Chapter 79
There are only eight dance rehearsals on Shen Xiyan's side, and now there are three less, and the small chorus doesn't even practice, and they all go to chat with Huang Xing, Shen Xiyan feels that her authority has been greatly challenged Why does Huang Xing always tear her down?

Shen Xiyan walked up to Huang Xing angrily, and asked, "Lu Xing! What's the matter with you? Are you here to rehearse or to cause trouble?"

"Xiyan..." Before Huang Chen could speak, Chen Yan stood up cautiously, and said with a smile, "Don't be angry, it's because I took a longer rest, I'm much better now, I'll go back to rehearse!"

Cheng Caixin also stood up, "I feel better after eating chocolate, let's continue practicing!"

"I'm fine too..." Li Jingjing said a little embarrassedly, "Actually, we were talking just now, and Huang Xing didn't speak!"

"That's right!" Meng Jiaojiao added, "Just now I spoke a little louder! I'll continue practicing chorus!"

All four girls went back to rehearsal honestly, Shen Xiyan's anger subsided a little, she glared at Huang Chen fiercely, "I tell you, don't make trouble anymore!"

Huang Xing secretly smiled bitterly, is this a weird brother?What a shame!He sighed, "I said Xiyan, or I won't come to rehearse in the future."


Shen Xiyan flatly rejected Huang Chen's request, "It's only a few days before the party, if you don't practice well, you will embarrass the class!"

The welcome party was Shen Xiyan's first major event since she became the monitor, and she didn't want to be tainted by Huang Xing's poor performance.

Huang Chen smiled, and said patiently: "Xiyan, to tell you the truth, this place is not suitable for my rehearsal. You also know that what I want to perform is magic, and magic requires tools, and there are none here. I I think it’s better for me to practice in private.”

Shen Xiyan thought for a while, and although she felt that what Huang Chen said was reasonable, emotionally, she didn't want to follow what Huang Chen wanted, so she said, "Then come here to rehearse after you get the tools ready!"

Huang Xing shook his head immediately, "No way! That's even worse!"

"Why can't it work?" Shen Xiyan put her waist in, her big beautiful eyes stared again.

"Miss, think about it carefully..." Huang Chen smiled wryly, "I'm performing magic tricks! I'm practicing here, and there are many people with mixed eyes. You all understand what's going on, and then pass it on to me. Isn't there no sense of mystery at the party?"

"We also have to rehearse, who will watch you? Let alone leak it to you!" Shen Xiyan said dissatisfied.

Huang Chen smiled faintly, "Melon Field Li Xia, Xi Yan! Don't we have a bet? Are you afraid that if I lose, I will blame you?"

"You..." Shen Xiyan frowned slightly, pointing at Lu Chen, "Are you so shameless?"

Huang Xing shook his head, "Of course not!"

"No!" The corner of Shen Xiyan's mouth twitched, "You are so shameless! Then practice by yourself! Let me tell you! If you really mess up your performance, you have to apologize to the whole class!"

"Okay!" Huang Xing smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand, "Deal, high five for a deal!"

Shen Xiyan hesitated for a moment, then stretched out her small hand to pat him.

"It smells so good!" Huang Xing deliberately put his hand under his nose to smell it, and said with a smile, "Then I'm leaving!"

"Deadly!" Shen Xiyan said angrily, "Hurry up! I don't want to see you!"

Huang Chen shrugged, and left the rehearsal room leisurely.

Seeing Huang Chen leave, Cheng Caixin tugged at Chen Yan, and said in a low voice: "What's going on? How did Xiyan drive Huang Chen away?"

Chen Yan shook her head, "I don't know, I'll ask later. Sigh... silk socks are for nothing!"

Cheng Caixin covered her mouth and smiled, "I didn't tell you just now, when you fell, there was a hole in your calf. When you were sitting just now, you happened to be facing Lu Chen. I don't know if he saw it."

"Ah?" Chen Yan looked down, and punched Cheng Caixin with a mournful face, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I was sitting next to Huang Xing. I was afraid that Huang Xing would see it when I told you, so I had no choice but to stop!" Cheng Caixin said with a smile, "Besides, I was thinking just now that you might have broken it on purpose. Because the one with the hole...isn't it more exciting?"

"...Fuck you!" Chen Yan covered her face, "Damn it! I will never buy silk socks from the Internet again, the quality is too bad!"

"Students..." Shen Xiyan coughed lightly, and said loudly, "The welcome party is very close, I hope everyone can hurry up and rehearse well! Try to win the honor of the best program! one is here now. It’s messed up, let’s continue rehearsing! By the way, if someone is hungry, I’ve brought chocolates, so don’t insist on an empty stomach, lest you pass out!”


After leaving the rehearsal room, Huang Xing had nothing to do. Shen Kuohai directly gave him three months' salary, which was 6 yuan. If he saved a little, it would be enough for a year.The financial problem has just been alleviated a bit, Huang Xing thinks that life can be improved, how about sitting in a bar, maybe meeting a lonely girl to chat with?
He was thinking about it, when suddenly his eyes lit up, a lace white shirt, a gray uniform skirt, and a pair of legs wrapped in flesh-colored silk stockings, the back is graceful and graceful, is it Cheng Yaqiu or who?

Huang Xing stroked his chin and muttered to himself, where is this girl going?This direction is not the direction of leaving school, is she going on a date this late at night?

Thinking of this, Huang Xing quickly took two steps, and greeted: "Ya Qiu!"

Cheng Yaqiu was startled, turned around to see that it was Huang Xing, and patted her chest, "Scared me, who did I think it was? Why are you hanging out outside if you don't go to rehearsal?"

"I'm playing magic, big sister!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "Wouldn't it be a shame to rehearse in public? How can I get on stage?"

Cheng Yaqiu covered her mouth and smiled, "Don't you trust your classmates?"

Huang Xing shrugged, "Although I trust them, there are monitors in the rehearsal room. I can't block the monitors, can I?"

"That's true..." Cheng Yaqiu said with a smile, "I just met you, so take me to the place where Meng Yunxiang and Zhang Li are dating."

"What are you doing there?"

"Familiarize yourself with the site so that you don't make a mistake when using it." Cheng Yaqiu smiled, "That place is very remote, and I haven't been there yet."

Huang Chen felt relieved, it turned out that she was not going on a date, with such an excellent man as brother by her side, how could she find another man?Huang Xing smiled slightly, grabbed Cheng Yaqiu's hand, "Go, I'll take you there!"

Cheng Yaqiu twitched a few times, but found that she couldn't get it out, she frowned slightly, "Don't do that! This is a school!"

"Anyway, there's no one around!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "You won't lose a piece of meat if you hold hands! Let's go..."

 Friends who want a dragon set in the dragon set building, don't worry, I will give it slowly, but non-mainstream names, such as Duan Jiba, Qin Shousheng, etc., have a very small chance of appearing.

  That's all for today's update, keep scrolling all kinds of requests, please click, please vote, please reward, please spread!Thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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