Chapter 878 Quarrel
"Clean up historical records regularly...Wu Hao also knows your habit, right?" Huang Xing asked teasingly.

Zhou Yawen nodded, "She... knows."

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "You were really calculated by others... It's okay if you clear it up, I'll restore it for you when I go back later, just find someone to fight back! Now Wu Hao is not herself, she represents It’s Bosze’s team. Now that we’re shooting at us, we can’t be polite! You are our pillar, if you dare to make a fuss about you, it’s a war against Weilong Pictures! If he wants to fight, we will fight !"

Seeing Huang Xing's full confidence, Zhou Yawen felt at ease.


When the two arrived at the KTV box, He Yinger, Gao Jiahao, Li Sijia and Mu Zherui had already arrived.

He Yinger is still dressed hotly, with a denim waistcoat and a denim short skirt, black silk stockings on her slender legs, and leather boots on her feet. She doesn't look like she's coming to a meeting, but like she's going to ride a horse.

The other three looked good, especially Li Sijia, who used some skin care products, and all the occasional freckles on her face disappeared.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, the set menu from the Japanese restaurant downstairs arrived. A variety of sushi, grilled eel and other iconic Japanese dishes were placed on the table, as well as several bottles of sake.

Waiting for He Yinger to pour wine for everyone, Huang Xing said: "It's been a while since everyone got together, let's gather everyone together today, let's summarize the work of the previous period, and then arrange the work for the future, and finally Let's go High again. Now... let's eat first!"

Japanese food is relatively simple to eat, even if it is seafood, there is no need for any troublesome operations. Everyone chats casually about the topic of life, and soon the food is full.

After the tableware was removed, a pot of hot chrysanthemum tea and some snacks were delivered from the KTV. Seeing that He Yinger was hesitant to speak, Huang Xing smiled and said, "Yinger, if you have something to say, just say it first." Bar."

He Yinger smiled "hehe" and said, "Brother Chen, it's Yawen's business, why not let her talk about it herself."

Zhou Yawen said a little embarrassedly: "Yinger, Huang Xing already knew about that."

Huang Chen smiled faintly, "Is it the matter between Yawen and Wu Hao? Yawen has already said it."

"Oh..." He Yinger nodded, and said unhappily, "Wu Hao is too much! Back then Brother Chen treated her with the utmost benevolence, how can he beat her back now!"

"That's right, Brother Chen!" Gao Jiahao said worriedly, "Their hype has affected Yawen's reputation. And it's not a good reputation."

"How could Wu Hao do such a thing!" Li Sijia said indignantly.

Mu Zherui sighed, and said, "This is called retribution."

Huang Chen smiled slightly, and said, "This matter is not difficult to solve, so don't worry about it. Yinger, have you contacted Wu Hao?"

He Yinger nodded, "I've contacted her! She pretended to be okay, saying that she didn't spread rumors at all, and gave me the original news... But the news is really nothing, but I think those messy news, She must have ordered it!"

"Do you have any news about Ye Feng?" Huang Xing asked suddenly, "I mean the news in the entertainment industry."

Several people looked at me and I looked at you, shaking their heads almost simultaneously.

"It doesn't seem to be..." He Yinger said, "The current entertainment news, apart from those few traffic stars, is about Wu Hao and Yawen. I really haven't seen Ye Feng."

"Is it the same as what Brother Chen said at the beginning..." Gao Jiahao said, "Ye Feng will be unknown in the future? Didn't he say that Ye Feng will be the leading actor in their new play?"

Huang Chen took a sip of the chrysanthemum tea, "I'm afraid I'm right, Bosi's food is ugly enough, he won't give him a chance at all...Forget it, let's not mention him, everyone has his own ambitions! Yawen's matter, You don’t need to worry, do what you need to do, you don’t need to worry about this matter! I’ll just handle this matter... Now "The Fierce Tea [-]" is about to enter the substantive stage, the selection of characters, props, lighting, modeling, etc. Full speed ahead! Yinger, let me tell you about the current progress, and see if there is anything that needs my assistance, please come forward.”

"Yeah!" He Yinger nodded repeatedly, and said, "Brother Chen, now Weilong Pictures..."


The so-called no coincidence is a book, in this KTV, in a small box on this floor, Ye Feng and Wu Hao are sitting on the sofa, relatively speechless.

The two were originally lovers, and they should hug each other and sit side by side in this small box, but at this moment, although they are sitting on the same sofa, they are facing each other at an angle of 45 degrees, and the closest distance is the two The distance between their knees is three fists apart, so the distance between their bodies is far, but judging from their expressions, the distance between their hearts may be farther than their bodies.

Wu Hao broke the silence and said: "Ye Feng, you don't need to talk anymore! Don't look for me alone in the future, I don't want any scandal to spread between us."

Ye Feng smiled bitterly, "Gossip? Isn't it natural for us to be together? How did it become a scandal?"

"That was in the past!" Wu Hao said, "It's not like you don't know my current identity! The publicity side is about to design an interaction with 'Fan Ge' for me! If there is any relationship between us at this time, I will Breach of contract!"

"Interaction? Breach of contract?" Ye Feng couldn't help snorting coldly. The so-called 'interaction' is actually to create a scandal about the person they are talking about. Generally, for this kind of scandal, the two will really mess around for the sake of truth. As for whether it will be established in the future For a long-term relationship, it depends on whether it is necessary.Ye Feng gritted his teeth and said, "What do you mean you have nothing to do with it, do you mean that you have nothing to do with it recently or will you have nothing to do with it in the future?"

Wu Hao's expression turned cold, "Ye Feng, don't force me!"

"Forced you?" Ye Feng took a deep breath, "Have I ever forced you? Wu Hao, do you think I don't know what you have done?"

"What do I do? Everything I do is work! It's all about a career!"

"For career?" Ye Feng said word by word, "On the 15th of last month, you went to Liqun Hotel, and you didn't return all night! No.[-], you went to Xingyue Club, and you didn't return all night! Last time On the third day of the month, you went to the Silver Moon Hotel, but you still haven’t returned all night! Did you really go out to socialize, or to talk about work?”

"Ye Feng!" Wu Hao was a little annoyed, "Originally you had the opportunity to go, but you gave it up yourself! You don't want to sign the contract!"

"I gave up by myself? Why did I give up?" Ye Feng said in a deep voice, "If I sign those contracts, what will I become? Tax evasion is still a minor crime! The more serious thing is money laundering! This is a felony!"

(End of this chapter)

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