Chapter 9 You are famous
The cute girl's mobile phone has already arrived in Huang Xing's hands, and he said seriously into the microphone: "Let me declare, I'm not a bad person! Just wait! I'll send your sister there!"

"Hey! Who are"

Huang Xing hung up the phone, handed the phone to the cute girl, and said with a smile: "Where is your sister, I'll take you there."

The cute girl blinked her eyes, thought for a while, and said, "Girl Xinshenglou, do you know?"

"Of course I know..." Huang Xing put away his phone, stepped on roller skating, and said, "Let's go! By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Shen Xiaoyao, what about you?" Shen Xiaoyao's eyes were focused on Huang Chen's skates, with envy on her face.

"My name is Lu Chen, Lu from the land, and Chen from the stars." As Lu Chen spoke, he slid slowly, while Shen Xiaoyao followed quickly.

The two went straight to the girls' dormitory area, and saw Shen Xiyan standing anxiously by the side of the road from a distance.

"Sister!" Shen Xiaoyao waved at Shen Xiyan and quickened her pace.

Huang Chen also followed, stopped firmly in front of Shen Xiyan, and said, "I sent your sister back."

Shen Xiyan ignored Lu Chen, but grabbed Shen Xiaoyao's hand and said, "Why did you come here so quietly? If Dad hadn't called me to ask me, I didn't know you were sneaking around You are looking for me! I heard that you arrived at the door two hours ago, what did you do?"

Shen Xiaoyao smiled embarrassedly, "I know you are in Xinsheng Building, I wanted to ask for directions, but I forgot when I saw this little brother playing games... Sister, you don't know, this little brother is good at pesticides Well...he has five consecutive..."

"All right, all right..." Shen Xiyan interrupted him, and said, "How many times have I told you at home, don't talk to strangers on the road, there are so many bad guys now..."

"Cough cough!" Lu Chen coughed heavily, "I said Miss Shen Xiyan, I brought your sister back, you not only didn't thank you, but also called a bad person every time, your family didn't teach you to be polite word?"

From childhood to adulthood, Shen Xiyan was really coaxed by her elders and hugged by outsiders. No one really said that to her face. A layer of frost immediately covered her beautiful face. Shen Xiyan snorted and said: "You use it The game seduces my sister, I haven't said that you have ulterior motives!"

Huang Chen couldn't help laughing, "Unpredictable intentions? I said that Missy, you have a really rich imagination. You shouldn't go to college, you should go to a third-rate film crew to be the director of a bloody TV series! A dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn't understand good people! I Let me tell you, you are so mean and unreasonable, compared to your sister, you are really far behind."

"" Shen Xiyan pointed at Lu Chen, but she didn't know how to fight back. How could she, a young lady, bicker, and her eyes were red with anxiety and anger.

"Sister..." Shen Xiaoyao tugged at her arm, and said crisply, "Lu Xing is really not a bad person! Really, you wronged him, you should thank him, he was playing games on the side of the road, I went to watch He's really good at fighting, I didn't lie to you..."

"Stop talking! Follow me!" Shen Xiyan stomped her feet vigorously, pulling Shen Xiaoyao to turn around and walk towards the dormitory.

Before the two had gone far, Huang Xing suddenly found people around him looking at him like a monster, he couldn't help but feel a little strange, he looked at his pants, but the zipper wasn't open, so he asked suspiciously: "What are you looking at me for?"

A boy gloated and said: "Student... you actually made Miss Shen cry, now you are famous..."

"She doesn't seem to be crying, does she? She didn't shed any tears..." Huang Xing scratched his hair unconsciously, and left with his skates amidst everyone's pointing fingers.

A few minutes later, in the ward of the school hospital, Gao Xiaodong, with a few band-aids on his face, answered a phone call, and yelled after hearing a few words, "What, someone bullied Yanyan, I killed him! What's his name? What? Huang Xing, a freshman? Got it!"

Although Gao Xiaodong passed out after being punched four times, his injuries were not serious. He just held his breath at the time, and he woke up as soon as he arrived at the gate of the school hospital.

He turned on the selfie function of his phone, looked at himself on the screen, and couldn't help cursing: "How can you go out like this? It's too bad for Yan Yan to see it! Grandma, wait until the evening, Get rid of this handsome bastard first, and then go to the kid at the newspaper office to settle the score! That kid is also a freshman, this year's freshman is really not good, everyone needs to be cleaned up!"


Gao Xiaodong continued to spend time in the hospital, while Huang Xing took back a stack of thick textbooks and returned to the dormitory. Students in the foreign language department of Haidong University generally have to learn three mainstream foreign languages. class, but that is only chosen in the second year of university.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one in the dormitory for the time being, Huang Xing took the girl who was not cheating to the meeting point again. He did the math, played a total of fifteen rounds, and then sent a message to his employer to ask him to pay.

Not long after, a text message on the mobile phone indicated that there was an extra 500 yuan on the bank card.Looking at the number on the bank card, Huang Xing sighed helplessly, "This amount of money is not enough at all! Do you want to refund the house? But... Isn't there a beautiful neighbor? If you refund it, you will be fine." What a pity!"

While thinking wildly, Jin Xin hurried in with two packs of food, and said, "Lu Xing, I just received a notice to go to the fifth classroom of No. 06 teaching building for a meeting at 30:[-] in the evening. Come, come, eat , it’s still hot! The cafeteria doesn’t open until tomorrow, so let’s make do with dinner.”

While talking, Jin Xin took out a braised chicken, half a roast duck, a bag of crispy fish, a bag of barbecued pork, and a bag of cold tripe. The staple food was hot steamed buns. of.

For a moment, the whole room was filled with fragrance, and Huang Xing also moved his index finger a little. He took the disposable chopsticks from Jin Xin and said with a smile: "There is something missing."


"Cold beer!" Huang Xing laughed, "How can such delicious food be without alcohol?"

"Haha... That's right, you wait for me to buy it!" Jin Xin laughed.

"Let me go, you buy me meat, and I buy you a drink!"

Huang Xing left the dormitory quickly, and soon came up with a dozen cold beers.

The two of them didn't even use glasses, and they blew directly into the bottle. Jin Xin is a good talker, and after two sips of wine, he began to talk about everything. time.

If Huang Xing hadn't glanced at his phone, God knows how long the two of them would be eating.

The two tidied up hastily, and rushed to the door of the classroom. They were already 5 minutes late.

The door of the classroom was closed, and Jin Xin leaned over to look through the crack of the door, and said in a low voice, "It seems to be calling names, I don't know if the two of us were called."

Huang Xing's ears moved, and suddenly he heard the word "Huang Chen" coming from inside, so he pushed the door in without thinking, and said loudly: "I'm here!"


The woman standing on the podium has big, wavy long hair, delicate gold-rimmed glasses, a slim blue uniform that sets off her graceful figure, and her straight legs are wrapped in shiny shredded meat. She is intellectual and charming. Who is not Cheng Yaqiu?
Cheng Yaqiu stared blankly at Huang Xing, her eyes darkened, and she almost fainted...

(End of this chapter)

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