The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 823 Show You How To Make Money

Chapter 823 Show You How To Make Money
Seeing Huang Meijuan's eyes kept glancing at him, Huang Xing couldn't help but secretly amused, grandma's and brother's low-key are all despised by others, do you have to wear Armani when you go out?That's too vulgar!

"I love to hear Meijuan's words!" Wu Lei interrupted immediately, "Xiaoqiong, look at Meijuan, she found a rich boyfriend, and now she's living a happy life... By the way, I forgot to ask, Where does your friend make money?"

Wang Xiaoqiong frowned and said, "Wu Lei, Huang Chen..."

"I'm just a college student..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "I'm studying at Haidong University!"

"Oh!" Wu Lei was taken aback, "University student! The proud son of heaven! What major do you study?"

"Foreign language..." Huang Xing smiled.

"Not bad..." Wu Lei raised his chin and said, "Although I only have a vocational high school degree, our company needs highly educated talents... Xing Xun, after you graduate, you can come to our company for a try!"

"Wu Lei...Lu Chen..."

Before Wang Xiaoqiong finished speaking, Huang Xing squeezed her hand from below, and continued: "Mr. Wu, thank you first. After I graduate, I have the opportunity to cooperate!"

Wu Lei frowned slightly, the word "cooperation" made him very uncomfortable, he took a sip of beer, and said: "I have seen a lot of college graduates, and I feel that I am very capable, but in today's society, what is the value of mere ability Use? No money, no power, isn't it difficult to move an inch? You can't even find a girlfriend, Huang Xing, what do you think?"

Huang Chen smiled faintly, "Maybe, but Xiaoqiong is a good girl, she is not that kind of materialistic girl. Usually, she doesn't wear the clothes I give her, saying they are too expensive, and she is not used to them. More interesting Yes, she doesn’t let me wear too expensive clothes. It’s not an important occasion, even if it’s more than [-] yuan! I usually take the bus when I go out, and I rarely take taxis. If she didn’t work overtime today, I wouldn’t even drive our car come out."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Lei was stunned, and Wang Xiaoqiong was a little caught off guard, but she felt that Huang Xing kicked her from below, and immediately understood that it was Huang Xing trying to save face for her, so her expression became natural.

Huang Meijuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "I said Xiaoqiong, didn't you say that Huang Xing is not your boyfriend?"

Before Wang Xiaoqiong answered, Huang Chen said: "Xiaoqiong is embarrassed to say...she is afraid that others will say she is a sugar daddy..."



Except for Wu Lei and Huang Meijuan, the students next to her were stunned.Because no matter how you look at it, Huang Xing doesn't look like a rich man. Not to mention, he doesn't have a single valuable thing on his body, and he doesn't even have a watch on his wrist. After sitting for so long, he hasn't even taken out his mobile phone. It must be the kind of hundreds or thousands of yuan.Could he be a so-called rich man?How about pretending to be X?

Wu Lei pouted secretly, but still asked: "Lu Xing, I don't know where uncle got rich?"

In his opinion, since Huang Xing is in college, if he is rich, he should have a rich father.

Huang Xing smiled slightly, "You don't think I'm a scum who depends on having a good daddy?"


Wu Lei's face immediately changed. Strictly speaking, he owed his success to his father. Although the company was handed over to him, he was actually responsible for less than one-third of the affairs, and the rest depended on him. His father insisted that even though he was a "scumbag", Wu Lei also had self-knowledge, and he really didn't have much ability.He gritted his teeth secretly, and asked, "Lu Xing, what did you say about big money? Could it be that you have some kind of career?"

Huang Chen smiled, "Do some part-time jobs while you're in school."

"Part-time job?" Wu Lei's expression was even weirder, what kind of part-time job can college students do?McDonald's cleaning tables?Express delivery?He smiled and asked, "I don't know how much the income can be? Is it convenient to disclose it?"

Huang Chen smiled faintly, "Sometimes ten or twenty thousand..."

"Oh..." Wu Lei laughed loudly, and said loudly on purpose, "Xing Xing is really amazing. He earns more than 1 yuan a month doing part-time jobs, which is really a lot of money! With an income of over [-], do you work part-time as a courier delivery?"

"I'm talking about one hour..." Huang Xing said lightly, "But sometimes there will be a little fluctuation, but at least it's like this. If it's counted by working hours, it's only eight hours a day..."

Ten thousand per hour, based on eight hours of work a day, is 240 per day, 3000 million per month, and nearly [-] million per year.

This number is actually Huang Xing's random nonsense, it is the approximate earning speed of the money he invested in the financial market, compared with his real wealth, it is really a drop in the bucket.

But to Wu Lei's ears, it was already very unbelievable. His family's company is not small, and the static profit after a year of hard work is only more than 1000 million, which is one-third of what Huang Xing said.

This arithmetic problem can basically be calculated by everyone present, earning 3000 million a year, this is definitely a big fortune, and he earned it by himself, this Huang Xing must be very capable.

However, there seems to be an irreconcilable contradiction between the 3000 million yuan and the less than 300 yuan costume on his body. Everyone put a question mark on the credibility of this matter.

Wang Xiaoqiong stomped on Huang Chen's feet from below, and asked him to blow it leisurely. Don't accidentally blow it up, it would be embarrassing.

Wu Lei frowned, and said, "Lu Xing, are you kidding me? What part-time job are you doing to make money so fast?"

"It's just stocks, futures or something..." Huang Xing said nonchalantly, "Does Dow Jones know? Nasdaq knows? Brent knows?"

"You mean stock trading?" Wu Lei said with a smile, "You can really be kidding, how can you make money if the Huaxia stock market is so bearish?"

Huang Chen smiled slightly and said, "Do you have 300 yuan?"


"Take it out, I'll show you how to make money, by the way, give me your phone number too." Huang Xing smiled.

"Here..." Wu Lei raised his eyebrows, took out 300 yuan, put it on the table, and reported his mobile phone number, "Could it be that you can still make money?"

Huang Xing put the money into his pocket with a smile, then took out his mobile phone and fiddled with it.

All eyes were on him, not knowing what he was doing.Could it be that if he took it out of his pocket again in a while, the three hundred would become six hundred.

Huang Xing didn't keep everyone waiting, and within 3 minutes, he stopped, asked the restaurant waiter for a piece of paper, wrote a few lines on it, handed the paper to Wu Lei, and said, "This is the URL , this is the account, and the password. I made an order for you just now, and your three hundred has now become six hundred..."

(End of this chapter)

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