Chapter 863 Bring This
"Hetian jade, this is it!" Tang Qiqi touched it and said in surprise, "Oh my god! The suet jade is of the first grade, and it's the same grade as the material that Huang Xing gave godfather last time!"

"It's really good..." Shen Xiyan said seriously, "It's so expensive!"

"Last time..." Tang Qiqi originally wanted to ask Lu Xing that since he had such good materials last time, why didn't he just carve them into bracelets and send them over? It would be a waste of words, so I didn't ask any more questions, and said instead, "Last time, Huang Xing said he picked up a leak, so I don't know where he got it from."

"Sometimes he's quite capable... let's go, let's go to dinner." Shen Xiyan said casually, put away the jade bracelet, picked up the phone, and deliberately transferred 2000 yuan to Huang Xing in front of Tang Qiqi past.

These two jade bracelets, let alone two thousand, I'm afraid they can't be bought for 20. In fact, they were given to Shen Xiyan by Huang Xing.Strictly speaking, this should be regarded as the second expensive gift that Shen Xiyan accepted from Huang Xing, or in other words, it was the first gift that looked like a gift. Although the "airplane" before was a gift, it was too much. Non-mainstream.

In addition to receiving gifts, she also went out with Huang Xing many times, and several times went out with Huang Xing alone.Shen Xiyan hasn't realized that she is really too special to Huang Xing.From childhood to adulthood, no boy can be like Huang Xing.But I don't know what's going on, but Shen Xiyan never thinks about the relationship between the two of them in terms of "like or not". She just thinks that although Huang Xing is annoying sometimes, he is also quite interesting sometimes. , and indeed quite talented, no wonder so many girls like him.


Huang Chen received 2000 yuan from Shen Xiyan, and couldn't help laughing, did this little girl really transfer money?But Huang Xing thought about it, he must be pretending for Tang Qiqi!Thinking of the two being so sneaky, like having an affair, Huang Xing also found it quite interesting.Speaking of which, Huang Xing can be said to have grown up amidst mountains of corpses and seas of blood. His thinking is different from ordinary people, and his attitude towards feelings is also different from ordinary people.He can actually see very clearly who feels what kind of feelings for him.

Just like Chen Yan and the others, Huang Xing naturally knows that they like him, but what they like is after the kind of wishing to live a life without separation.But Huang Xing is not a person who likes ordinary life, what he pursues is a stimulating, passionate and challenging life.As for Chen Yan and the others, it was impossible for them to accept this kind of life, no matter their personality or family.

Although Zhou Yawen came from an ordinary family, she had a pitiful background. Huang Xing's appearance was equivalent to saving her. No matter what happened in the future, no matter what her identity was, she would follow him.As for Xiao Qiangwei, who was born in the Jianghu, it was easier for her to accept Huang Xing's life.There are also He Yinger and Cheng Yaqiu, although they are also from ordinary families, but there is a very independent factor in their personalities, after falling in love with Huang Xing, they will not worry about anything else.Regarding these beauties, Huang Xing also understood their thoughts very clearly. They were willing to be by his side, and Huang Xing was also happy to see their success.

For Miss Shen, Huang Xing has always been getting along with the idea of ​​admiring beautiful women, but he never realized that he is too special to Shen Xiyan, especially when he sees Shen Xiyan He couldn't stop saying a few words to bully and bully her, and he was very satisfied to see Shen Xiyan being teased to show that light and angry expression. This is really not like the old Huang Chen. If people who are familiar with him know His jaw would have dropped for doing these childish things.

Huang Xing likes to tease Shen Xiyan, and although Shen Xiyan thinks he is hateful, she doesn't really hate him. The two of them often do some seemingly romantic things together, but from time to time, the needlepoint of Maimang does not like him. parted ways.If an emotional expert were to analyze it, they should have a good impression of each other.It's just that neither of them realized this kind of affection.It’s like kindergarten children who don’t know what love is. The way they express their affection for the opposite sex they like is usually to bully him. Inadvertently ran to the side of the little boy.

After receiving the text message from Shen Xiyan to transfer the money, Huang Xing sent a few more text messages to tease him. Just as he was about to return to the Red Star Community, Zhao Min called.

After pressing the answer button, Huang Xing asked, "Baby Kaidi...what's the matter?"

"Don't make trouble, let me tell you something serious, Wen Jianhu has heard back... meet us tonight at the Banshan Banlin Business Club."

"Banshan Banlin Business Club?" Huang Xing raised his eyebrows, "What is this place? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"A little-known the mountains in the southern suburbs."

"Is there a deal tonight?"

"I don't know... the news from Miscellaneous Hair Belt said that at six o'clock in the evening, at the Banshan Banlin Business Club, Brother Ha will be waiting for us there."

"It seems that Wen Jianhu is quite cautious. Where are you, let's meet first and get ready." Huang Xing said.

"I'm at the police station, come on, I'll wait for you in the office."

"You're out of your mind?" Huang Xing laughed, "What am I going to the police station for? Who knows if Wen Jianhu has arranged people near the police station? How about this, I'll book a hotel, and you can come over later."


"Yes, it's convenient for the hotel to talk... If the deal can be done today, our plan will be considered a preliminary success."

"OK then."


Huang Xing changed back to the Cayenne, bought some things, changed his appearance, and opened a double suite at Sears International Hotel, and then told Zhao Min the address.After waiting for more than half an hour, Zhao Min entered the room in a sexy dress, a thin gauze skirt and high boots, sexy and hot.

After closing the door, Huang Xing looked at the large area of ​​tenderness under her neck, and said with a smile: "Today is quite attractive! It seems that it is easy for women to turn bad!"

Zhao Min glared at him, "Don't think about messing around, I'm here for work! Is my makeup okay today?"

Huang Chen smiled, "That's right, it's better to make the eyeliner longer... You can fix it yourself later. Put this in your carry-on bag."

Seeing the packing box that Huang Xing handed over, Zhao Min couldn't help being stunned, and then said angrily, "Why pack this thing?"

"I guess Wen Jianhu let us stay overnight tonight, and take it with us for emergencies." With a smile on his face, Huang Xing shook the colorfully packed box in his hand. It said 12 packs, and there was also a picture of a posing girl.

(End of this chapter)

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