Red Star community. Hearing the non-stop "buzzing" sound of the server in the house, Huang Xing wanted to move to the villa in Ziyu Villa as soon as possible.However, villa decoration is a typical slow work and meticulous work, and Huang Xing didn't want to leave any hidden dangers because of rushing work, so he didn't urge Niu Qingyou either.

The New Year is approaching, and the festive atmosphere on the street is getting stronger and stronger, but Huang Xing has to be busy preparing gifts for Shen Xiyan. He Yinger opened a room and rolled the sheets, but basically stayed in the "studio" of Star City KTV.

It wasn't until the 29th of the new year that the gift for Shen Xiyan was finally ready. After Huang Xing packed all the parts, he used a big box that was two meters long, 1.5 meters wide, and 1.5 meters high. Down.In order to transport this thing, Huang Xing specially bought a small trailer that can be hung on the back of the car.

With Liu Dongyi's help, Huang Xing put the box on the trailer and hung it behind the Mercedes-Benz G65.

From the beginning of Huang Chen's busy work to the completion of the work now, Liu Dongyi didn't see what he was doing in a daze.

"Brother Chen...what the hell are you?" Liu Dongyi couldn't help asking, "Why can't I see it? I know the engine and fuel tank inside you, but the one you made is not It doesn't look like a car or a boat, what exactly is it?"

Huang Xing smiled slightly, "Come on, come over with your ears, I'll tell you..."

(End of this chapter)

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