The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 70 What's interesting is the process

Chapter 70 What's interesting is the process

The two looked at the car for a while, and then went to the cafeteria of the 4S shop to have a free meal. The types and taste of the food were similar to those in the school cafeteria, but the feeling of eating and drinking for free was very refreshing.

After leaving the 4S shop, Huang Xing patted the back seat of the bicycle, and said with a smile: "The BMW is also sitting, it's time to ride the bicycle, come on..."


On the way back, Huang Xing's car was riding fast, Cheng Yaqiu could only feel safer if he hugged Huang Xing's waist, she couldn't help protesting loudly: "Did you do it on purpose?"

"That's right! Hold on tighter, I'm going to speed up!" Huang Xing laughed.

Sensing that the speed was getting faster again, Cheng Yaqiu hugged him a little more helplessly, sticking his entire upper body to Huang Xing's back, "Don't go so fast, pay attention to safety!"

Feeling the softness and elasticity of his back, the corners of Huang Xing's mouth twitched slightly. He made great progress today!good!good!

After driving wildly for nearly half an hour, the sky had already darkened, the lights had just come on, and at the intersection of traffic on the street, the lights of the cars were like flowing musical notes.

Arriving at a small park by the river, Huang Xing stopped the car and said with a smile: "Let's sit in the park, and you can take a rest too."

The back seat of the bicycle is still very uncomfortable. Without Huang Xing's words, Cheng Yaqiu also wanted to come down for a rest, but when she was led by Huang Xing into the park, Cheng Yaqiu suddenly realized that the relationship between herself and him seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. She couldn't explain clearly, her pretty face was involuntarily stained with a layer of blush.

Huang Xing took Cheng Yaqiu's hand, sat on the recliner by the side of the road, put his arms around her shoulders, and said with a smile, "Sit down and have a rest."

Cheng Yaqiu was a little flustered, she didn't notice Huang Xing's movements for a while, and subconsciously put on a comfortable posture. When she realized it, Huang Xing's hands were caressing her face even more wantonly.

"Release quickly!" Cheng Yaqiu quickly sat up straight, bit her lips, "It will be troublesome for my colleagues to see!"

"It doesn't seem to matter, does it? At worst, let's say we are friends!"

"No!" Cheng Yaqiu said, "The school has regulations! Teachers can't have that kind of relationship with students! If it spreads out, I will be expelled!"

"Damn!" Huang Xing frowned, "It's all in college, why do you care so much? Besides, I'm already an adult!"

"It's useless for you to complain..." Cheng Yaqiu said, "So be honest with me! If I lose my job, I..."

Huang Xing smiled, "How are you? You have to rely on me to support you?"

Cheng Yaqiu smiled slightly, "Can you afford it?"

Huang Chen shrugged, "It's okay to be poor, but I can't bear to let a beautiful girlfriend like you suffer from poverty, so let's keep it a secret."

Cheng Yaqiu suddenly came back to her senses and realized that she had fallen into Huang Chen's language trap, so she quickly gave Huang Chen a punch, "I hate it! What is it! Who is the girlfriend now? Don't think about it! We are just ordinary friends !"

Huang Chen laughed, "Ordinary friends! That's not bad, at least they have improved, and if they improve, wouldn't they be girlfriends? In fact, it's exciting to be with friends secretly, isn't it?"

Cheng Yaqiu glanced at him angrily, "I don't think so! You should study hard now! By the way, you said that the welcome party was the best. How are you preparing? When will you show me?"

"It's in the secrecy stage now!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "Unless you ask me to kiss you, I'll act for you!"

"You have a good idea!" Cheng Yaqiu rolled his eyes at him, "Anyway, you can see it when the time comes. If you don't get the first place, then you have to cash in your bet!"

"Just wait and cook for me!"


The two chatted for a while, and Cheng Yaqiu took the initiative to ask to go back. Although being with Huang Xing was very relaxed and happy, it was already too late, and we should avoid suspicion.

Huang Xing also knows enough is enough. Today, he can clearly feel that Cheng Yaqiu's attitude towards him has changed. The time to recount the past is getting closer and closer, so Huang Xing is not in a hurry. This kind of close relationship between men and women The process is still very interesting and worth experiencing.

After sending Cheng Yaqiu home, Huang Xing went back to school, and the lights were almost turned off when he arrived at the dormitory.

"I said Brother Chen..." Jin Xin asked in confusion, "Why did you come back, we are about to call the police!"

Huang Xing smiled, "What police report?"

"We are worried that if you are going to be a tutor, they will be greedy for your masculinity, drug you and commit misdeeds...and then sell you to Southeast Asia." Jin Xin said with a face full of teasing.

"Fuck!" Huang Xing scolded, "Did you watch too many island movies? I'm going to buy a car this afternoon!"

"What?" Zhang Jianing asked in surprise, "I bought a car on the first day I became a tutor? Is the client a single parent? Just a rich woman?"

"Can your thoughts be less wretched?" Huang Xing raised his eyebrows, "I bought a bicycle! Grandma's, I'm too lazy to talk to you wretched bastards, I'll go take a shower."

Jin Xin and Zhang Jianing looked at each other, and at the same time let out a strange "quack" laugh.


When Huang Xing fell asleep, the beautiful policewoman Zhao Min was still working with the lights on in the office of the police station. She stared at the computer screen, frowning more and more tightly.

What was displayed on the screen was Huang Xing's relevant information. There didn't seem to be too many problems with this information. He was an orphan adopted by a foreign Chinese when he was a child, and an ordinary young man who returned to China to study in university when he grew up.

"It can't be that simple!" Zhao Min murmured in a low voice, "The aura he erupted when he did it is definitely beyond the scope of ordinary masters! Where did he come from? Such a person, coming to Haidong is just a trick. University? This is absolutely impossible..."

Suddenly, her cell phone rang, and it displayed an abnormally long number. Zhao Min quickly picked up the cell phone and pressed the answer button: "Hello, Captain, I'm Zhao Min!"

"Xiao Zhao, I read your recent work records, and you have performed well. You have basically achieved your training goals. You can return to the team!"

Zhao Min's face showed ecstasy, "Yes! Captain! I can go back and report anytime!"

Huang Xing's guess was right, Zhao Min was indeed a member of the [-] Internal Guard.In the last mission, because of her impatience, she caused some losses to the organization.In order for her to overcome her personality flaws, the higher authorities specially transferred her to a grassroots police position with very complicated tasks, in order to sharpen her temperament.And her performance here will also be collected into the [-] inner guards through special channels.

"No hurry, no hurry, next Wednesday, your identity must be kept secret, so try to be as complete as possible in the procedures, we need to make arrangements."

(End of this chapter)

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